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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query listening. Sort by date Show all posts

EFL, English as a foreign or second language

ESL (English as a second language), ESOL (English for speakers of other languages), and EFL (English as a foreign language) all refer to the use or study of English by speakers with different native languages. The precise usage, including the different use of the terms ESL and ESOL in different countries, is described below. These terms are most commonly used in relation to teaching and learning English, but they may also be used in relation to demographic information.
ELT (English language teaching) is a widely-used teacher-centred term, as in the English language teaching divisions of large publishing houses, ELT training, etc. The abbreviations TESL (teaching English as a second language), TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages) and TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) are also used.
Other terms used in this field include EAL (English as an additional language), EIL (English as an international language), ELF (English as a lingua franca), ESP (English for special purposes, or English for specific purposes), EAP (English for academic purposes). Some terms that refer to those who are learning English are ELL (English language learner), LEP (limited English proficiency) and CLD (culturally and linguistically diverse).

Speaking Ability through Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

Speaking Ability through Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)” ( PRE EXPERIMENTAL)

This chapter consists of background, problem statement, objective, significance, and scope of the research.
A. Background
Language is the most important form of human communication. Language is used to communicatewith others and it permits sharing of ideas and experiences. That is why millions of students want to learn English. They need to communicate with other people, especially with people from other countries but many students have learnt English for many years at school but they still cannot use that language in oral production or in other words, they cannot communicate well with the others by using English.
Communication takes oral, written, and gesture form. It must be acknowledged that the most oftenused in communication is oral form. In the classroom, it is not easy for the teachers to guide the students to speak English since the students are not expressing themselves to speak except if they get involved in anactive interaction. For some students learning to speak is obviously more difficult than learning to understand spoken language. One who wants to speak to others sometimes faces more troubles in producing his ideas, argument, or feeling communicatively, one sometimes can understand what others say but they are not able to communicate.

In teaching English for speaking skill, the English teacher must be creative to design many communication activities in the classroom that urge and motivate students to use the language actively and productively. For this, teachers have to be aware that the students are used to inhibit in the way of how many times and how much time they speak in the classroom. They merely pull it down because the frequency to speak is still limited. Students also do not know what to say and how they communicate their ideas to others. In addition, the situation and condition in the classroom are still less in normal active speaking situation. Domination will always go to the active students. That is why the teachers mostly focus on who is active. ?? ?????????????


Teaching English to Young Learners

 Teaching English to Young Learners

Definition of Teaching English to Young Learners   

 According to Brown (1980: 8), teaching is facilitating and guiding learning, setting conditions for learning, and enabling learners to learn. The above statement means making learning a guide for students and providing the facilities they need. It is like teaching them things they don't understand and giving a lot and building their knowledge. Teaching English to young learners or students in elementary school, according to Shin (2006), is very different from teaching adults as they, especially physical participation and have fun with movement. He adds that the student's more fun, the better they will remember the language learned. 

Download Contoh Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Download Contoh Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ulasan mengenai Download Contoh Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris, Contoh Judul Penelitian Bahasa Inggris, Maupun Contoh Judul Proposal Bahasa Inggris yang dapat kalian download dan dapat kalian jadikan acuan untuk membuat Proposal maupun Skripsi Bahasa Inggris:

Skripsi Bahasa Inggris - Analisis Makna Implisit Pada Novel Harry Potter And The Prisoner
The Use Of Mind Map In Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension (A Classroom Action Research At X-7 Sma Kartika Siliwangi I Bandung)
English Textbooks For Young Learners Used In Twenty-Five Primary Schools In Bandung Kulon
An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Of Dialogues In The Novel “Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince”
Code Switching In Cultural Adjustment Processes Among The Javanese
The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation Indexes And Their Achievement Scores In English Class (A Correlational Study Of Ninth Graders Of Smpn 1 Pacet, Cianjur)
An Analysis Of Slang Translation In The Subtitle Of “Airheads” Film
Analyzing The Translation Of English Metaphors Into Indonesian In A Novel Entitled Bridget Jones’s Diary By Helen Fielding


Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Curriculum Development

Based on insights gained from developing the curriculum for Language Preparation for Employment in the Health Sciences and a review of the literature on ESP, this paper is intended to offer theoretical support for ESL instructors developing ESP curricula for ESL contexts.
Background Information and Statement of Purpose

In late 1999, I was asked to develop a content-based curriculum for a ten-week course for a select group of immigrants living in Ottawa, Canada. The course was held at Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology and was funded by the Language for Employment Related Needs Project (LERN). The curriculum consisted of two distinct phases: language delivery and employment awareness. Although the employment awareness phase (independently developed and delivered by Local Agencies Serving Immigrants) was an integral component of the program, the focus of this paper is on insights gained from the language-delivery phase.
Dudley Evans and St. John (1998) identify five key roles for the ESP practitioner:

course designer and materials provider
It is the role of ESP practitioner as course designer and materials provider that this paper addresses. The premise of this paper is based on David Nunan's observations about the teacher as a curriculum developer.

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Company Profile THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE Probolinggo

THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE merupakan Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja dan Kursus Bahasa Inggris yang menyediakan program Bahasa inggris secara online maupun offline. Lembaga ini didirikan oleh Bapak Beny Hamdani, S.S.,S.Pd.,M.Pd, seorang dosen Bahasa Inggris. Lembaga ini telah terdaftar di Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (KEMKUMHAM) dengan nomer registrasi. Metode Pembelajaran yang aplikatif yang telah terbukti manjur ke berbagai siswa dan alumni THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE yang dipadukan dengan English Area. Kelebihan THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE yakni metode pembelajaran yang berkualitas, Pembawaan materi fun, Support English Area, , Tim English Tutor yang berkualitas, ikatan kekeluargaan,Conceptual mapping skills, Speaking Without Thinking, Confidence Booster and Critical Thinking.  Program pengembangan Bahasa inggris antara lain Basic Vocabulary, Academic Vocabulary, Advanced Vocabulary, English Grammar, Listening Comprehension, English Writing, Communicative Speaking, Tour Guide/English for Tourism, Translation and interpretation in English, TOEIC Preparation, TOEFL Preparation, IELTS Preparataion, Duolingo Test Preparation, Pearson test of English (PTE) Preparation, Business Correspondence, Job Interview Training, English for Public Speaking, English Field Trip, English Family Outbond, English For Young Learners, English for Broadcasting, Englsih for Specific Purposes, English Intensive Tutoring Program (EITE). Fasilitas kegiatan pembelajaran yakni Wifi, Ruangan Ber AC, Student Access Center, Ruang kelas yang nyaman dengan system “Technology-enhanced language learning, English environment, Trial class, Gratis konsultasi, Multimedia learning system, Jadwal kelas fleksibel, Free-T-Shirt, Modul, Boonote, certificate, Small Class Concept (max.10 siswa), interactive, engaging dan mentoring serta membership card THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE.

THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE memiliki konsep Tridharma Lembaga yakni Pengajaran, Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Pengajaran telah memiliki banyak program Bahasa inggris yang unggul. Di bagian Penelitian, adanya program Writing for Research Publication yang focus kepada kegiatan penulisan dan publikasi artikel ke jurnal terindek sinta maupun scopus. Serta di bidang pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, adanya program Teacher Professional Development across English Teacher in Probolinggo. Sistem pengelolaannya juga dilakukan dengan mengarah pada Management Progressive dan Professional. Semua English Trainers kursus bahasa Inggris THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE mempunyai pengalaman dan jam terbang yang tinggi serta kualifikasi dari Universitas ternama di Indonesia serta sangat cakap, friendly, professional dan kompeten untuk membantu proses belajar bahasa Inggris yang fun dan seru. Selama ini THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE telah mendapatkan beberapa penghargaan , yakni telah mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai lembaga kursus yang paling berkontribusi dalam pengembangan bahas ainggris di kabupaten probolinggo oleh dinas pendidikan kabupaten probolinggo. Selain itu telah di percaya oleh berbagai perusahaan untuk program In-company training, menyajikan program belajar bahas ainggris yang terstrujtur dan integrative, memadukan model belajar modern online dan offline, pengajar native speakers yang mengisi materi khas secara periodek, serta berbagai strategi dan tip untuk belajar Bahasa inggris dengan cara praktis untuk keluar dari kondisi mumet, stuck saat belajar Bahasa inggris dan teknik berbicara Bahasa inggris yang membuat percada diri. THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE memiliki kelebihan dalam metode dan teknik belajar Bahasa inggris antara lain lebih dari 500 english videos conversation class, English e-book, lebih dari 10 english songs pilihan, English software terbaru, elemen hypnosis yang membuat Bahasa inggris menjadi menarik dan teknik menaklukkan soal-soal TOEP, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS yang buat waktu ujian terasa sekejap.

Kedepan, THE BENY ENGLISH COLLEGE berkomitmen untuk tetap terus mengembangkan lembaga serta ikut serta dlaam mencerdaskan kehidupan anak bangsa dengan berbagai kerjasama (Mmemorandum of Understanding) dengan berbagai pihak antara lain: Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo, Universitas Nadhlatul Ulama Surabaya, Dinas Pendidikan Kab.Probolinggo, Komunitas Literasi Gerakan Peminatan Minat Baca Kabupaten Probolinggo, MGMP BAHASA INGGRIS di kabupaten probolinggo, Berbagai pondok pesantren di kabupaten Probolinggo.


For Further Information :

Office : Perumahan SUkokerto Land A2 Pajarakan Probolinggo

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WA     : 085746177711

Tindak Tutur Kesantunan Bentuk Imperatif di Situs Jejaring Sosial Facebook ( Kajian Pragmatik: Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo)

Tindak Tutur Kesantunan Bentuk Imperatif di Situs Jejaring Sosial Facebook ( Kajian Pragmatik: Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo)

Sunardi. S841008039. 2012. Tindak Tutur Kesantunan Bentuk Imperatif di Situs Jejaring Sosial Facebook ( Kajian Pragmatik: Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo). Komisi Pembimbing Pertama Prof. Dr. Herman J. Waluyo,M.Pd, Pembimbing Kedua Dr. Muhammad Rohmadi, M.Hum. Tesis: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

Ethos, Logos and Pathos

Ethos is the characteristic spirit of a culture,era,community,institution etc.,as manifested in its attitudes,aspirations,customs etc.;the character of an individual as represented by his or her values and beliefs;the prevalent tone of a literary work in this respect.
Pathos is a pathetic expression or utterance;a quality of speech,writing,events,persons etc.,which excites pity or sadness;the power of stirring tender or melancholy emotion;physical or mental suffering
logos is The Word of God,the second person of the Trinity;A pervading cosmic idea or spirit of creativity or rationality.

Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability through Role-Playing Technique

Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability through Role-Playing Technique
By: Chothibul Umam[1]

Berdasarkan observasi pendahuluan, penulis menemukan beberapa masalah terkait dengan aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Madrasah Aliyah Sunan Drajat Sugio-Lamongan. Masalah-masalah tersebut adalah rendahnya kemampuan berbicara siswa, rendahnya motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, dan penggunaan teknik yang monoton dan tidak tepat oleh guru. Oleh karena itu, peneliti termotivasi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan cara menerapkan teknik bermain peran dalam pengajaran ketrampilan berbicara.

A good book for English teacher and lecturer

Learning a new language should be fun, interactive and exciting. The use of games in a learning environment not only changes the dynamic of the class but also rejuvenates students and helps the brain to learn more effectively. The brain also consists of muscles. It needs to be worked out, tested and put into competitive situations. A teacher can create a more exciting learning environment by introducing games and activities.
Games allow students to work co-operatively, compete with each other, strategize, think in a different way, compare and share knowledge, learn from others, learn from mistakes, work in a less stressful and more productive environment, and allow people to have fun.

Isi Buku
+ 102 macam permainan dan aktivitas yang menarik, memotivasi, menggugah minat dan keberanian, serta merangsang kreativitas siswa sehingga bisa belajar secara efisien dan bersemangat; dan di sisi lain, membantu para pengajar untuk menciptakan suasana belajar yang kondusif, kompetitif, menarik (tidak membosankan), dan tidak membuat stres
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Tugas UTS 2021 Kelas Academic Writing Pak Faizal


Dear My students

This is the UTS Assignment from me. It simple but Challenging, I think.

The UTS Assignment:

Make 9-11 paragraphs of Research proposal essay in Microsoft word format along with your own opinion by the topic of the use of (method, strategy, technique) to improve students (listening/speaking/writing/reading) skills.
The 9-11 paragraph will be divided into four section: title, introduction , method and references (minimum 10 references).

On the section of  Introduction please mention: the background of research, the underlying theories and the purpose of the research whereas on the section of method please elaborate: the type of research, the method and data collection of the research and the subject or object of the research.  This link URL is the example of the 9-11 paragraph of the research proposal essay.

Submit your assignment before Sunday, November 7th 11.59 PM and submit it to your account in Google Classroom websites. Please find your G-Class room at

Within two weeks between October 25-28 and  November 1-4 there will be no group presentation of Academic Writing but please make focus on your making the best writing for your UTS Assignment.

 and these are useful tools and source to finish your assignment: 


2.   scientific academic phrase bank

3.   Paraphrasing and plagiarism check tools
5.   ACADEMIC WRITING: Cara Mengembangkan gagasan dan sekaligus me-mendeley-kan tulisan kita:


The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE

 The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE

Sigied Himawan Yudhanto, Faizal Risdianto


In this study, the researchers focus on the meaning of the DECADE album cover from They Fell From The Sky music band. This was chosen because the artwork used is quite attractive and has This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive method. The analysis was carried out using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes and the pragmatics theory of John Searle. This study aimed to determine the meaning contained in the cover design of the DECADE album. This research shows that between context signs and visible signs, there is a relationship where the two synergize in the title. The band, namely "They Fell From The Sky," by using a skull image that uses an astronaut costume in an iconic, denotative, and connotative symbolizing "death," a form of death because "falling from the sky" so the message to be conveyed is to publish the Decade album which for ten years or "a decade" like struggling until astronauts in outer space experience death as if falling from the sky. The Astronaut's skull artwork entitled in Indonesian "Binasa" ("Perish" in English) which is the basis of the DECADE album cover design, also strengthens this interpretation.

Daftar Referensi Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

Bagi anda semua yang sedakg mencari contoh judul skripsi bahasa inggris, dibawah ini saya berikan daftar judul skripsi bahasa inggris yang bisa anda jadian referensi atau acuan dalam membuat sebuah skripsi dalam bahasa inggris. Judul-judul ini saya ambil dari website jurnal milik Fakultas keguruan Universitas Lampung. Tentunya judul-judul skripsi yang ada disini berkaitan dengan dunia pendidikan dan pengajaran bahasa inggris.

Kumpulan referensi Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

How is English for Specific Purposes (ESP) different from English as a Second Language (ESL), also known as general English?

How is English for Specific Purposes (ESP) different from English as a Second Language (ESL), also known as general English?

The most important difference lies in the learners and their purposes for learning English. ESP students are usually adults who already have some acquaintance with English and are learning the language in order to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform particular job-related functions. An ESP program is therefore built on an assessment of purposes and needs and the functions for which English is required .

ESP concentrates more on language in context than on teaching grammar and language structures. It covers subjects varying from accounting or computer science to tourism and business management. The ESP focal point is that English is not taught as a subject separated from the students' real world (or wishes); instead, it is integrated into a subject matter area important to the learners.

However, ESL and ESP diverge not only in the nature of the learner, but also in the aim of instruction. In fact, as a general rule, while in ESL all four language skills; listening, reading, speaking, and writing, are stressed equally, in ESP it is a needs analysis that determines which language skills are most needed by the students, and the syllabus is designed accordingly. An ESP program, might, for example, emphasize the development of reading skills in students who are preparing for graduate work in business administration; or it might promote the development of spoken skills in students who are studying English in order to become tourist guides.

As a matter of fact, ESP combines subject matter and English language teaching. Such a combination is highly motivating because students are able to apply what they learn in their English classes to their main field of study, whether it be accounting, business management, economics, computer science or tourism. Being able to use the vocabulary and structures that they learn in a meaningful context reinforces what is taught and increases their motivation.

The students' abilities in their subject-matter fields, in turn, improve their ability to acquire English. Subject-matter knowledge gives them the context they need to understand the English of the classroom. In the ESP class, students are shown how the subject-matter content is expressed in English. The teacher can make the most of the students' knowledge of the subject matter, thus helping them learn English faster.

The term "specific" in ESP refers to the specific purpose for learning English. Students approach the study of English through a field that is already known and relevant to them. This means that they are able to use what they learn in the ESP classroom right away in their work and studies. The ESP approach enhances the relevance of what the students are learning and enables them to use the English they know to learn even more English, since their interest in their field will motivate them to interact with speakers and texts.

ESP assesses needs and integrates motivation, subject matter and content for the teaching of relevant skills.
The responsibility of the teacher

A teacher that already has experience in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), can exploit her background in language teaching. She should recognize the ways in which her teaching skills can be adapted for the teaching of English for Specific Purposes. Moreover, she will need to look for content specialists for help in designing appropriate lessons in the subject matter field she is teaching.

As an ESP teacher, you must play many roles. You may be asked to organize courses, to set learning objectives, to establish a positive learning environment in the classroom, and to evaluate student s progress.
Organizing Courses

You have to set learning goals and then transform them into an instructional program with the timing of activities. One of your main tasks will be selecting, designing and organizing course materials, supporting the students in their efforts, and providing them with feedback on their progress.
Setting Goals and Objectives

You arrange the conditions for learning in the classroom and set long-term goals and short-term objectives for students achievement. Your knowledge of students' potential is central in designing a syllabus with realistic goals that takes into account the students' concern in the learning situation.
Creating a Learning Environment

Your skills for communication and mediation create the classroom atmosphere. Students acquire language when they have opportunities to use the language in interaction with other speakers. Being their teacher, you may be the only English speaking person available to students, and although your time with any of them is limited, you can structure effective communication skills in the classroom. In order to do so, in your interactions with students try to listen carefully to what they are saying and give your understanding or misunderstanding back at them through your replies. Good language learners are also great risk-takers , since they must make many errors in order to succeed: however, in ESP classes, they are handicapped because they are unable to use their native language competence to present themselves as well-informed adults. That s why the teacher should create an atmosphere in the language classroom which supports the students. Learners must be self-confident in order to communicate, and you have the responsibility to help build the learner's confidence.
Evaluating Students

The teacher is a resource that helps students identify their language learning problems and find solutions to them, find out the skills they need to focus on, and take responsibility for making choices which determine what and how to learn. You will serve as a source of information to the students about how they are progressing in their language learning.
The responsibility of the student

What is the role of the learner and what is the task he/she faces? The learners come to the ESP class with a specific interest for learning, subject matter knowledge, and well-built adult learning strategies. They are in charge of developing English language skills to reflect their native-language knowledge and skills.
Interest for Learning

People learn languages when they have opportunities to understand and work with language in a context that they comprehend and find interesting. In this view, ESP is a powerful means for such opportunities. Students will acquire English as they work with materials which they find interesting and relevant and which they can use in their professional work or further studies. The more learners pay attention to the meaning of the language they hear or read, the more they are successful; the more they have to focus on the linguistic input or isolated language structures, the less they are motivated to attend their classes.

The ESP student is particularly well disposed to focus on meaning in the subject-matter field. In ESP, English should be presented not as a subject to be learned in isolation from real use, nor as a mechanical skill or habit to be developed. On the contrary, English should be presented in authentic contexts to make the learners acquainted with the particular ways in which the language is used in functions that they will need to perform in their fields of specialty or jobs.
Subject-Content Knowledge

Learners in the ESP classes are generally aware of the purposes for which they will need to use English. Having already oriented their education toward a specific field, they see their English training as complementing this orientation. Knowledge of the subject area enables the students to identify a real context for the vocabulary and structures of the ESP classroom. In such way, the learners can take advantage of what they already know about the subject matter to learn English.
Learning Strategies

Adults must work harder than children in order to learn a new language, but the learning skills they bring to the task permit them to learn faster and more efficiently. The skills they have already developed in using their native languages will make learning English easier. Although you will be working with students whose English will probably be quite limited, the language learning abilities of the adult in the ESP classroom are potentially immense. Educated adults are continually learning new language behaviour in their native languages, since language learning continues naturally throughout our lives. They are constantly expanding vocabulary, becoming more fluent in their fields, and adjusting their linguistic behaviour to new situations or new roles. ESP students can exploit these innate competencies in learning English.

Copyright © 2005 Lorenzo Fiorito. This article is for educational purposes only. It may be freely redistributed in its entirety provided that this copyright notice is not removed.

About the author:
Lorenzo Fiorito is a Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Naples and European projects manager for Aries Formazione.

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IMPROVING STUDENTS WRITING SKILL THROUGH TEXTLESS COMICS (A CAR of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Qaryah Thayyibah Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2013/2014).

ABSTRACT Eni Rahmawati

IMPROVING STUDENTS WRITING SKILL THROUGH TEXTLESS COMICS (A CAR of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Qaryah Thayyibah Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2013/2014).

Graduating Paper. English Department of Educational Faculty. STAIN Salatiga. Counselor: Ruwandi, MA. 

This study is a classroom action research. The general objective of this study is improving students writing skill through textless comic, while the specific objectives of this research are (1) to find out whether or not textless comic can improve students writing skill in the eighth grade of SMP Qaryah Thayyibah Salatiga in the academic year 2013/2014, (2) to find out the effectiveness of using textless comic as a media to improve students writing skill, (3) to find out the strengths of the use of textless comic as a media in the teaching and learning process in improving students writing skill of the eighth grade of SMP Qaryah Thayyibah. This classroom action research was conducted at SMP Qaryah Thayyibah Salatiga. The procedure of the research consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data were collected from achievement test and observation. The observation during the process of English teaching and learning was conducted with the help from collaborator. In this research, the writer acted as the practitioner. The tests were in the form of pre-test and post-test conducted in cycle 1 and cycle 2. The research resulted: (1) Using textless comic as a media can improve students writing skill, it is proved with the students improvement score of the tests because mean of post-test in cycle 1 is higher than mean of pretest (66.73>59.33) and the mean of post-test in cycle 2 is higher than mean of pretest (75.53>69.46), (2) The effectiveness of using textless comic in improving students writing skill is proved from the result of t-test and t-table in cycle 1 (7.17>2.14) which the score of t-test was higher than the score of t-table and the result of t-test and t-table in cycle 2 (8.75>2.14) also showed that the score of t- test was higher than the score of t-table, (3) The theory of the strengths of textless comic as a teaching media by Hillman is proved when the result of the observation sheets is mostly good when it applied in cycle 1 and mostly excellent when it applied in cycle 2. 

Key Word: improving writing skill, textless comic 

13 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research English in Indonesia becomes the first foreign language which has to be taught in schools as a compulsory subject. English is taught in Junior High School from first year to the third year, and one of its goals is to develop oral and written communication competence in the four language skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. The four basic competences especially in writing has the benefit to train the students to show their idea to other people logically. Writing can help the learners express themselves. If the learners do not involve their skill of writing in the communication, they cut themselves off from a community. Writing can be a great tool to help them know more about what the way they think. It can solidify ideas and thoughts and allow them to reflect on them better than if the ideas remained evolving in their head. Writing is one of the ways that can be used to translate someone s thought for other people. Some people are better at expressing themselves in writing than any other. Writing is both social and cognitive process. In real community outside the classroom, the learners write to communicate with the audience, drawing on their knowledge of contents and writing, strategies for planning and revising and basic writing skill. Furthermore, writing assists the learners 1

14 to combine their knowledge of language with other language tasks as well. It helps them learn how to form language, how to spell, and how to put together a plot. Then the learners will learn how to make a logical argument, or how to persuade, mainly through writing. By writing people are able to express ideas, feeling and opinion and able to communicate with other people. In addition, most of important official documents such as laws, formal regulations, treaties, guaranties, contracts and so forth are made in the written form. In daily life, people get announcement, advertisements, letters, information, even warning in the form of writing. At school, there are a lot of writing works such as take a note, make lists, complete laboratory reports and compose any kinds of texts and others. People are consciously or unconsciously engage a lot in writing. In short, writing is a very important skill that should be learned by the students. It covers two significant benefits, for the purpose of communication and learning. Writing requires knowledge and focus thought. In order to write, learners must have something to express in the written form. Therefore, learners must acquire and present content (fact, generalization and concept) when they write a type of the short essay. Writing is inherently an integrative process, combining the total intellectual capacities of the writer. So, practically, to be able to write a type of short essay in form of narrative text the learners should be able to integrate their knowledge of language, the 2

15 correct grammar and spelling applied in writing process, generate and organize their ideas, and their understanding of the fact given to them. On the other hand, the fact in class showed that the students had problems with their writing skill and difficulties to generate and organize their ideas in the written-form. It can be identified by several indicators in the class related with their writing skill such as; 1. Most of the students face difficulties in starting make compositions. 2. Some of the students get difficulties in expressing ideas even lack of idea. 3. The students are not able to organize the ideas logically. 4. The students are not capable to develop readable paragraphs. From the pre-research, the writer found that the students, whose their daily score taken by their English teacher, who got mark in writing more than 71 were only 3 students. Those who got between 61 and 70 were 6 students, and the other students got less than 60 from totally 15 students in that class. They don t show their writing competence well. They make some mistakes in grammar by using uncontrolled pattern. Almost 75% of them did not have well structure. They had low writing skill. In short, the students who reach the minimum passing grade of writing is less than 60%. It cannot be said as satisfying result. KKM is very important as it is due to now, every school must use School Unit Based Curriculum (KTSP: Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan). This curriculum has certain principle that each 3

16 school has to reach minimum passing grade (KKM) in every lesson, as well as in English lesson. In order to make writing more interesting, good media are needed. According to Munadi, to select the appropriate media, the teacher must consider the characteristics of the students, which directly related to the learning process such as verbal abilities, visual and audio perception skills. Other factors which also ought to be considered in media selection come from our instructional system model, that is, the organization of groups, the time available and the space in which the media will be used (Munadi, 2008: 255). Based on the fact above, the writer conducted a classroom action research to increase the students writing skill through textless comic books as teaching media. The writer hopes that by textless comic students will be active as participants and they have more chance to express their minds, ideas and imagination. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. This media is expected to help the students in generating ideas before writing so that they can write smoothly based on textless comic they got. Textless comic involve making a visual record of invention and inquiry. It helps writer think and explore about topic and its details from the pictures on the comic. The main aim using textless comic is to create fun atmosphere in teaching and learning process, so learners are interested in English especially in writing. To contribute new findings at different level 4

17 and grade of education, the researcher conduct a study in the form Classroom Action Research (CAR) about the use of concept texless comic to help the eighth grade of QaryahThayyibah high school students to generate ideas to write narrative text. B. Research Problems Based on the background and the problem identification, this study particularly aimed at finding the answers to the following questions: 1. Can textless comic improve students writing skill of the eighth grade students of SMPQaryahThayyibah? 2. How far is the effectiveness of using textless comic to improve students writing skill in the eighth grade of SMPQaryahThayyibah? 3. What are the strengths of using textless comic as a teaching media in improving students writing skill inthe eighth grade of SMPQaryahThayyibah? C. Objectives of the Research From this research the writer wants to achieve some objectives; the general objective and the specific ones. 1. General Objective The general objective is to describe the implementation of textless comic as a teaching media to improve students writing narrative text skill in the eighth grade of SMPQaryahThayyibah in the academic year of 2013/ The specific Objectives 5

18 The specific objectives or the research are: a. To identify the improvement of the students writing skill through textless comic for the eighth grade students of SMPQaryahTayyibahSalatiga in the academic year of 2013/2014 b. To find out the effectiveness of textless comic to improve the students writing skill of the eighth grade students of SMPQaryahTayyibahSalatiga in the academic year of 2013/2014 c. To find out the strengths of using textless comic as a media in teaching and learning writing in the eighth grade students of SMPQaryahTayyibahSalatiga in the academic year of 2013/2014 D. Previous Research A previous research has been conducted previously by Ferri Prastya Kristi entitled The Implementation Of Comic Strips As Media In Teaching Writing Narrative Text For The Tenth Graders Of Senior High School. It was a descriptive qualitative research. In her research, she focused on the implementation and students composition after implementing the comic strips as a media in teaching narrative. Other previous research has been conducted by Fika Megawati entitled Comic Strips:A Study On The Teaching Of Writing Narrative TextsTo Indonesian Efl Students. This action research focused on the investigation of the implementation of comic strips in teaching writing through a collaborative classroom action research at MAN Bangil. 6

19 Both of two previous researches concerned on the implementation of comic strips in teaching writing, while in this research the researcher would concern on the goals, they are students score improvement, find the effectiveness, and prove the strengths of textless comic by Hillman. E. Benefits of the Research By the thesis the author expects that this research would give several benefits, both theoretically and practically. 1. Theoretical Benefits a. To produce a new knowledge in teaching foreign language, like English, especially on writing narrative text by using texless comics as a teaching media. b. Becomes a reference for next researchers whether with the similar or different approach 2. Practical Benefits a. To the students, the result of the study will be helpful particularly students of the eighth grade in QaryahThayyibah Junior High School will become freshmen. Get an easy way in organizing their idea(s) or information(s) integrated in writing narrative text. b. To the English teachers, the output of the study will help them to seek more effective strategies on how to improve their teaching competencies and teaching styles (especially in teaching narrative text). Identifies students necessaries and problems and gives solution(s). 7

20 c. To the school, the output of the study will help achieve higher quality of education, because of the well-trained teachers and good performance of the students F. Limitation of the Research The writer limits this research because there are many factors that improve students writing skill. Therefore, the writer only focuses on writing skill in narrative text. In compiling paragraph, the writer uses textless comic as a media to support students to produce a narrative text. G. Definition of the Key Term 1. Improving writing skill Improving is the process of becoming or making to be better (Oxford university press, 2003: 216). In other dictionary we can find the word improve which means to make better in quality or to make more productive to become better (Webster, 1994: 487) Writing skill is specified into the skill in organizing ideas (Rohman, 2009:5). Writing is representing the information to the reader in written form. From the theories above, improving writing skill can be described as the process of becoming better in the quality of organizing ideas in the written form. 2. Textless comic Textless comic is pure comic or picture series that contains very minimal text (Hilman, 1995: 7). 8

21 H. Hypothesis The writer tries to determine the hypothesis of the research. The hypothesis of the research is textless comic will improve students writing skill I. Paper Organization In writing this research, the author divided into five chapters. The systematic organized as follows: Chapter 1 is introduction that consists of background or the research, research review, research problems, objective of the research, benefit of the research, limitation of the research and also research paper organization. Chapter II is the theoretical framework. It consists of the underlying theories that include the nature English language teaching and learning, nature of writing skill and textless comic. Chapter III is the methodology of the research. It elaborated the methodology of the research including research method, research schedule, data collecting, the technique of data analysis, and the last is school profiles. Chapter IV is the result and discussion of the research. It consists of data presentation, discussion, observation and reflection, data analysis, and research summary. Chapter V is closure that consists of conclusion, suggestions, and recommendation. For the attachment there are bibliography and appendix. 9

22 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW This chapter presents some points to be discussed. It is very important because theoretical view is as the basic concept to the research. The theoretical view below present some supporting theoretical description related to the research. The first discussion is the nature of English language teaching and learning, the second is the nature of writing skill. And the last discussion is textless comic. A. The Nature of Learning and Language Learning 1. The Nature of Learning Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of subject of a skill by study, experience or instruction (Brown, 2000: 7). According to Finocchiaro & Brumfit in Brown (2000: 45) language learning is learning structures, sounds or words in audio-lingual method. Therefore, language learning is learning to communicate in communicative language teaching. Learning process is process between learners with their environment. Therefore, there would be behavior interchange through better situation. The language acquisition and language teaching pointed through the one effort for developing and creating proper communication. The acquisition, basically, is a process of students knowing communication with their environment verbally. (O Malley, 10

23 1990:16-19). The students language acquisition is beyond their consciousness, means that their language acquisition is not always under consciousness. It reflected through language users. Moreover, the language acquisition has accidentally begun, secondly, the language acquisition has gradually beginning which rise from social motorist and paralinguistic cognitive (Freeman, et.all, 1991: 40-41). The other definitions of learning are stated by some expert. They define learning as; 1. Learning as a quantitative increase in knowledge. Learning is acquiring information (Amri, 2010:205) 2. Learning is shorting information that can be reproduced (Trianto, 2009:15-21) 3. Learning is acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and used as necessary (Trianto, 2009:15-21) 4. Learning is making sense or abstracting meaning. Learning involves relating parts of the subject matter to each other to the real world (Trianto, 2009:15-21) 5. Learning is comprehending the world by reinterpreting knowledge (Amri, 2010:205) From the explanation above, it can be concluded that language learning is a process of discovery. Learners develop ability to use the language for specific communication purposes. There is a concern with what happens when the learning takes place. In this way, learning could 11

24 be thought as a process by which behavior changes as a result of experience. 2. The Nature of Language Learning Language is viewed as a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols which permit all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or interact (Finocchario 1964:8). According to Thomson, language is a system of communication using sounds or symbols that enables us to express our feelings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences"). While learning is assumed to master, process of discovery the elements of language for a communication and interaction purpose. (Richard and Rodger, 1986: 49). Brown (2001:209) stated that learning a language can be effective when; a). Teachers and students enjoy positive relationship with one another. b). The teacher has a high level of competency in knowledge of language. c). The teacher is enthusiastic about the language and sees his/her own learning as ongoing. d). Language learning involves learning about the culture and leads to intercultural competence. c). The teacher demonstrate good classroom management skills. f). The teacher has the ability and willingness to adapt to the teaching context in which he/she finds him/herself. People need to learn language because they want to communicate with other. They want to be understood and also be able to understand others. This view is in accordance with Larsen and Freeman (2000:129) 12

25 who state that students are, above all, communicators. They are actively engaged in negotiating meaning, in trying to make them understood and understanding others, even if their knowledge is incomplete. From the perspective above, it can be concluded that language learning is a process of discovery. Learner develops ability to use the language for specific communication purposes. Teacher models language use and facilitate students development of language skills. In this learnercentered model, both students and teacher are active participants who share responsibility for the student s learning. 3. The Nature of Language Learning and Teaching Teaching is a complex process which can conceptualize in a number of different ways. Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Learning foreign language cannot be separated from teaching since the learner can only acquire the language through the certain environment such as school or course. Nathan Gage in Brown noted that to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be stood on their head so as to yield theories of teaching (1994:7). From the perspective above, it can be concluded that language teaching is a complex process which cannot be separated from learning. Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the condition for learning. Teaching is showing or helping 13

26 someone how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something providing with knowledge, causing to know or to understand. 4. Elements of Teaching and Learning Process According to Brown (2001:46), there are six elements of teaching and learning process, they are: 1. Teacher Teacher is a facilitator in students learning process. 2. Student Student is learner or someone who attends an educational institution 3. Material Material is what to learnt in learning process. 4. Medium Medium is any person, materials, equipment or events that establish the condition of the students acquire knowledge, skill and attitudes. Teaching medium is a tool used by teacher when teaching to help clarify the subject matter presented to students. 5. Method Method is the way in which a teacher chooses to explain or teach material to students so they can learn the material. 6. Evaluation Evaluation is a structured process of assessing the success of a project in meeting its goals and reflects on the lessons learned. 14

27 5. Elements of Good Teaching According to Richard Lee Colvin on his article, there are six elements of good teaching a) Physical Environment Good teaching is when teachers can use the physical environment as teaching tools. b) Social Environment Teachers can build good relationship with the students and provide support for learning. c) Instruction The teachers instruction must be easy to be captured by students. d) Content What is being taught is as important as how it is being taught. Whether it is challenging and meet state standard or not e) Assessment Teachers assess students progress based on the national standard. Teachers also adjust their teaching based on the result. f) Effect on Students What students have learned is the ultimate test of good teaching. 15

28 6. Aspects of Teaching English According to Brown (in Gista, 2012:15), teaching English emphasized on four aspects namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. 1. Listening Listening is the ability to hear what someone is saying and paying attention to their words and the meaning at the same time 2. Speaking Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information 3. Reading Reading is the process of translating the symbolic writing (letters) to constructs or derives meaning. 4. Writing Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols. The four aspects of teaching English should be reinforced equally (Brown, 2000:234). B. The Nature of Writing Skill 1. The Meaning of Writing Pardiyo stated that writing is a process of sharing information, message, or ideas in grammatically correct sentences. The information, 16

29 ideas, and message are wrapped in the form of text, which conventionally agreed by the language user community about some criteria with them. They are: (1) Purpose, (2) rhetorical structure, (3) linguistic realization or grammatical structures. (Pardiyono, 2000:2). In order that, the such ideas, information, or message can be transferred effectively, the writer should be aware of the context of situation and context of culture. Harmer (2007:13) mentioned that writing involve planning what we are going to write. First, drafting it. Then reviewing and editing what we have written and producing a final version. Many people have thought that this is linear process but a closer examination of how writers of all different kinds are involve in writing process. Suggest that we do all these thing again and again. Thus, we may plan, draft, re-plan, draft, edit, re-edit, re-plan, etc before we produce our version. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that writing is process of creating written text that obtains ideas, feelings, thoughts, and desires to other persons. 2. Criteria of Good Writing According to Harris (2001: 13) there are five criteria of good writing, they are: a. Content: writing must convey the main idea or an attentive reader should be able to grasps the writer purpose. 17

30 b. Form: writing should contain logical or associative connection and transition which clearly express the relationship of the idea described. c. Grammar: writing should adhere to the rules of grammar related to the tenses with sequence of time, the employment of grammatical form and synthetic pattern. d. Style: writing should engage its reader through original insight and precise. e. Mechanic: writing must use good spelling and punctuation. 3. Writing Skill In learning language, include English and other ones, the students have to require four language skills, such as reading, speaking, listening and writing which each skill connect one another. From all those skills, writing is the most difficult one. The reason is cultural differences. The writers have to understand about cultural and social context of using the language according to its background. In this case, English cultural context create several text, called as genre, which has their own characteristic and purpose. According to Ministry of National Education (2003:44), it is mentioned that standard of competence for writing skill is expressing the meaning by developing the right rhetorical in writing text as narration, explanation, discussion, commentary, and review with variation structures of modification. In writing a readable and logical text, students have to apply several strategies bellow: 18

31 1. Reading for many kinds of text. 2. Brainstorming to collect ideas. 3. Using semantic mapping to find out specific ideas in writing. 4. Viewing the ideas in writing from any directions. 5. Making the lists. 6. Correcting the result 7. Using vocabulary which found from any sources (Ministry of National Education, 2003: 53) Brown (2001: ) stated the process approach to writing instructions. The instructions are mentioned below: 1) Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product. 2) Help students write to understand their own composing process. 3) Help them to build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting. 4) Give students time to write and rewrite. 5) Place central importance on the process of revision. 6) Let students discover what they want to say as they write. 7) Give students feedback through the composing process (not just on the product) as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention. 8) Encourage feedback from both instructor and peers. 19

32 9) Include individual conferences between teacher and students during the process of composition. 10) In short, writing competences is the target of learning process of writing in making effective written text. The competence includes the ability to make grammatically and rhetorically structured text the appropriate communicative context. C. Textless Comic 1. Comic and Textless Comic A comic is a book (often shortened to simply comics and sometimes called comic paper or comic magazine) is a magazine or book of narrative artwork and (virtually always) dialog and descriptive prose. The style was introduced in Despite the term, comic book do not necessarily feature humorous subject-matter, in fact, it is serious and action-oriented. Since the introduction of the comic format in 1934 with the publication of Famous Funnies, the United State has been the leading producer, with only British comic and Japanese manga as close competitor in term of quantity of title. The majority of all comic books in both U.S and Japan are marketed to young adult readers, though they also produce titles for young children as well as adult audience. Comic typically appear in three or four square-shape cells, called panels. The panels are arranged in row and are red from left to right (right to left for Japanese manga). Comics are booklet-length comics that 20

33 are more stylized and tell a more involved story. They can be written in the same style as comic strips, but they also feature panels of different shapes and sizes and are read both horizontally and vertically. Most daily -newspaper comics are published in black and white and most comic books produced in color. Comic books are booklets that come in varying size, and are most often in color. The lengths of comic books allow them to tell more involved stories than comic strips can. The design of the panels can also differ from comic strips, which nearly always consist of three or four equally sized square panels per strip. In comic books, the number of panels on each page can differ, as can their size and shape. Sometimes one scene can occupy an entire page. Textless comic is pure comic or picture series that contains very minimal text (Hillman, 1995: 7). Textless comic connect visual literacy (learning to interpret images), cultural literacy (learning the characteristics and expectations of social groups) and literacy with print (learning to read and write language). Most children and young love comic because of their visual, attractive, humorous, and overall appeal (Hillman, 1995: 66). From this statement the researcher applied this textless comic media in the eighth grade of junior high school in her classroom action research. 2. Roles of Textless Comic 21

34 According to Hillman (1995: ) textless comic have some roles in the class, they are: a. Comics can motivate students and make them want to pay attention and take apart. b. Comics contribute to the context in which the language is being used. They bring the words into the classroom. c. Comics can be described in objective way or interpreted, or responded to subjectively. d. Comics can cue response to questions or substitution through controlled practice. e. Comics can stimulate and provide to be referred into conversation, discussion, the language they use and storytelling From the points above it can be concluded that textless comic is very useful in learning the English language. Teacher and learners are helped by using this media to achieve the learning goals. It can solve the problem faced by the students in the process of writing especially in writing narrative text and caused them concentrate more on the orderly arrangement of story by paying attention to the textless comic and the language they use. 22

Definition, Indicators, Factors, Types of Perception

Definition of Perception 

Perception is the way a person sees or interprets something. Hasnidar (2019) describes perception from the Latin percipio, known  as the corporation, as well as the classification and analysis of sensory data in order to represent and comprehend the environment. All perception involves the transmission of signals through the nervous system, which results from either chemical or physical activation of the  sensory system. For comparison purposes, vision is caused by  illumination reaching the eye's retina, tasting by odor molecules, and  listening by sound pressure, Goldstain (2009). Perception as a method  refers to placing massages or data in the human brain  (Masfufah, 2020). This indicates that perception occurs after people  pay attention to specific stimuli in their visual experiences. 

Indicators of Perception  

There are three kinds of perception indicators according to Robbin  (2003:124-130): 

1) Acceptance  

In the physiology stage, the process of acceptance or  reabsorption is an indicator of perception; it is about the feature of  the five senses in grasping external stimulus. This implies that the  individuals' information will be sucked up or accepted by the five  senses, which include sight, hearing, smell, and taste, individually  or collectively. 

2) Understanding 

It refers to the findings of an analysis that are subjective or  unique to each individual.  

3) Evaluation  

A stimulus from the outside that has been grasped by the  senses and then evaluated by individuals is referred to as  evaluation. This assessment is highly subjective. Each individual in  the environment will have different perceptions. One person rates a  stimulus as tricky and boring, while another person rates the same  stimulus as good and pleasant.

Factor of Perceptions 

Six factors significantly affect perception (Gibson,  2009: 98-101): 

1) Stereotyping is the method used to classify people or things using a  limited number of structures. 

2) Selectivity is the main factor why different people interpret things  differently. 

3) Self-Concept is intended to express how an individual thinks about  and perceives him or herself. 

4) Situations that include the student's previous experience can influence the way that he or she perceives, and also the situation here refers to time as well as the people around. 

5) Needs Individuals' perceptions can be highly influenced by their needs. As a result, students will learn what they would like to  understand. 

6) Emotions When students believe they will stand to gain from something, they are more likely to form a favorable opinion. d. Aspect of Perception  

Educational activity is divided into three aspects (Bloom, 1956): 1) Cognitive Aspects 

The cognitive domain objectives concern understanding recall or recognition, as well as the growth of intellectual skills and  competencies. This is the domain most crucial to many recent test 

project implementations. It is the domain where most program  development work has been done, and where the simplest  meanings of objectives can be discovered and phrased as  explanations of student behavior. 

2) Affective Aspects 

The affective domain is the second component. It includes  goals that describe shifts in interest, attitudes, and values, as well  as the innovation of recognition and appropriate adjustment. The  affective aspect is more about how the stimulus makes the person  feel, which means that the stimulus can be concerned or realized.  Also, the affective element is part of a person's state that has to do  with how they feel about something, and an inadequate evaluation  is always based on how someone feels. 

3) Conative Aspects 

The conative aspect is having an influence over how others  feel (Dennis et al., 2013). How a person's view of a situation  affects his motivation, attitude, behavior, or actions. It was further  explained that a person's beliefs and feelings largely influence that  person's attitude or behavior. 

Based on the above statement, several aspects usually occur based  on individual attitudes, impressions, and motivational activities or  behaviors that typically happen in learning activities.

Type of Perception 

Perceptions are classified into two types (Irwanto, 2002). They are  positive and negative perceptions, which will be explained in the  following description: 

1) Positive Perception 

Positive discernment is when all of the data is expressed positively. Furthermore, positive Perception is an accurate translation that implies people observing something around them.  If someone has positive recognition in this case, they will  recognize and support the reported question.. 

2) Negative Perception 

The negative perception is discernment expressing data negatively or dissatisfied with the question under consideration.  Furthermore, negative Perception refers to negative explanations that entice people to pass judgment on something around them. In  this case, if someone has a negative view, they will refuse and deny  any observed effort.