Daftar url Link semua Streaming TV Online Indonesia


Daftar url Link Streaming TV Online di Indonesia.

1. Link Streaming TransTv klik di sini. 

2. Link Streaming Trans7 klik di sini.

3. Link Streaming Net Tv klik di sini. 

4. Link Streaming Metro Tv klik di sini.

5. Link Streaming Tv One klik di sini.

6. Link Streaming Indosiar klik di sini.

7. Link Streaming SCTV klik di sini.

8. Link Streaming R-Tv klik di sini.

9. Link Streaming Global Tv klik di sini.

10. Link Streaming MNC Tv klik di sini.

11. Link Streaming Kompas Tv klik di sini.

12. Link Streaming iNews Tv klik di sini.

13. Link Streaming TVRI klik di sini.

14. Link Streaming tv Online Vidio klik di sini. 

15. Link Streaming tv Online UseeTV klik di sini.

16. Link Streaming RCTI klik di sini. 

17. Link Streaming tv Berita Satu klik di sini.

15. Link Streaming JakTV klik di sini.

16. Link Streaming JTV klik di sini

17. Link Streaming Bali TV klik di sini

18. Link Streaming Visionplus klik di sini.  

19. Link Streaming Online Television klik di sini.  

20. Link Streaming Mivo klik di sini

21. Link Streaming Mivo All Channel klik di sini.


List of IFFY /doubtful   SENTENCES

1 I’m sorry I’m not here.

2 Ring/call Mary, her husband used to be Malaysian.

3 She made me a father.

4 Shut up so I can hear you!

5 All my friends are priests but I don’t have any friends.

6 He made me a mother.

7 She’s got twin sisters who are a year older than she is.

8 Too much is not quite enough. 

9 Could I have a little less water in my coffee please?

10 He didn’t want to have his bath again.

11 The woman who has two studies always does her best work in the other one.

12 I am angry with him for having what I gave him.

13 Oh God, may I be alive when I die!

14 Well, the man’s broken all his legs

15 My toothbrush is pregnant again

16 When we want your opinion, we’ll give it  to you

17 These ideas have been asleep for several years now.

18 It’s going to be tomorrow soon.

19 I don’t want him to get into the water until he has learnt to swim.

20 Write down three things you don’t know about the other person.

21 I’ve lost my umbrella here and it isn’t even mine.

22 He knows everything and he’s not interested in anything else.

23 Britain’s roads are becoming less dangerous but more deadly

24 I forbid you to go out again if you don’t come back.

25 Death, be not proud because you shall die  soon

”Build your dream and your dream will build You”

The English learning site http://www.pakfaizal.com/

all collocation of the word knife

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

See:a knife in the back
an atmosphere that you could cut with a knife
at knifepoint
back in the knife drawer, Miss Sharp
before you can say "knife"
before you can say knife
bring a knife to a gunfight
cut like a knife
cut through (something) like a (hot) knife through butter
don't bring a knife to a gunfight
Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.
Don't dig your own grave with your knife and fork.
get (one's)/the knife into (someone)
get the knife into someone
get your knife into somebody
go under the knife
have (one's) knife in(to) (someone)
like a (hot) knife through butter
like a hot knife through butter
like a knife through butter
long knife
not the sharpest knife in the drawer
on a knife-edge
play a good knife and fork
pull a gun
pull a knife
pull a knife on (one)
put the knife in
put/stick the knife in
stick the knife in
turn the knife
turn/twist the knife
twist the knife
under the knife
you could cut (something) with a knife
you could cut it with a knife
you could cut the atmosphere with a knife

The inspiring idea of African UBUNTU


An anthropologist shows a game to tribal children in Africa. He put a basket full of fruit near the tree. Furthermore, he instructed the children that the child who runs first reaches the tree has the right to get a fruit basket. Nevertheless, as soon as the Anthropologist gave the signal: 'Begin...!' He was surprised because the children walked hand in hand without scrambling to get ahead of each other. 

When anthropologists ask: 'Why did you do that? Even though you have the opportunity to get a basket of fruit alone. Moreover, they replied: 'Ubuntu!... how can one of us be happy while the other friend is sad.' 

Ubuntu in their civilization means: 'I am we.' The tribe understands the secret of happiness, which is precisely lost or 'eliminated' in modern society, which is very individualistic and egocentric. Nevertheless, they consider themselves as the most civilized society.

List of mega journals

Mega journal

A mega journal (also mega-journal and megajournal) is a peer-reviewed academic open access journal designed to be much larger than a traditional journal by exercising low selectivity among accepted articles. It was pioneered by PLOS ONE.[1][2] This "very lucrative publishing model"[2] was soon emulated by other publishers.


A mega journal has the following defining characteristics:broad coverage of different subject areas;[1][2][3][4][5]
accepting articles for publication based on whether they are technically sound rather than selecting for perceived importance;[1][2][3][4][5][6] and
using article processing charges to cover the costs of publishing.[1][3][5]

Other less universal characteristics are"an accelerated review and publication process",[2] "fast turnaround time";[6]
"academic editors",[6] even "a large editorial board of academic editors",[5] (instead of professional editors); and
value-added services such as reusable graphics and data through Creative Commons licenses.[7]

Mega journals are also online-only, with no printed version, and are fully open access, in contrast to hybrid open access journals.[7] Some "predatory" open access publishers use the mega journal model.[1]

It has been suggested that the academic journal landscape might become dominated by a few mega journals in the future, at least in terms of total number of articles published.[8] Megajournals are also disrupting[clarification needed] the market of article processing charges.[9] Their business model may not motivate reviewers, who donate their time to "influence their field, gain exposure to the most current cutting edge research or list their service to a prestigious journal on their CVs."[10] Finally, they may no longer serve as "fora for the exchange ... among colleagues in a particular field or sub-field", as traditionally happened in scholarly journals.[11] To counter that indiscrimination, PLOS ONE, the prototypical megajournal, has started to "package relevant articles into subject-specific collections."[12]

Korelasi Makanan Halal dan Amal Shalih

Dear All Netters

Di era yang serba bebas, cenderung hedonis-materialistis ini seakan pembicaraan mengenai pentingnya memilih makanan yang jelas halal dan amal soleh menjadi absurd. ya terasa absurd karena bukan idealisme melaksanakan dan menegakkan hukum Allah dan Sunnah Nabi whenever and wherever tetapi cenderung menyerah kepada keadaan.

Terutama tinggal di luar negeri di tempat dimana orang Islam adalah minoritas dan yang tersedia di hotel, di pesawat, di rumah makan tidak ada kejelasan apakah makanan tersebut terutama yang berdaging telah disembelih secara Islam atau tidak. jika perlu "membutakan diri" ; "kalo hidup di luar negeri jangan tanya-tanya ini dan itu/kejelasan "kehalalan", nanti ngga bisa makan apa-apa".

Ok, mari kita kaji lagi satu ayat di Q.S al-mu'minun 51:

Wahai sekalian UtusanKu. makanlah dari yang halal dan beramallah yang shalih. Sesungguhnya Aku sangat mengetahui apa jua pun yang kamu kerjakan (amalkan).

Ayat di atas adalah pelajaran penting bahwa Rasul dan tentunya orang beriman yang menjadi ummatnya diharuskan memakan makanan yang halal dan beramal shalih. lho apa hubungannya antara "makanan halal" dan " beramal shalih"? satu konkrit,nyata,yang satunya "abstract,invisible".

Untuk menjawab ini ada satu hadits yang rasanya sangat pas menjelaskan ayat tersebut.silakan membaca hadits ke-10 dalam hadits arbai'in oleh imam nawawi .yang ini ya:

Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahuanhu dia berkata : Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi wasallam bersabda : Sesungguhnya Allah ta’ala itu baik, tidak menerima kecuali yang baik. Dan sesungguhnya Allah memerintahkan orang beriman sebagaimana dia memerintahkan para rasul-Nya dengan firmannya : Wahai Para Rasul makanlah yang baik-baik dan beramal shalihlah. Dan Dia berfirman : Wahai orang-orang yang beriman makanlah yang baik-baik dari apa yang Kami rizkikan kepada kalian. Kemudian beliau menyebutkan ada seseorang melakukan perjalan jauh dalam keadaan kumal dan berdebu. Dia memanjatkan kedua tangannya ke langit seraya berkata : Yaa Robbku, Ya Robbku, padahal makanannya haram, minumannya haram, pakaiannya haram dan kebutuhannya dipenuhi dari sesuatu yang haram, maka (jika begitu keadaannya) bagaimana doanya akan dikabulkan.

(Riwayat Muslim).

sangat miris rasanya membaca hadits di atas. bahwa seorang yang berbaju kumal dan berdebu ; dia memanjatkan doa dengan sungguh-sungguh: Yaa robbku, Ya Robbku...tetapi makanan, minuman, pakaian haram dan kebutuhannya dipenuhi dari sesuatu yang haram, bagaimana akan dikabulkan do'anya? makanya jika tinggal di luar negeri perlu kontak sodara muslim setempat untuk mendapatkan daging yang jelas kehalalan-nya atau seperti di Inggris yang ada rumah penyembelihan meski milik non-muslim tapi semua pekerjanya muslim dan the butcher-nya jelas muslim. nah, kalo yang saya sebut di atas ngga ada ya sudah jadi "vegetarian kepepet" aja. makan roti, buah dan sayur. malah lebih sehat gaya dan pola hidupnya :D

salam dari

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Calum Scott - You Are The Reason | Music Video, Song Lyrics and Karaoke (lyricstraining.com)


Pre-Experimental Research

 Pre-Experimental Research

Pre-experimental research or pre-experimental designs are research designs that have not been categorized as real experiments. This is because, in this design, no random sampling has been carried out, and sufficient control has not been carried out on confounding variables that can affect the dependent variable.

There are several types of pre-experimental research, including:

a. One-Shot Case Study

b. One Group Pretest-Posttest

c. Intact-Group Comparison.

The three pre-experimental designs used different methods, but each design was given treatment. The difference lies in the use of the pretest in the design (Yusuf, 2014).

Bagaimana saya harus menyusun Discussion dalam pola IMRAD?


Keluhan Umum yang khas  pada Editor, Reviewer jurnal dan juga dosen pembimbing Skripsi/thesis/Disertasi:

Bagian Discussion atau Pembahasan gagal mengaitkan temuan dan pengamatan dengan studi lain yang relevan, dan tampaknya tidak ada diskusi tentang implikasi dan keterbatasan temuan ini.

Hasil utama/Results atau Findings dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa P=Q. Namun, tidak ada penjelasan lengkap yang diberikan. Penulis hanya membatasi Pembahasan tentang P dengan melaporkan temuan sebelumnya yang sudah didokumentasikan dalam beberapa makalah. Saya menemukan Diskusi semacam ini terlalu spekulatif dan terbatas. Penulis mengklaim peningkatan efisiensi dan pengelolaan yang mudah. Namun, dia tidak memasukkan hasil percobaan yang menunjukkan seberapa cepat sistem baru akan bekerja (dalam hal kinerja) dibandingkan dengan metode tradisional. Jika penulis tidak memilih untuk menyertakan implementasi yang sebenarnya, cacat ini dapat ditunjukkan di bagian batasan/pekerjaan mendatang sebagai subbagian di bagian Pembahasan.

Bagaimana saya harus menyusun Diskusi?

Diskusi harus menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut, mungkin dalam urutan berikut. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat menggunakan jawaban untuk menyusun Diskusi Anda. Ini memberi Anda template yang relatif mudah diikuti.

1. Apakah data saya mendukung apa yang ingin saya tunjukkan di awal makalah?

2. Bagaimana temuan saya dibandingkan dengan temuan orang lain? Seberapa konsisten mereka?

3. Apa interpretasi pribadi saya atas temuan saya?

4. Apa kemungkinan interpretasi lain yang ada?

5. Apa keterbatasan studi saya? Faktor lain apa yang dapat memengaruhi temuan saya? Sudahkah saya melaporkan semua yang dapat membuat temuan saya tidak valid?

6. Apakah interpretasi mengungkapkan kemungkinan cacat (yaitu, cacat, kesalahan) dalam percobaan saya?

7. Apakah interpretasi saya menyumbangkan pemahaman baru tentang masalah yang telah saya selidiki? Dalam hal apa mereka menyarankan kekurangan, atau kemajuan, karya orang lain?

8. Validitas eksternal apa yang dimiliki temuan saya? Bagaimana temuan saya dapat digeneralisasikan ke area lain?

9. Apa kemungkinan implikasi atau penerapan temuan saya? Dukungan apa yang dapat saya berikan untuk implikasi seperti itu?

10. Penelitian lebih lanjut apa yang diperlukan untuk menjelaskan masalah yang diangkat oleh temuan saya? Apakah saya akan melakukan penelitian ini, atau apakah saya ingin membukanya untuk masyarakat?

Apa pun disiplin Anda, Anda harus menjawab semua pertanyaan di atas, kecuali pertanyaan 8 (temuan Anda mungkin hanya sangat awal).

Apakah Anda menjawab pertanyaan 8–10 bergantung pada apakah Anda memiliki bagian Kesimpulan yang terpisah; jika demikian, Kesimpulan mungkin lebih tepat. Mungkin masuk akal bagi Anda untuk mengatur Diskusi Anda mengikuti urutan yang sama seperti saat Anda mempresentasikan temuan Anda di bagian Hasil. Dalam hal ini, Anda mendiskusikan setiap survei, studi, atau eksperimen dan menafsirkannya dalam keseluruhan skenario masalah.

How to elaborate the Discussion section on IMRAD manuscript

Typical complaints of Referees

The Discussion fails to relate the findings and observations to other relevant studies, and there appears to be no discussion on the implications and limitations of these findings.

The main result of this study was that P=Q. However, no exhaustive explanations are given. The authors simply limit the Discussion on P by reporting previous findings already documented in several papers. I find this kind of Discussion too speculative and limited. The author claims improved efficiency and easy management. However, he did not include any experimental results showing how fast the new system would work (in terms of performance) compared to the traditional method. If the author does not choose to include the actual implementation, this defect can be pointed out in the limitation/future work section as a subsection in the Discussion section.

17.1 How should I structure the Discussion?

The Discussion should answer the following questions, possibly in the following order. You can thus use the answers to structure your Discussion. This gives you a relatively easy template to follow.

1. Do my data support what I set out to demonstrate at the beginning of the paper?

2. How do my findings compare with what others have found? How consistent are they?

3. What is my personal interpretation of my findings?

4. What other possible interpretations are there?

5. What are the limitations of my study? What other factors could have influenced my findings? Have I reported everything that could make my findings invalid?

6. Do any interpretations reveal a possible flaw (i.e., defect, error) in my experiment?

7. Do my interpretations contribute some new understanding of the problem I have investigated? In which case do they suggest a shortcoming in, or an advance on, the work of others?

8. What external validity do my findings have? How could my findings be generalized to other areas?

9. What possible implications or applications do my findings have? What support can I give for such implications?

10. What further research would be needed to explain the issues raised by my findings? Will I do this research, or do I want to open it to the community?

Whatever your discipline, you will need to answer all the questions above, except question 8 (your findings may only be very preliminary). 

Whether you answer questions 8–10 depends on whether you have a separate Conclusions section; if so, the Conclusions may be more appropriate. It may make sense for you to organize your Discussion following the same sequence as your present your findings in the Results section. In this case, you discuss each survey, study or experiment and interpret it within the overall scenario of the problem.


English for Writing Research Papers (tiramisutes.github.io)

English for Writing Research Papers by Adrian Wallwork (auth.) - PDF Drive