Pre-Experimental Research

 Pre-Experimental Research

Pre-experimental research or pre-experimental designs are research designs that have not been categorized as real experiments. This is because, in this design, no random sampling has been carried out, and sufficient control has not been carried out on confounding variables that can affect the dependent variable.

There are several types of pre-experimental research, including:

a. One-Shot Case Study

b. One Group Pretest-Posttest

c. Intact-Group Comparison.

The three pre-experimental designs used different methods, but each design was given treatment. The difference lies in the use of the pretest in the design (Yusuf, 2014).

A. One-Shot Case Study

The treatment is given to a group, so there is no control group as compared to the experimental group. The treatment is given, and then the results are observed by carrying out the posttest (the treatment is the independent variable, and the result is the dependent variable). The paradigm of this research can be described as below:

X 0

X is the treatment given or called the independent variable

0 is the observation or dependent variable


The effect of media-assisted contextual learning on motivation and learning outcomes. There are groups of students who use contextual learning assisted by media images. Then measured motivation and learning outcomes. The effect is measured by comparing motivation and learning outcomes before using media-assisted contextual learning. In this research, image-assisted contextual learning has a significant impact on learning motivation, indicated by a t-count of 28.648, which is greater than the t-table of 2.201. Learning motivation is also significantly affected, indicated by a t-count value of 29.413, which is greater than the t-table of 2.201 (Sugiartini, 2015).

B. One Group Pretest-Posttest

The previous researcher gave a pretest to the group that would be given the treatment. Then the researcher did the treatment or treatment. After finishing the treatment, the researcher gave a posttest. The magnitude of the effect of the treatment can be known more accurately by comparing the pretest results with the posttest. To make it easier to understand the paradigm of this research can be seen in the image below:

O1 X O2


O1 = pretest value

O2 = posttest value


The Effect of Applying Inquiry Learning Models on Understanding Mathematical Concepts. In this study there was a pretest before being given treatment. The treatment is in the form of inquiry learning, after which the treatment is given a posttest (Suryana, 2015).

C. Intact-Group Comparison

There was one group studied, but the group was then divided into two. The first half of the group is called the experimental class because it receives treatment, while the next half is called the control class because it is not given treatment. This research paradigm can be seen in the image below:




O1 = The measurement result of half the group that received the treatment

O2 = Results of measurement of half of the group that did not receive treatment

The effect of treatment is O1 – O2


is the effect of the demonstration method on student learning outcomes in civics education lessons. Two classes receive citizenship education lessons. One class is learning by demonstration; another is learning by lecture. In a specific time period, students' abilities are measured. Suppose the ability of students taught by using the demonstration method is higher than the ability of students taught by the lecture method. In that case, the conclusion is that the demonstration method has a positive effect on student learning outcomes in civics education lessons.


Sugiartini, G. A. (2015). Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Kontekstual Berbantuan Media Gambar terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar IPA pada Siswa Kelas VI SLB Negeri Gianyar. E-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, 1-10.

Suryana, H. M. (2015, Februari 5). Skripsi: IAIN Tulungagung Institutional Repository. Retrieved from IAIN Tulungagung Institutional Repository website:

Yusuf, A. M. (2014). Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif & Penelitian Gabungan. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group.

SOURCE: Penelitian Pre Eksperimen »

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