The inspiring idea of African UBUNTU


An anthropologist shows a game to tribal children in Africa. He put a basket full of fruit near the tree. Furthermore, he instructed the children that the child who runs first reaches the tree has the right to get a fruit basket. Nevertheless, as soon as the Anthropologist gave the signal: 'Begin...!' He was surprised because the children walked hand in hand without scrambling to get ahead of each other. 

When anthropologists ask: 'Why did you do that? Even though you have the opportunity to get a basket of fruit alone. Moreover, they replied: 'Ubuntu!... how can one of us be happy while the other friend is sad.' 

Ubuntu in their civilization means: 'I am we.' The tribe understands the secret of happiness, which is precisely lost or 'eliminated' in modern society, which is very individualistic and egocentric. Nevertheless, they consider themselves as the most civilized society.

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