The Use of REAP (Read Encode Annotate Ponder) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

Yuningsih, Afrilda
Date: 2018-04-03

This study aims to determine the use of REAP strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension. This study was conducted at SMP Asuhan Jaya Medan on Jalan Kayu Putih, Tanjung Mulia. The sample was taken based on the teaching practising program (PPL). The number of sample were 36 students. The method of research applied classroom action research. It was applied to figure out the student s activity during the use of REAP strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension. The instruments of this research were observation sheet ,questionnaire, portofolio and a reading comprehension test which consisted of 10 multiple choices. The researcher conducted two cycles in this research, there were two meetings in each cycle. This study uses qualitative and quantitative data to obtained the data and analysis through studies reflective. The quantitative data showed that the mean score in cycle I were 73.61, the mean score in cycle II were 88.88; the students who got score more than 75 in cycle I were 19 students and the percentage were 52.77%, the students who got score more than 75 in cycle II were 36 students and the percentage were 100%. The qualitative data got from observation sheet in every cycle showed that the improvement of teacher and students’ behaviour, from the questionnaire on the cycle II knows that there were improvement of the students during teaching and learning process.Based on the results from quantitative and qualitative data proved that REAP stratgey improved the students’ reading comprehension.

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