REAP Method

REAP (Eanet and Manzo, 1976) cited in Afrilda 2018 was among the earliest strategies develop to stress the using of writing as ameans of improving thinking and reading. Reap does by teaching students a number of ways to annotate, or write short critiques of, what they have read. The  various annotations serve as alternative perspectives to consider  and evaluate information and ideas. The use of this strategy will cause the  students to revisit the text during each stage of the REAP process. REAP  develops independent reading skills by encouraging the reader to put the  main idea of the passage into his/her own words, both orally and in written form. It can be employed as a study technique, thereby assisting long-term memory. 

The students also learn to represent the main ideas and the author‟s  message in their own words. After that, they do the ponder strategy. They should connect with the text through analysis and synthesis of their reading.  The purpose of REAP strategy is to develop students to a greater understanding of writers ‟s roles in writing and improve their reading comprehension. REAP strategy will help the students connect a  text and their words to enable them to communicate their understanding of  the text. 

By using Read, Encode, Annotate, and Ponder (REAP) Strategy, is  expected that the students can improve their reading comprehension. It was  assumed that Read, encoding, annotating, and Pondering (REAP) was appropriate to overcome the problem of the students. Every step in REAP  strategy had some advantages to help students understand a text. Based on those explanations, the researcher concluded that REAP  strategy is a strategy that can expand students‟ critical thinking trough the  ponder activity that can be done by thinking, talking, and discussing the new  short composition of the text with other members of the group. Then, it can  encourage the students‟ ability to work in a group. 

As Manzo (1990, p.221) implies that there are four steps in REAP  strategy: 

R: Read to discern the writer‘s message 

E: Encode the message by translating it into the reader's language 

A: Annotate the text by giving comments, critiques, and notes from the text 

P: Ponder, or reflect, on what you have read and written, first introspectively  and then by sharing and discussing it with others and as a study aid in test  preparation.

REAP (Read-Encode-Annotaet-Ponder) Strategy Read-Encode-Annotate-Ponder or REAP (Eanet and Manzo, 1976) was among the earliest strategies develop to stress the using of writing as ameans of 19 improving thinking and reading. Reap does by teaching students several ways to annotate, or write short critiques of, what they have read. The various annotations serve as alternative perspectives for evaluating information and ideas. Annotation writing involves the reader in examining the writer’s intention and possinle motivations as well as the literal and inferential interpretations of the message.the reader also explores his or her own views and feelings (Manzo, 1985). 

This meaningful reprocessing material helps readers shape the “inchoate lump of meaning” gleaned from reading into a concise and coherent addition to their knowledge and general schema funds. Research on writing suggests that efforts to develop annotation skill concurrently with reading and content result in enriched factual knowledge, conceptual development, and vocabulary acquisition (Eanet and Manzo. 1976). 

 REAP is a two-level strategy: once students have learned the annotation forms, they can use REAP independently as a “study formula” to guide thoughtful reading, or the teacher can use it as an instructional activity. Steps in students' use of REAP are follows, Read to discern the writer’s message, after Encode the message by translating it into your own language. Then Annotate by cogently writing the message in notes for yourself or in a thought book to share with others,  and the last, Ponder or reflect on what you have read and written, first introspectively and then by sharing and discussing it with others. 

The Procedures of REAP According to Allen (2004), using this strategy will cause the students to revisit the text during each stage of the REAP process. 

The procedures of REAP are as follows : 

 Table of Procedures of REAP Strategy The procedures of REAP 

 R : Read Read the text 

 E : Encode Encode the text by putting the main ideas in your own words/language. 

 A : Annotate the text by writing a statement summarizing the important points.

 P : Ponder the text by thinking and talking about what they learned. 

The Advantages of REAP Strategy 

 The advantages REAP strategy as follow: 

 a. By using R.E.A.P. strategy the students can comprehend the new innovation in reading, not just by answering question like before. 21 

 b. In R.E.A.P strategy the students can understand the text without trying hard to understand the meaning of each word in that text. 

 c. In this strategy the students can develop their ability in encoding a text in their own language in Encode phase. 

 d. In this strategy the student also can develop their skill in writing the annotation in annotate phase. 

 e. By using REAP. strategy the student can share friend in group about the content of text in Ponder activity. 

 The Disadvantages of REAP Strategy 

 In this strategy students must be guided in learning process, because if does not guided then the learning process becomes not effective.

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