In this chapter, the writer will analyze particular registers and the common registers which is used in NPFG. The vocabulary was taken from the language which is used by Facebooker especially NPFG members. The formation of words and their meanings are very diverse and depend on the creativity of members.

A. Word

Word is an element of language both spoken and written. It is a part of sentence to express of feeling and thought that used in conversation.

                                NPFG Register












A character



Uncertain /dismay

Common Register


















Mas (Javanese)



Funny, cute



An extremely quality



an expression to describe shocking condition

1.1  Ndewo

Agus Imam Santoso posted a status

Orang besar bukan orang yang otaknya sempurna tetapi orang yang mengambil sebaik-baiknya dari otak yang tidak sempurna. Itu namanya kreativitas yang super ndewo(A great man is a man whose brain is not perfect but they are taking the best of it. It’s called super ndewo creativity)

Ndewo is the word which often used to give comment on something great when someone posting pictures or words that so inspiring in NP group. The word ndewo become popular because of an admin who like play online games, he popularized that word through comments and postings in NPFG. Ndewo is come from the word dewa, Javanese said ndewa’.  It can be interpret as godlike. It is popular word among dotA online game to give an attribution to an awesome player. This word is referential function. It is to give a praise on awesome something and used to intimate the conversation.

1.2 Kadir

Djamboel Adi commented on a status on April 26 2012 at 4:56pm

Wow pasti kadir banget ki. (Wow it must very Kadir)

Kadir is the word created by an admin of NPFG. It is the word to mock friends, commonly used to express something stupid, funny or to comment on ridiculous posts or statements. This word is often used in to comments in NPFG. This term refers to a parody of cadre.  Actually, this word is formed to describe ridiculous person but still within the reasonable limitation. In addition, Kadir is a famous Indonesian comedian in 80’s. He is very funny with his Madura accent. His silly joke is very entertaining. So, the word Kadir was taken from the figure of ridiculous person. This word is imaginative function. It is just to entertain the people. The kind of this register is intimate. It is usually used in conversations of family, spouses, and friends. The characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.3  Rustam

      Roestam Djadoel commented a status on 25 July 2012 at 9:57 am


Berdjoeang hingga tetes Roestam jang penghabisan poen. Rawe-rawe Roestam, Malang-malang loetoeng.  Roestam - Merdeka ataoe Roestam..!!.”

   (Three Rustam’s demands fight to end of Rustam. Get a Freedom or Rustam).

      The original utterance is berjuang hingga tetes darah penghabisan (fight to the death). Rawe-rawe Roestam, Malang-malang loetoeng (this utterance is just a parody of the slogan of Rawe rawe rantas malang-malang putung).

            The word Rustam is literally meaningless word but it is meaningful for particular people such as admin and some members of NPFG. In fact, Rustam is a character was made by admin of NP group. He seems really live in the real world. Rustam is a figure that had been made ​​for a term that contains elements of a breakthrough. Rustam was created to describe a figure who wants to be understood. This word is imaginative function. It is only for a joke and entertains. The kind of this register is intimate and the characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.4      Ngestinoh

Insan Agung posted a comment on July 24 at 8:41am

  Ngestinoh detected, so must be blocked.  (ngestinoh was detected so it must be blocked)

   Ngestinoh is an expression to show uncertainty statement or something absurd. This word is also created by an admin of NPFG. Actually, there is no inspiration in making this word. In fact, the word ngestinoh is the name of kingdom in Javanese puppetry. This word is imaginative function. It is only for joke and entertains. The kind of this register is intimate. Normally, it used only in contexts such as conversations or letters between friends especially the admin and some member of NPFG.

1.5 Lebay

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a status on April 29 at 2:41pm

Terkadang sulit mbedain orang lebay dan PD.(Sometimes difficult to distinguish between Lebay and confidence person).                   

   Lebe/lebay comes from the origin word of berlebihan. This is the hyperbole of the word excessive. This word was popular in 2006, since Indonesian comedians Ruben Onsu and Olga Syahputra popularized this word on their television shows. Now this word becomes popular and often used by teenagers in conversation. Lebay is the feeling of overestimate regardless of response or considerations from other. Lebay could mean arrogant, egotistic in giving opinion.

They whom called lebay is usually assume that they are the right one and no one can change. They are difficult to accept the suggestion from others.  Lebay was derived from the root word of lebih which is read with English pronunciation ‘I’ become ‘ay’. This is a heuristic function. This word is to state excessive people. Sometimes some people are wonder why there is a character like that. The use of this register is to find things out, wonder, or hypothesize. It is used in informal situation. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

     1.6  Galau

Ukasah Habiby posted a status on May 04, 2012 at 8:51pm

Pusat galau itu ternyata ada di lampu hijau, maka jika masih merah, jangan pernah meyakini nyalanya hijau benar-benar bikin galau. Perjalanan  malam yang mengispirasi (The center of restless is on a green light, if it still red. Do not too believe that is green because that will make you really upset. The evening of inspiring trip)

Actually galau is not a slang word. This word was registered in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) as the word to state a feeling of restless, worried and anxious.  Lately, it word become very popular since and advertising of cellular operator and a couplet lyric of ‘say no to galau’ by SMASH (an Indonesian boy band). This word is personal function. It is to state feeling of indecision and restless. The use of this register is to express individuality. Actually, the characteristic of this word is literary.  It was found only or mainly in literature written in an ‘elevated’ style and used in formal situation but this word has shifted into informal situation.

1.7   Ajib

Sigied Himawan commented a status on 26 Mei at 08:49 pm

Bro, sy dapat lahan di daerah perkotaan sragen, ajib ra? lahan kosong di tengah kota sragen, dekat kapolres sragen yg punya Insya Allah siap ditanam gaharu, kalo ada waktu inspeksi ke sana (Bro, I get a land in downtown of Sragen near the police station. The owner permits for planting gaharu. If we have free time, let’s go there)

   Ajib is shortened word from ajaib. Ajib and Ajaib has the same root, it is the plural of Ajibah (Arabic) which is means fantastic or awesome things and it could be define as synonym of good, steady or stable. Furthermore, ajib is word to express feelings extraordinary, sometimes used to describe how delicious of food. The function of this word is imaginative. The used of this word is to entertain. The kind of this word is intimate and the characteristic is rare. It is not in common use.

1.8  Beib

Sigied Himawan posted a status on May 23, 2012 at 9:25am

Barangsiapa yang di puji oleh manusia, padahal pujian itu tidak benar ada pada dirinya. Maka kita harus menangis dan malu sama ALLAH. Taklim last night Rustam beib (Whoever is praised by human, whereas that praise is not true on Him. So, we should cry and embarrassed in Allah.  Rustam Islamic lesson last night beib)

Beib or babe is a call for boyfriend, a spouse or close friend. It is an informal word to express an affection of sweetheart or dear. This is used as a term of endearment. It is imaginative function. The kind of this word is intimate which is usually used in family atmosphere to intimate a conversation. The characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.9   Hebring

          Danar Nugh commented on a status 22 Mei 2012 at 08:57am

               Uwaaa mbak Ukasah Habiby hebring tenan ogh.(Ukasah habiby, you’re so excited)

The word hebring was became popular word because the characters' played by the late Indonesian actress Ida Kusumah in 80’s as Mrs. Hebring. Hebring is derives from Sundanese language which is means excited and great. This kind of register is heuristic. The characteristic of this word is archaic. It is very old-fashioned language, not in ordinary use at all today.

1.10  Dab

Wahyu Liz Adaideaja posted a status on January 23, 2012 at 6:45pm

Lebih banyak bersyukur daripada mengeluh, simpel wae dab. Cobalah jal. (You should more thankful rather than complain. Just simple  dab. Try It)

Dab is greeting word for Yogjanese men. Actually, this parody is come from the word Mas a greeting word for Javanese man.  This word is to greet male friends, classmates or someone close. This is a unique Yogya greeting which is use in the mid 90's along with the word Dagadu (Matamu). These formation words are based on Java script by skipping two lines for each character. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is rare. It is not in common use but still used today for particular people in Yogya.

1.11  Unyu

           Insan Agung commented a status on May 10, 2012 at 5:24pm

Kalo Rustam itu pake jurus "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu".Banyak akun tapi karakternya sama, absurd, yang masalah itu kalo akun banyak dengan karakter beda-beda.. satu wajah buat gaul sama junkies, satu wajah buat gaul sama punk, satu wajah gaul buat ke-akhi-an, satu wajah yg lain buat gaul unyu-unyu, yang lain buat alay-alay'an.. ini banyak wajah. Takutnya jadi Dasamuka :D

(Rustam is taking stance of "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu”. Although, he had many Facebook accounts but have the same character. It will be a problem when he has many accounts with various characters. One account to get in with junkies, another one to get in punk, and other one as if pious men character the last one to unyu-unyu and alay-alay. That’s called Dasamuka).

            Unyu is the word that popular in the mid of 2010 through social network twitter. This word was   taken from the words that are common in Japanese comics. In addition, this word often used to express something is funny, cute and adorable. Other source state that unyu is derived from English word "You and Why You" which was shortened unyu. Why not yawy?. It is because you can be replaced by letter ‘U’, and can be replaced by letter‘N’, why can be replaced by letter ‘Y’. This word has an imaginative function. The kind of this register is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful

1.12  Beudh

Abu Farros posted a comment on September 22, 2011 at 2:20pm

Sigied , kadirmu juga sangat maksimal. Ngeri beudh (Sigied, your ridiculous is also too maximal. So horrible)

Beudh is a parody of the original word banget or sangat. It is the word to state an extremely quality. This word was popularize by teenagers trough the social network and their communities. The function of this register is imaginative. The kind of this word is intimate and the characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.13   Gubrak

Pandu Subroto commented on a status on March 15 2012 at 9:30pm

Gubrak haha ane kirim yg bnyk deh gmbrnya klo ntu hehe (I will send a lot of picture to you)

Gubrak is an expression to describe shocking condition. Sometimes used in Japanese anime, to describe the characters which suddenly fall but in real, it could be practiced with gesture raised to the top then falls back. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.      Blending words

Blending is the process of combining two or more words by removing certain parts of the word.

                                NPFG Register








Agus hokage




Kurus Tampan

Slim - Handsome

Common Register



Gak jelas




Jaman dulu




Ilang feeling

Loss of sense



Anak layangan

Kite boy



Manusia homo

Homosexual guy



Dunia maya

Cyber space



Dunia nyata

Real world


2.1 AHOK

Agus Imam Santoso posted a status on July 12, 2012 at 3:37pm

Mari hadapi debat dengan gaya kumat agar selalu sehat dan tetep semangat, demikian yg dikatakan oleh saya sebagai AHOK (Agus HOKage). (Let's face the debate with recurrent style to keep healthy and spirit that’s I said as AHOK (Agus Hokage))

As stated in chapter II, that blending word is the process of combining two or more words by removing certain parts of the word. In this case, there is a member who called as Ahok. He is a main admin of Ninja Muslim group, his name was Agus Imam Santoso. Ahok became popular among the Ninja Preneur member because of the candidate Jokowi and Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) in the election of DKI Jakarta in the mid of 2012. Therefore, some members called him as Ahok. Ahok is stand for Agus Hokage. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. It is humorous characteristic which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

2.2  Rustam

Rustam Hidayat posted a status on July 25 at 9:57 am

Pernahkah kamoe kamoe merasa begitu rustam dalam hidup moe? coba kita tanya De Buya, Rustam Roestam Djadoel dan Sigied Himawan. (Do you ever feel so rustam in your life? Let’s ask to De Buya, Rustam, Roestam Djadoel dan Sigied Himawan)

Rustam stand for kurus tampan and rush time. Rustam in blending word is rather different from rustam as the word. It depends on each person to make an abbreviation of Rustam or rush time. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

2.3   Gaje

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed updated a status on April 09:59pm

Masih ngaji tapi jarang. Yang sering berpikir tentang peng-gaji-an agak gaje gitu J. (I still learning religious knowledge. Who often think about penggajian, is rather gaje)

Gaje, geje, or GJ is the acronym of Gak Jelas. Gak is from the original word of nggak or tidak. It is a word to state of denial. Jelas is the word to state an obvious and clear statement. So, the shortened of Gaje is used to express a vague or uncertain statement. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.4   Jadul

Insan Agung posted a comment on May 30 at 5:25pm

Namanya juga jadul... mestinya sudah temuwo... barang lawas (Jadul is an old classic item. It is definitely mature)

Jadul stands for Jaman dulu or the past. The shortened of word just to make the usage of sentence more effective. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.


2.5 Ilfil

Agus Imam Santoso commented a status on 27April2012 at 7:38 am       

   Yang Mood sedang illfiil kayaknya dengan ciduk. Yang Mood seems loss of sense with ciduk)

Ilfil stand for ilang feeling. The original word of ilang is hilang (lose). It means disappeared or invisible. Feeling is a possessing great sensibility, easily affected or moved as a feeling of heart. So, ilang feeling could define loss of sense. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.6   Alay

Sigied Himawan commented on a status July 12 at 11:12am

Endah Here makaciiii, iyach padahal rambut saya kan gak se-alay itu. (Thanks Endah Here, that’s right my hair didn’t too alay like that)

Alay is stands for anak layangan. This term is to describe someone who pretends to cool in fashion, music and appearance. Alay means “A village boy”. It is describe the character of a child with red hair and blackened skin because of flying kites. Alay is a word formation process from the mixture of parody and acronym. Alay is a parody of ‘dorky boy’. Furthermore anak layangan was formed into an acronym Alay. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.7  Maho

Sigied Himawan posted a comment on 3 May 2012, 05:45 pm.

Ayam soryyy kita bukan maho tp mahu. (I’m sorry we are not maho but mahu)

            Maho stands for manusia homosexual. In the lounge of KasKus (the largest Indonesian community site) there was a guy with account name AppleBread ke4. He was very attractive because he always put in a word Maho in every post around 2008. Each post was often given pertamax (the first person who gives comment). All over the time that word became popular among KasKuser (the user of KasKus) to state the men who have abnormal sexuality. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.8   Dumay and Duta

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed posted a status on 4 May 2012 at 9:41 am

Saya agak sedikit beda pendapat dengan Sigied Himawan yang di tahun 2009 duta dan dumay ga ada bedanya. (I have a little bit different opinion with Sigied Himawan. There was no difference between cyber world and real word in 2009)

   Dumay stands for Dunia maya (cyberspace) Duta stands for dunia nyata (real world). Dumay is the electronic media of computer networks that are widely used for one-way communication. This virtual world is an integration of various tools of communication and computer network technologies) that connects to communications equipment (computers, mobile phones, electronic instrumentation, etc.) and it is spread over worldwide.

While, Duta is the world the people live in.  A place where people doing daily activities in real life. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is Informal. Normally, used only in contexts such as conversations or letters between friends.



3.   Acronym

Acronym is word made up of abbreviation, but the result is pronounced as word, not a list of letter.

                                Common Register








Cium pipi kanan cium pipi kiri

Kissing right cheek, kissing left cheek



Masa depan suram

Bleak future.


3.1  Cipika-cipiki

Sigied Himawan posted a comment on 4 May 2012, 08:26 pm

Mas Insan kita gathering yukss, sambil cipika-cipiki dan unyu unyu bareng. (Mas Insan, let’s have gathering, then cipika-cipika and unyu-unyu together)

Cipika-cipiki is cium pipi kanan, cium pipi kiri. Kissing right cheek, kissing left cheek. Cipika-cipiki stands for cium pipi kanan cium pipi kiri. It is a behavior of kissing the right and left cheek among Indonesian people when they met with their close friend in a wedding, meeting or just to congratulate their friend in graduation.  The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

3.2   Madesu

         Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a status on April 30, 2012 at 11 pm

   Pengangguran intelektual=madesu and medusa?:)   (An intellectual jobless = madesu ora medusa)

   Madesu stands for masa depan suram. This word is to express them whom drop out from school and those who do not have the effort to increase their quality life and spirit. Madesu is also to refer to those who fail in life. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offense.

4.   Abbreviation

                                NPFG Register






Dompet Ninja Muslim peduli Sesama



Ninja Preneur



Ninja Muslim

Common Register



By the way



On the way



Oh My God


4.1   DNMPS

   Agus Imam Santoso posted a status July 28, 2012 at 6.19: am 

Bismillah, berdasarkan keputusan RAPAT ADMIN NM semalam. Memutuskan bahwa dompet DNMPS dalam waktu dekat ini akanmengadakan follow up kepada 2 ukhti penderita kanker tulang belakang yg dulu pada tgl 24 April 2012 pernah kami datangi (Bismillah, the result of meeting last night. NM ADMIN decided that the wallet of DNMPS will hold a follow up to both women with spinal cancer who have visited on April 24, 2012)

   DNMPS is a program that was initiated by the NM group, but also involves NPFG members. This program is aimed to those who have a chronic diseases and poor families. The function of this word is Social Relationships/Interactional. The use of language to interact and plan, develops, or maintains a play or group activity. The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents.


4.2   NP

         Indah here posted a status on may 17, 2012 at 8:47am

  Bismillah, Hanya sekedar usulan, Bagaimana untuk kedepannya   NP engadakan semacam kegiatan sosial bersama-sama. Jadi, tidak sekedar forum aja tapi sedikit berbagi manfaat dengan sesama..... pasti menyenangkan . (Bismillah, it is just a suggestion how if NP held social activities. So, NP is not only a forum but also a media to share the benefits with others. I think it would be nice.)

     NP stands for Ninja Preneur. It is the group to sharing the knowledge of entrepreneurship. In addition, this group is also the forum that dedicated to who that have potential to be an entrepreneur.  The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.

4.3    NM

         Pandu Subroto commented a status about durable hamburger for several years. Why it does not expire for a long time on 28 April 2012 at 9:09am

   “Wah ayo bikin rame2 bisa jd sumber keuangan NP dan admin2nya thow, dgn suntikan dana pinjaman tanpa bunga dr juragan gaharu bisalah..hahaha kan nama NP n NM dah enggelora neh di seantero FB bisa dmanfaatkan namanya hehe”         (Let’s make it together. It will be admins’ financial resource. The   funding from gaharu boss will facilitate the business)

   NM stands for Ninja Muslim. It was state in chapter II. Ninja Muslim is part group of Ninja Muslim, the older group that has about 16,000 members. It is a group of people who like ninja character or Japanese character. Actually this group made to have gathering and sharing Islamic issues. The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain, conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.


4.4   Btw

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a atatus  on April 29 2012 at 9:16pm

btw, komentar2 mas Andy Uygar sastra banget saya harus mikir untuk menjawabnya.  (Mas Andy Uygar, your comments are so literary. I must think over to answer it)

   “Btw” means by the way. It is mostly used as a shortcut in Social network conversation or texting in short message. This word is usually used to make the long statement more effectively and simple. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain, conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.

4.5   Otw

   Ini Budi Saputra commented on a status July 6 at 2:55pm

        Bengi kapan?ki aq otw suroboyo sesuk muleh. (When? In otw to      Surabaya but tomorrow I go home).

               Otw is an abbreviation which is use to shorten On the Way. This word is to state that someone is on the way to a place. It is used in sending sms, commented on facebook, or other social network and also in daily conversations. Not only teenagers who use this word but almost people who know the meaning use it. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

4.6    OMG 

          Aslam El-Hasany commented a status on June 11 2012 at 5:43am

     Yakin Ukasah Habiby mau dateng? (OMG, are you sure that Ukasah Habiby will come?)

            In Aslam El-Hasany’s comment. He seems doubt that Ukasah Habiby will come to an event which is in his presumption that Ukasah would not come. So, in order to express the feeling surprise he said OMG. OMG stands for Oh My Gosh or Oh My God. This word is an abbreviation which is used by teenagers and teens when they text message, email, chat online, or communicate verbally or through written form. OMG became popular since early 2000's. On the Indonesia Yahoo site, OMG used to name the channel for news and entertainment celebrities. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

4.7   OL

Salim Saja commented a status on May 25 2012 at 1:24am                                                        Mas Tyo....isih ol? (Mas Tyo, do you still OL?)

        Salim Saja asks to Mas Tyo in Javanese language whether he is still ol or not. OL stands for online. Online is the condition of being connected to a network of computers or other devices. The term is frequently used to describe someone who is currently connected to the Internet to browsing or chatting. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.    Clipping

                                Common Register


















5.1   Bro

D'Zulkarnain Carnot commented status on July 16 at 11:19am

gur koyo og bro...ra popo,,haa.    (Just almost similar bro, never mind, it doesn’t matter)

D'Zulkarnain Carnot used Javanese language to commented. In Bahasa it can be interpret “Hanya mirip Kak, nggak apa-apa”. Bro is the shortened from the original word brother. It means a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of the parents. Bro is not only used to call a male sibling. The one related to another by common ties or interests. This called just to make intimate atmosphere. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.2   Hok 

Pandu Subroto commented on a status on July 13 at 9:05am

plus dibagi buat suriah ma myanmar gan hok (And distribute for Suriah and Myanmar Hok)

               Hok is shortened from the original word of Hokage. Hokage is a word that contained in famous anime comic of Naruto. Hokage is to describe as a highest and strongest ninja in Konoha village. The Hokage is the official military leader of the hidden leaf village, with the "ho" being a leaf village only prefix, like how kazi in kazikage is a sand village only prefix. Kage is the core word that simply means shadow, as true ninjas are deadly shadows in the purest sense. Kages are ninja leaders that rule the hidden villages that are in charge of protecting their villages and maintaining military (as well as economical) balance through missions/assassinations/alliances/peace treaties and the like. In NPFG the person who called Hokage is Agus Imam Santoso. He is the founder of Ninja Muslim Facebook Group. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.3   Jend

Casofa Fachmy commented a status on April 29 at 2:31pm

   mit en grid’e wingi konklusine opo jend? dishare dong jend (what is the conclusion of  meet and greet yesterday Jend?)

Jend is a shortened word from jenderal. Jenderal or general is the figure that affecting or characteristic of the majority of those involved. Jenderal have several interpretations in various field. It could mean the rank of police officer which is includes general of police, commissioner general of police, inspector general of police, and police brigadier general. In organization jenderal could be define as the most influential person. In NPFG, the person who called Jenderal is Zatoichi Fay Ahmed. He is a member who always giving contribution in NPFG actively. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

6.   Code switching

In this case, a member from Malaysia post cute cats emoticon picture. Previously, there was a comment, but it does not too important. Afterwards another member named Zatoichi Fay Ahmad gives comments that are unrelated to the post. He tried to talk with Malay.  Therefore, this case caused code switching.

                                NPFG Register












Mau/ ingin

Would like to




Would like to




Little by little























Tidak ada

Have no










Berpusing- pusing


Spin (adj), tour (verb)








Let’s/ Come on


Bertungkus lumus

Giat /aktif 



The description of conversation:

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Saye6.1 mahu6.2 nak6.3 cakap dengan bahasa malaysia  dengan Awan BVitara sikik-sikik.6.4 saye boleh?  (May I talk with Awan BVitara a little bit in Malaysian?) 17 July 2012 at 01:38 pm

Awan BVitara

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed..boley.6.5 jer6.6 nak ckp BM ngan6.7 Awan BVitara O_O  ( It’s okay Zatoichi Fay Ahmed, do you want  to   talk by using BM

Awan BVitara

Pak Paizal Solo rupanyerrrr6.8....baru tau (Apparently, Zatoichi Fay Ahmad is Pak Faizal Solo right?) ....17 July at 01:46 pm

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Hi hi Zaotichi Fay and Pak Faizal Solo tak     berbeza6.9. 17 July at 01:47 pm      (Zatoichi fay and Pak Faizal Solo there is no difference)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed   

Saye takde6.10 BM adanya YM 17 July at 01:47pm I don’t have BM but I have YM

Awan BVitara

Tak apa2 je lar6.11 awan x kisah..janji...fhm :) 17 july, 01:48pm  It doesn’t matter, I will tell you next time

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Awan BVitara apa awak ada semacam senarai6.12 atau websites belajar cakap   Malaysia.nanti saye berpusing-pusing6.13visiting those websites jika ada free time :)          17 July at 01:50pm

(Do you have a link or website to learning Malaysia? I want to visit those website if have free time)

Awan Bvitara

InsyaAllah...jika ada akn cari   17 July, 01:53pm (InsyaAllah, if I have free time, I will         search)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Awan BVitara; saye lupa JER=AYO/YUK  dalam bahasa Indonesia ya? 17 July at 01:55  pm (Awan BVitara, I forget, does the word jer is ‘come on’ in Bahasa?

Awan Bvitara

bukan jer=aja...yuk=jom6.15. 17 July at  01:57pm

(Jer means just…jom means come on)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

wew awesome LIHAT JER=LIHAT AJA. :D nampakny saye harus bertungkus lumus6.16 dalam mempelajari bahasa dari negeri jiran.   

(Wow, it’s awesome. I should learn Malay actively but it is lots of fun) 17 July 4:00pm

Awan Bvitara

Bahasa pasar/slang di Malaysia sering berubah2...mengikut masa..dan di setiap  negeri pula..ada loghat/ slang yg tersendiri....Malaysia             ada 14 buah negeri yg kecil2 tapi masing2  punya slang tersendiri.

(The market language or slang in Malaysia always changes every time and each nation has their own accent. Malaysia was divided into 14 nations and they have own language.









            In this chapter, the writer will analyze about particular registers and the common registers which is used in NPFG. The vocabulary was taken from the language which is used by Facebooker especially NPFG members. The formation of words and their meanings are very diverse and depend on the creativity of members.

A. Word

Word is an element of language both spoken and written. It is a part of sentence to express of feeling and thought that used in conversation.

                                NPFG Register












A character



Uncertain /dismay

Common Register


















Mas (Javanese)



Funny, cute



An extremely quality



an expression to describe shocking condition

1.1  Ndewo

Agus Imam Santoso posted a status

Orang besar bukan orang yang otaknya sempurna tetapi orang yang mengambil sebaik-baiknya dari otak yang tidak sempurna. Itu namanya kreativitas yang super ndewo(A great man is a man whose brain is not perfect but they are taking the best of it. It’s called super ndewo creativity)

Ndewo is the word which often used to give comment on something great when someone posting pictures or words that so inspiring in NP group. The word ndewo become popular because of an admin who like play online games, he popularized that word through comments and postings in NPFG. Ndewo is come from the word dewa, Javanese said ndewa’.  It can be interpret as godlike. It is popular word among dotA online game to give an attribution to an awesome player. This word is referential function. It is to give a praise on awesome something and used to intimate the conversation.

1.2 Kadir

Djamboel Adi commented on a status on April 26 2012 at 4:56pm

Wow pasti kadir banget ki. (Wow it must very Kadir)

Kadir is the word created by an admin of NPFG. It is the word to mock friends, commonly used to express something stupid, funny or to comment on ridiculous posts or statements. This word is often used in to comments in NPFG. This term refers to a parody of cadre.  Actually, this word is formed to describe ridiculous person but still within the reasonable limitation. In addition, Kadir is a famous Indonesian comedian in 80’s. He is very funny with his Madura accent. His silly joke is very entertaining. So, the word Kadir was taken from the figure of ridiculous person. This word is imaginative function. It is just to entertain the people. The kind of this register is intimate. It is usually used in conversations of family, spouses, and friends. The characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.3  Rustam

      Roestam Djadoel commented a status on 25 July 2012 at 9:57 am


Berdjoeang hingga tetes Roestam jang penghabisan poen. Rawe-rawe Roestam, Malang-malang loetoeng.  Roestam - Merdeka ataoe Roestam..!!.”

   (Three Rustam’s demands fight to end of Rustam. Get a Freedom or Rustam).

      The original utterance is berjuang hingga tetes darah penghabisan (fight to the death). Rawe-rawe Roestam, Malang-malang loetoeng (this utterance is just a parody of the slogan of Rawe rawe rantas malang-malang putung).

            The word Rustam is literally meaningless word but it is meaningful for particular people such as admin and some members of NPFG. In fact, Rustam is a character was made by admin of NP group. He seems really live in the real world. Rustam is a figure that had been made ​​for a term that contains elements of a breakthrough. Rustam was created to describe a figure who wants to be understood. This word is imaginative function. It is only for a joke and entertains. The kind of this register is intimate and the characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.4      Ngestinoh

Insan Agung posted a comment on July 24 at 8:41am

  Ngestinoh detected, so must be blocked.  (ngestinoh was detected so it must be blocked)

   Ngestinoh is an expression to show uncertainty statement or something absurd. This word is also created by an admin of NPFG. Actually, there is no inspiration in making this word. In fact, the word ngestinoh is the name of kingdom in Javanese puppetry. This word is imaginative function. It is only for joke and entertains. The kind of this register is intimate. Normally, it used only in contexts such as conversations or letters between friends especially the admin and some member of NPFG.

1.5 Lebay

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a status on April 29 at 2:41pm

Terkadang sulit mbedain orang lebay dan PD.(Sometimes difficult to distinguish between Lebay and confidence person).                   

   Lebe/lebay comes from the origin word of berlebihan. This is the hyperbole of the word excessive. This word was popular in 2006, since Indonesian comedians Ruben Onsu and Olga Syahputra popularized this word on their television shows. Now this word becomes popular and often used by teenagers in conversation. Lebay is the feeling of overestimate regardless of response or considerations from other. Lebay could mean arrogant, egotistic in giving opinion.

They whom called lebay is usually assume that they are the right one and no one can change. They are difficult to accept the suggestion from others.  Lebay was derived from the root word of lebih which is read with English pronunciation ‘I’ become ‘ay’. This is a heuristic function. This word is to state excessive people. Sometimes some people are wonder why there is a character like that. The use of this register is to find things out, wonder, or hypothesize. It is used in informal situation. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

     1.6  Galau

Ukasah Habiby posted a status on May 04, 2012 at 8:51pm

Pusat galau itu ternyata ada di lampu hijau, maka jika masih merah, jangan pernah meyakini nyalanya hijau benar-benar bikin galau. Perjalanan  malam yang mengispirasi (The center of restless is on a green light, if it still red. Do not too believe that is green because that will make you really upset. The evening of inspiring trip)

Actually galau is not a slang word. This word was registered in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) as the word to state a feeling of restless, worried and anxious.  Lately, it word become very popular since and advertising of cellular operator and a couplet lyric of ‘say no to galau’ by SMASH (an Indonesian boy band). This word is personal function. It is to state feeling of indecision and restless. The use of this register is to express individuality. Actually, the characteristic of this word is literary.  It was found only or mainly in literature written in an ‘elevated’ style and used in formal situation but this word has shifted into informal situation.

1.7   Ajib

Sigied Himawan commented a status on 26 Mei at 08:49 pm

Bro, sy dapat lahan di daerah perkotaan sragen, ajib ra? lahan kosong di tengah kota sragen, dekat kapolres sragen yg punya Insya Allah siap ditanam gaharu, kalo ada waktu inspeksi ke sana (Bro, I get a land in downtown of Sragen near the police station. The owner permits for planting gaharu. If we have free time, let’s go there)

   Ajib is shortened word from ajaib. Ajib and Ajaib has the same root, it is the plural of Ajibah (Arabic) which is means fantastic or awesome things and it could be define as synonym of good, steady or stable. Furthermore, ajib is word to express feelings extraordinary, sometimes used to describe how delicious of food. The function of this word is imaginative. The used of this word is to entertain. The kind of this word is intimate and the characteristic is rare. It is not in common use.

1.8  Beib

Sigied Himawan posted a status on May 23, 2012 at 9:25am

Barangsiapa yang di puji oleh manusia, padahal pujian itu tidak benar ada pada dirinya. Maka kita harus menangis dan malu sama ALLAH. Taklim last night Rustam beib (Whoever is praised by human, whereas that praise is not true on Him. So, we should cry and embarrassed in Allah.  Rustam Islamic lesson last night beib)

Beib or babe is a call for boyfriend, a spouse or close friend. It is an informal word to express an affection of sweetheart or dear. This is used as a term of endearment. It is imaginative function. The kind of this word is intimate which is usually used in family atmosphere to intimate a conversation. The characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.9   Hebring

          Danar Nugh commented on a status 22 Mei 2012 at 08:57am

               Uwaaa mbak Ukasah Habiby hebring tenan ogh.(Ukasah habiby, you’re so excited)

The word hebring was became popular word because the characters' played by the late Indonesian actress Ida Kusumah in 80’s as Mrs. Hebring. Hebring is derives from Sundanese language which is means excited and great. This kind of register is heuristic. The characteristic of this word is archaic. It is very old-fashioned language, not in ordinary use at all today.

1.10  Dab

Wahyu Liz Adaideaja posted a status on January 23, 2012 at 6:45pm

Lebih banyak bersyukur daripada mengeluh, simpel wae dab. Cobalah jal. (You should more thankful rather than complain. Just simple  dab. Try It)

Dab is greeting word for Yogjanese men. Actually, this parody is come from the word Mas a greeting word for Javanese man.  This word is to greet male friends, classmates or someone close. This is a unique Yogya greeting which is use in the mid 90's along with the word Dagadu (Matamu). These formation words are based on Java script by skipping two lines for each character. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is rare. It is not in common use but still used today for particular people in Yogya.

1.11  Unyu

           Insan Agung commented a status on May 10, 2012 at 5:24pm

Kalo Rustam itu pake jurus "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu".Banyak akun tapi karakternya sama, absurd, yang masalah itu kalo akun banyak dengan karakter beda-beda.. satu wajah buat gaul sama junkies, satu wajah buat gaul sama punk, satu wajah gaul buat ke-akhi-an, satu wajah yg lain buat gaul unyu-unyu, yang lain buat alay-alay'an.. ini banyak wajah. Takutnya jadi Dasamuka :D

(Rustam is taking stance of "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu”. Although, he had many Facebook accounts but have the same character. It will be a problem when he has many accounts with various characters. One account to get in with junkies, another one to get in punk, and other one as if pious men character the last one to unyu-unyu and alay-alay. That’s called Dasamuka).

            Unyu is the word that popular in the mid of 2010 through social network twitter. This word was   taken from the words that are common in Japanese comics. In addition, this word often used to express something is funny, cute and adorable. Other source state that unyu is derived from English word "You and Why You" which was shortened unyu. Why not yawy?. It is because you can be replaced by letter ‘U’, and can be replaced by letter‘N’, why can be replaced by letter ‘Y’. This word has an imaginative function. The kind of this register is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful

1.12  Beudh

Abu Farros posted a comment on September 22, 2011 at 2:20pm

Sigied , kadirmu juga sangat maksimal. Ngeri beudh (Sigied, your ridiculous is also too maximal. So horrible)

Beudh is a parody of the original word banget or sangat. It is the word to state an extremely quality. This word was popularize by teenagers trough the social network and their communities. The function of this register is imaginative. The kind of this word is intimate and the characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.13   Gubrak

Pandu Subroto commented on a status on March 15 2012 at 9:30pm

Gubrak haha ane kirim yg bnyk deh gmbrnya klo ntu hehe (I will send a lot of picture to you)

Gubrak is an expression to describe shocking condition. Sometimes used in Japanese anime, to describe the characters which suddenly fall but in real, it could be practiced with gesture raised to the top then falls back. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.      Blending words

Blending is the process of combining two or more words by removing certain parts of the word.

                                NPFG Register








Agus hokage




Kurus Tampan

Slim - Handsome

Common Register



Gak jelas




Jaman dulu




Ilang feeling

Loss of sense



Anak layangan

Kite boy



Manusia homo

Homosexual guy



Dunia maya

Cyber space



Dunia nyata

Real world


2.1 AHOK

Agus Imam Santoso posted a status on July 12, 2012 at 3:37pm

Mari hadapi debat dengan gaya kumat agar selalu sehat dan tetep semangat, demikian yg dikatakan oleh saya sebagai AHOK (Agus HOKage). (Let's face the debate with recurrent style to keep healthy and spirit that’s I said as AHOK (Agus Hokage))

As stated in chapter II, that blending word is the process of combining two or more words by removing certain parts of the word. In this case, there is a member who called as Ahok. He is a main admin of Ninja Muslim group, his name was Agus Imam Santoso. Ahok became popular among the Ninja Preneur member because of the candidate Jokowi and Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) in the election of DKI Jakarta in the mid of 2012. Therefore, some members called him as Ahok. Ahok is stand for Agus Hokage. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. It is humorous characteristic which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

2.2  Rustam

Rustam Hidayat posted a status on July 25 at 9:57 am

Pernahkah kamoe kamoe merasa begitu rustam dalam hidup moe? coba kita tanya De Buya, Rustam Roestam Djadoel dan Sigied Himawan. (Do you ever feel so rustam in your life? Let’s ask to De Buya, Rustam, Roestam Djadoel dan Sigied Himawan)

Rustam stand for kurus tampan and rush time. Rustam in blending word is rather different from rustam as the word. It depends on each person to make an abbreviation of Rustam or rush time. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

2.3   Gaje

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed updated a status on April 09:59pm

Masih ngaji tapi jarang. Yang sering berpikir tentang peng-gaji-an agak gaje gitu J. (I still learning religious knowledge. Who often think about penggajian, is rather gaje)

Gaje, geje, or GJ is the acronym of Gak Jelas. Gak is from the original word of nggak or tidak. It is a word to state of denial. Jelas is the word to state an obvious and clear statement. So, the shortened of Gaje is used to express a vague or uncertain statement. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.4   Jadul

Insan Agung posted a comment on May 30 at 5:25pm

Namanya juga jadul... mestinya sudah temuwo... barang lawas (Jadul is an old classic item. It is definitely mature)

Jadul stands for Jaman dulu or the past. The shortened of word just to make the usage of sentence more effective. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.


2.5 Ilfil

Agus Imam Santoso commented a status on 27April2012 at 7:38 am       

   Yang Mood sedang illfiil kayaknya dengan ciduk. Yang Mood seems loss of sense with ciduk)

Ilfil stand for ilang feeling. The original word of ilang is hilang (lose). It means disappeared or invisible. Feeling is a possessing great sensibility, easily affected or moved as a feeling of heart. So, ilang feeling could define loss of sense. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.6   Alay

Sigied Himawan commented on a status July 12 at 11:12am

Endah Here makaciiii, iyach padahal rambut saya kan gak se-alay itu. (Thanks Endah Here, that’s right my hair didn’t too alay like that)

Alay is stands for anak layangan. This term is to describe someone who pretends to cool in fashion, music and appearance. Alay means “A village boy”. It is describe the character of a child with red hair and blackened skin because of flying kites. Alay is a word formation process from the mixture of parody and acronym. Alay is a parody of ‘dorky boy’. Furthermore anak layangan was formed into an acronym Alay. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.7  Maho

Sigied Himawan posted a comment on 3 May 2012, 05:45 pm.

Ayam soryyy kita bukan maho tp mahu. (I’m sorry we are not maho but mahu)

            Maho stands for manusia homosexual. In the lounge of KasKus (the largest Indonesian community site) there was a guy with account name AppleBread ke4. He was very attractive because he always put in a word Maho in every post around 2008. Each post was often given pertamax (the first person who gives comment). All over the time that word became popular among KasKuser (the user of KasKus) to state the men who have abnormal sexuality. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.8   Dumay and Duta

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed posted a status on 4 May 2012 at 9:41 am

Saya agak sedikit beda pendapat dengan Sigied Himawan yang di tahun 2009 duta dan dumay ga ada bedanya. (I have a little bit different opinion with Sigied Himawan. There was no difference between cyber world and real word in 2009)

   Dumay stands for Dunia maya (cyberspace) Duta stands for dunia nyata (real world). Dumay is the electronic media of computer networks that are widely used for one-way communication. This virtual world is an integration of various tools of communication and computer network technologies) that connects to communications equipment (computers, mobile phones, electronic instrumentation, etc.) and it is spread over worldwide.

While, Duta is the world the people live in.  A place where people doing daily activities in real life. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is Informal. Normally, used only in contexts such as conversations or letters between friends.



3.   Acronym

Acronym is word made up of abbreviation, but the result is pronounced as word, not a list of letter.

                                Common Register








Cium pipi kanan cium pipi kiri

Kissing right cheek, kissing left cheek



Masa depan suram

Bleak future.


3.1  Cipika-cipiki

Sigied Himawan posted a comment on 4 May 2012, 08:26 pm

Mas Insan kita gathering yukss, sambil cipika-cipiki dan unyu unyu bareng. (Mas Insan, let’s have gathering, then cipika-cipika and unyu-unyu together)

Cipika-cipiki is cium pipi kanan, cium pipi kiri. Kissing right cheek, kissing left cheek. Cipika-cipiki stands for cium pipi kanan cium pipi kiri. It is a behavior of kissing the right and left cheek among Indonesian people when they met with their close friend in a wedding, meeting or just to congratulate their friend in graduation.  The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

3.2   Madesu

         Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a status on April 30, 2012 at 11 pm

   Pengangguran intelektual=madesu and medusa?:)   (An intellectual jobless = madesu ora medusa)

   Madesu stands for masa depan suram. This word is to express them whom drop out from school and those who do not have the effort to increase their quality life and spirit. Madesu is also to refer to those who fail in life. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offense.

4.   Abbreviation

                                NPFG Register






Dompet Ninja Muslim peduli Sesama



Ninja Preneur



Ninja Muslim

Common Register



By the way



On the way



Oh My God


4.1   DNMPS

   Agus Imam Santoso posted a status July 28, 2012 at 6.19: am 

Bismillah, berdasarkan keputusan RAPAT ADMIN NM semalam. Memutuskan bahwa dompet DNMPS dalam waktu dekat ini akanmengadakan follow up kepada 2 ukhti penderita kanker tulang belakang yg dulu pada tgl 24 April 2012 pernah kami datangi (Bismillah, the result of meeting last night. NM ADMIN decided that the wallet of DNMPS will hold a follow up to both women with spinal cancer who have visited on April 24, 2012)

   DNMPS is a program that was initiated by the NM group, but also involves NPFG members. This program is aimed to those who have a chronic diseases and poor families. The function of this word is Social Relationships/Interactional. The use of language to interact and plan, develops, or maintains a play or group activity. The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents.


4.2   NP

         Indah here posted a status on may 17, 2012 at 8:47am

  Bismillah, Hanya sekedar usulan, Bagaimana untuk kedepannya   NP engadakan semacam kegiatan sosial bersama-sama. Jadi, tidak sekedar forum aja tapi sedikit berbagi manfaat dengan sesama..... pasti menyenangkan . (Bismillah, it is just a suggestion how if NP held social activities. So, NP is not only a forum but also a media to share the benefits with others. I think it would be nice.)

     NP stands for Ninja Preneur. It is the group to sharing the knowledge of entrepreneurship. In addition, this group is also the forum that dedicated to who that have potential to be an entrepreneur.  The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.

4.3    NM

         Pandu Subroto commented a status about durable hamburger for several years. Why it does not expire for a long time on 28 April 2012 at 9:09am

   “Wah ayo bikin rame2 bisa jd sumber keuangan NP dan admin2nya thow, dgn suntikan dana pinjaman tanpa bunga dr juragan gaharu bisalah..hahaha kan nama NP n NM dah enggelora neh di seantero FB bisa dmanfaatkan namanya hehe”         (Let’s make it together. It will be admins’ financial resource. The   funding from gaharu boss will facilitate the business)

   NM stands for Ninja Muslim. It was state in chapter II. Ninja Muslim is part group of Ninja Muslim, the older group that has about 16,000 members. It is a group of people who like ninja character or Japanese character. Actually this group made to have gathering and sharing Islamic issues. The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain, conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.


4.4   Btw

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a atatus  on April 29 2012 at 9:16pm

btw, komentar2 mas Andy Uygar sastra banget saya harus mikir untuk menjawabnya.  (Mas Andy Uygar, your comments are so literary. I must think over to answer it)

   “Btw” means by the way. It is mostly used as a shortcut in Social network conversation or texting in short message. This word is usually used to make the long statement more effectively and simple. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain, conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.

4.5   Otw

   Ini Budi Saputra commented on a status July 6 at 2:55pm

        Bengi kapan?ki aq otw suroboyo sesuk muleh. (When? In otw to      Surabaya but tomorrow I go home).

               Otw is an abbreviation which is use to shorten On the Way. This word is to state that someone is on the way to a place. It is used in sending sms, commented on facebook, or other social network and also in daily conversations. Not only teenagers who use this word but almost people who know the meaning use it. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

4.6    OMG 

          Aslam El-Hasany commented a status on June 11 2012 at 5:43am

     Yakin Ukasah Habiby mau dateng? (OMG, are you sure that Ukasah Habiby will come?)

            In Aslam El-Hasany’s comment. He seems doubt that Ukasah Habiby will come to an event which is in his presumption that Ukasah would not come. So, in order to express the feeling surprise he said OMG. OMG stands for Oh My Gosh or Oh My God. This word is an abbreviation which is used by teenagers and teens when they text message, email, chat online, or communicate verbally or through written form. OMG became popular since early 2000's. On the Indonesia Yahoo site, OMG used to name the channel for news and entertainment celebrities. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

4.7   OL

Salim Saja commented a status on May 25 2012 at 1:24am                                                        Mas Tyo....isih ol? (Mas Tyo, do you still OL?)

        Salim Saja asks to Mas Tyo in Javanese language whether he is still ol or not. OL stands for online. Online is the condition of being connected to a network of computers or other devices. The term is frequently used to describe someone who is currently connected to the Internet to browsing or chatting. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.    Clipping

                                Common Register


















5.1   Bro

D'Zulkarnain Carnot commented status on July 16 at 11:19am

gur koyo og bro...ra popo,,haa.    (Just almost similar bro, never mind, it doesn’t matter)

D'Zulkarnain Carnot used Javanese language to commented. In Bahasa it can be interpret “Hanya mirip Kak, nggak apa-apa”. Bro is the shortened from the original word brother. It means a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of the parents. Bro is not only used to call a male sibling. The one related to another by common ties or interests. This called just to make intimate atmosphere. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.2   Hok 

Pandu Subroto commented on a status on July 13 at 9:05am

plus dibagi buat suriah ma myanmar gan hok (And distribute for Suriah and Myanmar Hok)

               Hok is shortened from the original word of Hokage. Hokage is a word that contained in famous anime comic of Naruto. Hokage is to describe as a highest and strongest ninja in Konoha village. The Hokage is the official military leader of the hidden leaf village, with the "ho" being a leaf village only prefix, like how kazi in kazikage is a sand village only prefix. Kage is the core word that simply means shadow, as true ninjas are deadly shadows in the purest sense. Kages are ninja leaders that rule the hidden villages that are in charge of protecting their villages and maintaining military (as well as economical) balance through missions/assassinations/alliances/peace treaties and the like. In NPFG the person who called Hokage is Agus Imam Santoso. He is the founder of Ninja Muslim Facebook Group. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.3   Jend

Casofa Fachmy commented a status on April 29 at 2:31pm

   mit en grid’e wingi konklusine opo jend? dishare dong jend (what is the conclusion of  meet and greet yesterday Jend?)

Jend is a shortened word from jenderal. Jenderal or general is the figure that affecting or characteristic of the majority of those involved. Jenderal have several interpretations in various field. It could mean the rank of police officer which is includes general of police, commissioner general of police, inspector general of police, and police brigadier general. In organization jenderal could be define as the most influential person. In NPFG, the person who called Jenderal is Zatoichi Fay Ahmed. He is a member who always giving contribution in NPFG actively. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

6.   Code switching

In this case, a member from Malaysia post cute cats emoticon picture. Previously, there was a comment, but it does not too important. Afterwards another member named Zatoichi Fay Ahmad gives comments that are unrelated to the post. He tried to talk with Malay.  Therefore, this case caused code switching.

                                NPFG Register












Mau/ ingin

Would like to




Would like to




Little by little























Tidak ada

Have no










Berpusing- pusing


Spin (adj), tour (verb)








Let’s/ Come on


Bertungkus lumus

Giat /aktif 



The description of conversation:

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Saye6.1 mahu6.2 nak6.3 cakap dengan bahasa malaysia  dengan Awan BVitara sikik-sikik.6.4 saye boleh?  (May I talk with Awan BVitara a little bit in Malaysian?) 17 July 2012 at 01:38 pm

Awan BVitara

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed..boley.6.5 jer6.6 nak ckp BM ngan6.7 Awan BVitara O_O  ( It’s okay Zatoichi Fay Ahmed, do you want  to   talk by using BM

Awan BVitara

Pak Paizal Solo rupanyerrrr6.8....baru tau (Apparently, Zatoichi Fay Ahmad is Pak Faizal Solo right?) ....17 July at 01:46 pm

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Hi hi Zaotichi Fay and Pak Faizal Solo tak     berbeza6.9. 17 July at 01:47 pm      (Zatoichi fay and Pak Faizal Solo there is no difference)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed   

Saye takde6.10 BM adanya YM 17 July at 01:47pm I don’t have BM but I have YM

Awan BVitara

Tak apa2 je lar6.11 awan x kisah..janji...fhm :) 17 july, 01:48pm  It doesn’t matter, I will tell you next time

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Awan BVitara apa awak ada semacam senarai6.12 atau websites belajar cakap   Malaysia.nanti saye berpusing-pusing6.13visiting those websites jika ada free time :)          17 July at 01:50pm

(Do you have a link or website to learning Malaysia? I want to visit those website if have free time)

Awan Bvitara

InsyaAllah...jika ada akn cari   17 July, 01:53pm (InsyaAllah, if I have free time, I will         search)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Awan BVitara; saye lupa JER=AYO/YUK  dalam bahasa Indonesia ya? 17 July at 01:55  pm (Awan BVitara, I forget, does the word jer is ‘come on’ in Bahasa?

Awan Bvitara

bukan jer=aja...yuk=jom6.15. 17 July at  01:57pm

(Jer means just…jom means come on)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

wew awesome LIHAT JER=LIHAT AJA. :D nampakny saye harus bertungkus lumus6.16 dalam mempelajari bahasa dari negeri jiran.   

(Wow, it’s awesome. I should learn Malay actively but it is lots of fun) 17 July 4:00pm

Awan Bvitara

Bahasa pasar/slang di Malaysia sering berubah2...mengikut masa..dan di setiap  negeri pula..ada loghat/ slang yg tersendiri....Malaysia             ada 14 buah negeri yg kecil2 tapi masing2  punya slang tersendiri.

(The market language or slang in Malaysia always changes every time and each nation has their own accent. Malaysia was divided into 14 nations and they have own language.







            In this chapter, the writer will analyze about particular registers and the common registers which is used in NPFG. The vocabulary was taken from the language which is used by Facebooker especially NPFG members. The formation of words and their meanings are very diverse and depend on the creativity of members.

A. Word

Word is an element of language both spoken and written. It is a part of sentence to express of feeling and thought that used in conversation.

                                NPFG Register












A character



Uncertain /dismay

Common Register


















Mas (Javanese)



Funny, cute



An extremely quality



an expression to describe shocking condition

1.1  Ndewo

Agus Imam Santoso posted a status

Orang besar bukan orang yang otaknya sempurna tetapi orang yang mengambil sebaik-baiknya dari otak yang tidak sempurna. Itu namanya kreativitas yang super ndewo(A great man is a man whose brain is not perfect but they are taking the best of it. It’s called super ndewo creativity)

Ndewo is the word which often used to give comment on something great when someone posting pictures or words that so inspiring in NP group. The word ndewo become popular because of an admin who like play online games, he popularized that word through comments and postings in NPFG. Ndewo is come from the word dewa, Javanese said ndewa’.  It can be interpret as godlike. It is popular word among dotA online game to give an attribution to an awesome player. This word is referential function. It is to give a praise on awesome something and used to intimate the conversation.

1.2 Kadir

Djamboel Adi commented on a status on April 26 2012 at 4:56pm

Wow pasti kadir banget ki. (Wow it must very Kadir)

Kadir is the word created by an admin of NPFG. It is the word to mock friends, commonly used to express something stupid, funny or to comment on ridiculous posts or statements. This word is often used in to comments in NPFG. This term refers to a parody of cadre.  Actually, this word is formed to describe ridiculous person but still within the reasonable limitation. In addition, Kadir is a famous Indonesian comedian in 80’s. He is very funny with his Madura accent. His silly joke is very entertaining. So, the word Kadir was taken from the figure of ridiculous person. This word is imaginative function. It is just to entertain the people. The kind of this register is intimate. It is usually used in conversations of family, spouses, and friends. The characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.3  Rustam

      Roestam Djadoel commented a status on 25 July 2012 at 9:57 am


Berdjoeang hingga tetes Roestam jang penghabisan poen. Rawe-rawe Roestam, Malang-malang loetoeng.  Roestam - Merdeka ataoe Roestam..!!.”

   (Three Rustam’s demands fight to end of Rustam. Get a Freedom or Rustam).

      The original utterance is berjuang hingga tetes darah penghabisan (fight to the death). Rawe-rawe Roestam, Malang-malang loetoeng (this utterance is just a parody of the slogan of Rawe rawe rantas malang-malang putung).

            The word Rustam is literally meaningless word but it is meaningful for particular people such as admin and some members of NPFG. In fact, Rustam is a character was made by admin of NP group. He seems really live in the real world. Rustam is a figure that had been made ​​for a term that contains elements of a breakthrough. Rustam was created to describe a figure who wants to be understood. This word is imaginative function. It is only for a joke and entertains. The kind of this register is intimate and the characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.4      Ngestinoh

Insan Agung posted a comment on July 24 at 8:41am

  Ngestinoh detected, so must be blocked.  (ngestinoh was detected so it must be blocked)

   Ngestinoh is an expression to show uncertainty statement or something absurd. This word is also created by an admin of NPFG. Actually, there is no inspiration in making this word. In fact, the word ngestinoh is the name of kingdom in Javanese puppetry. This word is imaginative function. It is only for joke and entertains. The kind of this register is intimate. Normally, it used only in contexts such as conversations or letters between friends especially the admin and some member of NPFG.

1.5 Lebay

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a status on April 29 at 2:41pm

Terkadang sulit mbedain orang lebay dan PD.(Sometimes difficult to distinguish between Lebay and confidence person).                   

   Lebe/lebay comes from the origin word of berlebihan. This is the hyperbole of the word excessive. This word was popular in 2006, since Indonesian comedians Ruben Onsu and Olga Syahputra popularized this word on their television shows. Now this word becomes popular and often used by teenagers in conversation. Lebay is the feeling of overestimate regardless of response or considerations from other. Lebay could mean arrogant, egotistic in giving opinion.

They whom called lebay is usually assume that they are the right one and no one can change. They are difficult to accept the suggestion from others.  Lebay was derived from the root word of lebih which is read with English pronunciation ‘I’ become ‘ay’. This is a heuristic function. This word is to state excessive people. Sometimes some people are wonder why there is a character like that. The use of this register is to find things out, wonder, or hypothesize. It is used in informal situation. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

     1.6  Galau

Ukasah Habiby posted a status on May 04, 2012 at 8:51pm

Pusat galau itu ternyata ada di lampu hijau, maka jika masih merah, jangan pernah meyakini nyalanya hijau benar-benar bikin galau. Perjalanan  malam yang mengispirasi (The center of restless is on a green light, if it still red. Do not too believe that is green because that will make you really upset. The evening of inspiring trip)

Actually galau is not a slang word. This word was registered in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) as the word to state a feeling of restless, worried and anxious.  Lately, it word become very popular since and advertising of cellular operator and a couplet lyric of ‘say no to galau’ by SMASH (an Indonesian boy band). This word is personal function. It is to state feeling of indecision and restless. The use of this register is to express individuality. Actually, the characteristic of this word is literary.  It was found only or mainly in literature written in an ‘elevated’ style and used in formal situation but this word has shifted into informal situation.

1.7   Ajib

Sigied Himawan commented a status on 26 Mei at 08:49 pm

Bro, sy dapat lahan di daerah perkotaan sragen, ajib ra? lahan kosong di tengah kota sragen, dekat kapolres sragen yg punya Insya Allah siap ditanam gaharu, kalo ada waktu inspeksi ke sana (Bro, I get a land in downtown of Sragen near the police station. The owner permits for planting gaharu. If we have free time, let’s go there)

   Ajib is shortened word from ajaib. Ajib and Ajaib has the same root, it is the plural of Ajibah (Arabic) which is means fantastic or awesome things and it could be define as synonym of good, steady or stable. Furthermore, ajib is word to express feelings extraordinary, sometimes used to describe how delicious of food. The function of this word is imaginative. The used of this word is to entertain. The kind of this word is intimate and the characteristic is rare. It is not in common use.

1.8  Beib

Sigied Himawan posted a status on May 23, 2012 at 9:25am

Barangsiapa yang di puji oleh manusia, padahal pujian itu tidak benar ada pada dirinya. Maka kita harus menangis dan malu sama ALLAH. Taklim last night Rustam beib (Whoever is praised by human, whereas that praise is not true on Him. So, we should cry and embarrassed in Allah.  Rustam Islamic lesson last night beib)

Beib or babe is a call for boyfriend, a spouse or close friend. It is an informal word to express an affection of sweetheart or dear. This is used as a term of endearment. It is imaginative function. The kind of this word is intimate which is usually used in family atmosphere to intimate a conversation. The characteristic of this word is humorous which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.9   Hebring

          Danar Nugh commented on a status 22 Mei 2012 at 08:57am

               Uwaaa mbak Ukasah Habiby hebring tenan ogh.(Ukasah habiby, you’re so excited)

The word hebring was became popular word because the characters' played by the late Indonesian actress Ida Kusumah in 80’s as Mrs. Hebring. Hebring is derives from Sundanese language which is means excited and great. This kind of register is heuristic. The characteristic of this word is archaic. It is very old-fashioned language, not in ordinary use at all today.

1.10  Dab

Wahyu Liz Adaideaja posted a status on January 23, 2012 at 6:45pm

Lebih banyak bersyukur daripada mengeluh, simpel wae dab. Cobalah jal. (You should more thankful rather than complain. Just simple  dab. Try It)

Dab is greeting word for Yogjanese men. Actually, this parody is come from the word Mas a greeting word for Javanese man.  This word is to greet male friends, classmates or someone close. This is a unique Yogya greeting which is use in the mid 90's along with the word Dagadu (Matamu). These formation words are based on Java script by skipping two lines for each character. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is rare. It is not in common use but still used today for particular people in Yogya.

1.11  Unyu

           Insan Agung commented a status on May 10, 2012 at 5:24pm

Kalo Rustam itu pake jurus "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu".Banyak akun tapi karakternya sama, absurd, yang masalah itu kalo akun banyak dengan karakter beda-beda.. satu wajah buat gaul sama junkies, satu wajah buat gaul sama punk, satu wajah gaul buat ke-akhi-an, satu wajah yg lain buat gaul unyu-unyu, yang lain buat alay-alay'an.. ini banyak wajah. Takutnya jadi Dasamuka :D

(Rustam is taking stance of "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu”. Although, he had many Facebook accounts but have the same character. It will be a problem when he has many accounts with various characters. One account to get in with junkies, another one to get in punk, and other one as if pious men character the last one to unyu-unyu and alay-alay. That’s called Dasamuka).

            Unyu is the word that popular in the mid of 2010 through social network twitter. This word was   taken from the words that are common in Japanese comics. In addition, this word often used to express something is funny, cute and adorable. Other source state that unyu is derived from English word "You and Why You" which was shortened unyu. Why not yawy?. It is because you can be replaced by letter ‘U’, and can be replaced by letter‘N’, why can be replaced by letter ‘Y’. This word has an imaginative function. The kind of this register is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful

1.12  Beudh

Abu Farros posted a comment on September 22, 2011 at 2:20pm

Sigied , kadirmu juga sangat maksimal. Ngeri beudh (Sigied, your ridiculous is also too maximal. So horrible)

Beudh is a parody of the original word banget or sangat. It is the word to state an extremely quality. This word was popularize by teenagers trough the social network and their communities. The function of this register is imaginative. The kind of this word is intimate and the characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.13   Gubrak

Pandu Subroto commented on a status on March 15 2012 at 9:30pm

Gubrak haha ane kirim yg bnyk deh gmbrnya klo ntu hehe (I will send a lot of picture to you)

Gubrak is an expression to describe shocking condition. Sometimes used in Japanese anime, to describe the characters which suddenly fall but in real, it could be practiced with gesture raised to the top then falls back. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

1.      Blending words

Blending is the process of combining two or more words by removing certain parts of the word.

                                NPFG Register








Agus hokage




Kurus Tampan

Slim - Handsome

Common Register



Gak jelas




Jaman dulu




Ilang feeling

Loss of sense



Anak layangan

Kite boy



Manusia homo

Homosexual guy



Dunia maya

Cyber space



Dunia nyata

Real world


2.1 AHOK

Agus Imam Santoso posted a status on July 12, 2012 at 3:37pm

Mari hadapi debat dengan gaya kumat agar selalu sehat dan tetep semangat, demikian yg dikatakan oleh saya sebagai AHOK (Agus HOKage). (Let's face the debate with recurrent style to keep healthy and spirit that’s I said as AHOK (Agus Hokage))

As stated in chapter II, that blending word is the process of combining two or more words by removing certain parts of the word. In this case, there is a member who called as Ahok. He is a main admin of Ninja Muslim group, his name was Agus Imam Santoso. Ahok became popular among the Ninja Preneur member because of the candidate Jokowi and Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) in the election of DKI Jakarta in the mid of 2012. Therefore, some members called him as Ahok. Ahok is stand for Agus Hokage. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. It is humorous characteristic which is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

2.2  Rustam

Rustam Hidayat posted a status on July 25 at 9:57 am

Pernahkah kamoe kamoe merasa begitu rustam dalam hidup moe? coba kita tanya De Buya, Rustam Roestam Djadoel dan Sigied Himawan. (Do you ever feel so rustam in your life? Let’s ask to De Buya, Rustam, Roestam Djadoel dan Sigied Himawan)

Rustam stand for kurus tampan and rush time. Rustam in blending word is rather different from rustam as the word. It depends on each person to make an abbreviation of Rustam or rush time. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

2.3   Gaje

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed updated a status on April 09:59pm

Masih ngaji tapi jarang. Yang sering berpikir tentang peng-gaji-an agak gaje gitu J. (I still learning religious knowledge. Who often think about penggajian, is rather gaje)

Gaje, geje, or GJ is the acronym of Gak Jelas. Gak is from the original word of nggak or tidak. It is a word to state of denial. Jelas is the word to state an obvious and clear statement. So, the shortened of Gaje is used to express a vague or uncertain statement. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.4   Jadul

Insan Agung posted a comment on May 30 at 5:25pm

Namanya juga jadul... mestinya sudah temuwo... barang lawas (Jadul is an old classic item. It is definitely mature)

Jadul stands for Jaman dulu or the past. The shortened of word just to make the usage of sentence more effective. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.


2.5 Ilfil

Agus Imam Santoso commented a status on 27April2012 at 7:38 am       

   Yang Mood sedang illfiil kayaknya dengan ciduk. Yang Mood seems loss of sense with ciduk)

Ilfil stand for ilang feeling. The original word of ilang is hilang (lose). It means disappeared or invisible. Feeling is a possessing great sensibility, easily affected or moved as a feeling of heart. So, ilang feeling could define loss of sense. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.6   Alay

Sigied Himawan commented on a status July 12 at 11:12am

Endah Here makaciiii, iyach padahal rambut saya kan gak se-alay itu. (Thanks Endah Here, that’s right my hair didn’t too alay like that)

Alay is stands for anak layangan. This term is to describe someone who pretends to cool in fashion, music and appearance. Alay means “A village boy”. It is describe the character of a child with red hair and blackened skin because of flying kites. Alay is a word formation process from the mixture of parody and acronym. Alay is a parody of ‘dorky boy’. Furthermore anak layangan was formed into an acronym Alay. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.7  Maho

Sigied Himawan posted a comment on 3 May 2012, 05:45 pm.

Ayam soryyy kita bukan maho tp mahu. (I’m sorry we are not maho but mahu)

            Maho stands for manusia homosexual. In the lounge of KasKus (the largest Indonesian community site) there was a guy with account name AppleBread ke4. He was very attractive because he always put in a word Maho in every post around 2008. Each post was often given pertamax (the first person who gives comment). All over the time that word became popular among KasKuser (the user of KasKus) to state the men who have abnormal sexuality. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offence.

2.8   Dumay and Duta

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed posted a status on 4 May 2012 at 9:41 am

Saya agak sedikit beda pendapat dengan Sigied Himawan yang di tahun 2009 duta dan dumay ga ada bedanya. (I have a little bit different opinion with Sigied Himawan. There was no difference between cyber world and real word in 2009)

   Dumay stands for Dunia maya (cyberspace) Duta stands for dunia nyata (real world). Dumay is the electronic media of computer networks that are widely used for one-way communication. This virtual world is an integration of various tools of communication and computer network technologies) that connects to communications equipment (computers, mobile phones, electronic instrumentation, etc.) and it is spread over worldwide.

While, Duta is the world the people live in.  A place where people doing daily activities in real life. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is Informal. Normally, used only in contexts such as conversations or letters between friends.



3.   Acronym

Acronym is word made up of abbreviation, but the result is pronounced as word, not a list of letter.

                                Common Register








Cium pipi kanan cium pipi kiri

Kissing right cheek, kissing left cheek



Masa depan suram

Bleak future.


3.1  Cipika-cipiki

Sigied Himawan posted a comment on 4 May 2012, 08:26 pm

Mas Insan kita gathering yukss, sambil cipika-cipiki dan unyu unyu bareng. (Mas Insan, let’s have gathering, then cipika-cipika and unyu-unyu together)

Cipika-cipiki is cium pipi kanan, cium pipi kiri. Kissing right cheek, kissing left cheek. Cipika-cipiki stands for cium pipi kanan cium pipi kiri. It is a behavior of kissing the right and left cheek among Indonesian people when they met with their close friend in a wedding, meeting or just to congratulate their friend in graduation.  The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

3.2   Madesu

         Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a status on April 30, 2012 at 11 pm

   Pengangguran intelektual=madesu and medusa?:)   (An intellectual jobless = madesu ora medusa)

   Madesu stands for masa depan suram. This word is to express them whom drop out from school and those who do not have the effort to increase their quality life and spirit. Madesu is also to refer to those who fail in life. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is vulgar slang. It is informal language that may cause offense.

4.   Abbreviation

                                NPFG Register






Dompet Ninja Muslim peduli Sesama



Ninja Preneur



Ninja Muslim

Common Register



By the way



On the way



Oh My God


4.1   DNMPS

   Agus Imam Santoso posted a status July 28, 2012 at 6.19: am 

Bismillah, berdasarkan keputusan RAPAT ADMIN NM semalam. Memutuskan bahwa dompet DNMPS dalam waktu dekat ini akanmengadakan follow up kepada 2 ukhti penderita kanker tulang belakang yg dulu pada tgl 24 April 2012 pernah kami datangi (Bismillah, the result of meeting last night. NM ADMIN decided that the wallet of DNMPS will hold a follow up to both women with spinal cancer who have visited on April 24, 2012)

   DNMPS is a program that was initiated by the NM group, but also involves NPFG members. This program is aimed to those who have a chronic diseases and poor families. The function of this word is Social Relationships/Interactional. The use of language to interact and plan, develops, or maintains a play or group activity. The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents.


4.2   NP

         Indah here posted a status on may 17, 2012 at 8:47am

  Bismillah, Hanya sekedar usulan, Bagaimana untuk kedepannya   NP engadakan semacam kegiatan sosial bersama-sama. Jadi, tidak sekedar forum aja tapi sedikit berbagi manfaat dengan sesama..... pasti menyenangkan . (Bismillah, it is just a suggestion how if NP held social activities. So, NP is not only a forum but also a media to share the benefits with others. I think it would be nice.)

     NP stands for Ninja Preneur. It is the group to sharing the knowledge of entrepreneurship. In addition, this group is also the forum that dedicated to who that have potential to be an entrepreneur.  The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.

4.3    NM

         Pandu Subroto commented a status about durable hamburger for several years. Why it does not expire for a long time on 28 April 2012 at 9:09am

   “Wah ayo bikin rame2 bisa jd sumber keuangan NP dan admin2nya thow, dgn suntikan dana pinjaman tanpa bunga dr juragan gaharu bisalah..hahaha kan nama NP n NM dah enggelora neh di seantero FB bisa dmanfaatkan namanya hehe”         (Let’s make it together. It will be admins’ financial resource. The   funding from gaharu boss will facilitate the business)

   NM stands for Ninja Muslim. It was state in chapter II. Ninja Muslim is part group of Ninja Muslim, the older group that has about 16,000 members. It is a group of people who like ninja character or Japanese character. Actually this group made to have gathering and sharing Islamic issues. The kind of this word is consultative. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain, conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.


4.4   Btw

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed commented a atatus  on April 29 2012 at 9:16pm

btw, komentar2 mas Andy Uygar sastra banget saya harus mikir untuk menjawabnya.  (Mas Andy Uygar, your comments are so literary. I must think over to answer it)

   “Btw” means by the way. It is mostly used as a shortcut in Social network conversation or texting in short message. This word is usually used to make the long statement more effectively and simple. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is formal. Normally, it is used only in writing such as official documents. The function is representational. The use of language to explain, conveying messages, telling about the real world and expressing a proposition.

4.5   Otw

   Ini Budi Saputra commented on a status July 6 at 2:55pm

        Bengi kapan?ki aq otw suroboyo sesuk muleh. (When? In otw to      Surabaya but tomorrow I go home).

               Otw is an abbreviation which is use to shorten On the Way. This word is to state that someone is on the way to a place. It is used in sending sms, commented on facebook, or other social network and also in daily conversations. Not only teenagers who use this word but almost people who know the meaning use it. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

4.6    OMG 

          Aslam El-Hasany commented a status on June 11 2012 at 5:43am

     Yakin Ukasah Habiby mau dateng? (OMG, are you sure that Ukasah Habiby will come?)

            In Aslam El-Hasany’s comment. He seems doubt that Ukasah Habiby will come to an event which is in his presumption that Ukasah would not come. So, in order to express the feeling surprise he said OMG. OMG stands for Oh My Gosh or Oh My God. This word is an abbreviation which is used by teenagers and teens when they text message, email, chat online, or communicate verbally or through written form. OMG became popular since early 2000's. On the Indonesia Yahoo site, OMG used to name the channel for news and entertainment celebrities. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

4.7   OL

Salim Saja commented a status on May 25 2012 at 1:24am                                                        Mas Tyo....isih ol? (Mas Tyo, do you still OL?)

        Salim Saja asks to Mas Tyo in Javanese language whether he is still ol or not. OL stands for online. Online is the condition of being connected to a network of computers or other devices. The term is frequently used to describe someone who is currently connected to the Internet to browsing or chatting. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.    Clipping

                                Common Register


















5.1   Bro

D'Zulkarnain Carnot commented status on July 16 at 11:19am

gur koyo og bro...ra popo,,haa.    (Just almost similar bro, never mind, it doesn’t matter)

D'Zulkarnain Carnot used Javanese language to commented. In Bahasa it can be interpret “Hanya mirip Kak, nggak apa-apa”. Bro is the shortened from the original word brother. It means a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of the parents. Bro is not only used to call a male sibling. The one related to another by common ties or interests. This called just to make intimate atmosphere. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.2   Hok 

Pandu Subroto commented on a status on July 13 at 9:05am

plus dibagi buat suriah ma myanmar gan hok (And distribute for Suriah and Myanmar Hok)

               Hok is shortened from the original word of Hokage. Hokage is a word that contained in famous anime comic of Naruto. Hokage is to describe as a highest and strongest ninja in Konoha village. The Hokage is the official military leader of the hidden leaf village, with the "ho" being a leaf village only prefix, like how kazi in kazikage is a sand village only prefix. Kage is the core word that simply means shadow, as true ninjas are deadly shadows in the purest sense. Kages are ninja leaders that rule the hidden villages that are in charge of protecting their villages and maintaining military (as well as economical) balance through missions/assassinations/alliances/peace treaties and the like. In NPFG the person who called Hokage is Agus Imam Santoso. He is the founder of Ninja Muslim Facebook Group. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

5.3   Jend

Casofa Fachmy commented a status on April 29 at 2:31pm

   mit en grid’e wingi konklusine opo jend? dishare dong jend (what is the conclusion of  meet and greet yesterday Jend?)

Jend is a shortened word from jenderal. Jenderal or general is the figure that affecting or characteristic of the majority of those involved. Jenderal have several interpretations in various field. It could mean the rank of police officer which is includes general of police, commissioner general of police, inspector general of police, and police brigadier general. In organization jenderal could be define as the most influential person. In NPFG, the person who called Jenderal is Zatoichi Fay Ahmed. He is a member who always giving contribution in NPFG actively. The function of this register is imaginative and the kind of this word is intimate. The characteristic of this word is humorous. It is used with the intention of sounding funny or playful.

6.   Code switching

In this case, a member from Malaysia post cute cats emoticon picture. Previously, there was a comment, but it does not too important. Afterwards another member named Zatoichi Fay Ahmad gives comments that are unrelated to the post. He tried to talk with Malay.  Therefore, this case caused code switching.

                                NPFG Register












Mau/ ingin

Would like to




Would like to




Little by little























Tidak ada

Have no










Berpusing- pusing


Spin (adj), tour (verb)








Let’s/ Come on


Bertungkus lumus

Giat /aktif 



The description of conversation:

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Saye6.1 mahu6.2 nak6.3 cakap dengan bahasa malaysia  dengan Awan BVitara sikik-sikik.6.4 saye boleh?  (May I talk with Awan BVitara a little bit in Malaysian?) 17 July 2012 at 01:38 pm

Awan BVitara

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed..boley.6.5 jer6.6 nak ckp BM ngan6.7 Awan BVitara O_O  ( It’s okay Zatoichi Fay Ahmed, do you want  to   talk by using BM

Awan BVitara

Pak Paizal Solo rupanyerrrr6.8....baru tau (Apparently, Zatoichi Fay Ahmad is Pak Faizal Solo right?) ....17 July at 01:46 pm

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Hi hi Zaotichi Fay and Pak Faizal Solo tak     berbeza6.9. 17 July at 01:47 pm      (Zatoichi fay and Pak Faizal Solo there is no difference)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed   

Saye takde6.10 BM adanya YM 17 July at 01:47pm I don’t have BM but I have YM

Awan BVitara

Tak apa2 je lar6.11 awan x kisah..janji...fhm :) 17 july, 01:48pm  It doesn’t matter, I will tell you next time

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Awan BVitara apa awak ada semacam senarai6.12 atau websites belajar cakap   Malaysia.nanti saye berpusing-pusing6.13visiting those websites jika ada free time :)          17 July at 01:50pm

(Do you have a link or website to learning Malaysia? I want to visit those website if have free time)

Awan Bvitara

InsyaAllah...jika ada akn cari   17 July, 01:53pm (InsyaAllah, if I have free time, I will         search)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

Awan BVitara; saye lupa JER=AYO/YUK  dalam bahasa Indonesia ya? 17 July at 01:55  pm (Awan BVitara, I forget, does the word jer is ‘come on’ in Bahasa?

Awan Bvitara

bukan jer=aja...yuk=jom6.15. 17 July at  01:57pm

(Jer means just…jom means come on)

Zatoichi Fay Ahmed

wew awesome LIHAT JER=LIHAT AJA. :D nampakny saye harus bertungkus lumus6.16 dalam mempelajari bahasa dari negeri jiran.   

(Wow, it’s awesome. I should learn Malay actively but it is lots of fun) 17 July 4:00pm

Awan Bvitara

Bahasa pasar/slang di Malaysia sering berubah2...mengikut masa..dan di setiap  negeri pula..ada loghat/ slang yg tersendiri....Malaysia             ada 14 buah negeri yg kecil2 tapi masing2  punya slang tersendiri.

(The market language or slang in Malaysia always changes every time and each nation has their own accent. Malaysia was divided into 14 nations and they have own language.












































Jurnal Kapal Perang vs Jurnal Kapal Dagang

Pixabay License, Untuk digunakan gratis, Tidak ada atribut yang di perlukan

Pernah ada pembicaraan menarik di kalangan pengelola jurnal dengan topik “Kapal Perang vs kapal Dagang”. Tipe pertama yaitu jurnal "Kapal Perang" adalah metafora untuk menggambarkan pengelolaan jurnal yang super idealis yang dalam istilah kami di PTKIN mulai popular dengan istilah “Jihadis Jurnal”. Pengelola tipe ini berjibaku, habis-habisan mengelola jurnal tanpa memikirkan honor atau bayaran. Ini tipe Ikhas Lillahi Ta’ala. Tetapi fenomenanya ada pengelola tipe Kapal perang ini yang mengaku terang-terangan bahwa dia sering diabaikan atau dipinggirkan tetapi sekaligus dibutuhkan oleh pihak kampusnya.

Pengelola Jurnal tipe “Kapal Perang” ini secara umum mengacu pada pengelolaan jurnal di kampus-kampus kita baik kampus Negeri maupun swasta. Jurnal-jurnal tersebut sebagian tidak mengenakan biaya publikasi ke penulis alias free APC dan sebagiannya meminta APC dengan harga miring dari 30 USD-300 USD tergantung level SINTA-nya. Makin tinggi levelnya makin tinggi pula biaya APC-nya. Biaya APC tersebut misalnya yang SINTA 1 terindeks Scopus mengenakan biaya 300 USD tetap dapat dikatakan relatif “Murah” dibandingkan jurnal kapal dagang yang saya jelaskan setelah ini.
Tipe kedua yaitu Jurnal kapal Dagang adalah jurnal-jurnal yang dikelola oleh Big publisher yang notabene adalah perusahaan publikasi seperti Elsevier, Emerald, Springer dan sebagainya. Namanya juga perusahaan prinsipnya bukan idealism tetapi bagaimana publikasi itu berjalan dengan prinsip pelayanan bisnis. Seorang author jika ingin publish gratis dia boleh memilih tipe closed access tetapi proses review-nya lumayan berat dan memakan waktu lama bisa 6 bulan sampai satu tahun lebih. Badai revisi tiada henti pun sering menerpa. Diperlukan kesabaran dan ketekunan yang tinggi sementara kewajiban publikasi terutama mahasiswa S3 di Indonesia tetap ada target lulus dan kejar-kejaran waktu. Jika author tidak sabar dia bisa mencoba model open access yang akan dikenakan biaya yang besar. Ada yang 500 USD sampai ribuan USD. Ada cerita seorang doctor yang ingin jadi professor mengirim naskah ke jurnal terindeks scopus di luar negeri dan editor mengatakan via E-mail bahwa tulisan beliau bagus tapi banyak kekurangan di sana-sini dan editor siap membantu editing asal membayar biaya seribu Euro. Jika satu Euro itu kursnya IDR 16.000,- biaya yang harus dikeluarkan penulis adalah 16 juta rupiah. Itu hanya untuk biaya editing belum untuk proofreading naskah. Ada lagi author Indonesia bercerita kepada saya bahwa di aharus membayar IDR 25 juta untuk publish di Journal of Social Studies Education Research,, sebuah jurnal terindeks scopus Q1 di Turki.

Bagaimana dengan jurnal-jurnal di Indonesia? Ada juga lho jurnal-jurnal yang dikelola oleh CV atau LSM. Pokoknya yang Non-kampus. Ada tipe pengelola yang merasa kurang diperhatikan pihak kampus dan juga melihat peluang bisnis publikasi ilmiah membuat “kapal dagang” sendiri dan saya lihat masih dalam batas kewajaran untuk biaya publikasi. Seperti yang pernah saya tulis tentang “Hal Ikhwal biaya Publikasi atau APC” jurnal non-kampus sudah pasti harus membiayai sendiri sewa domain, hosting dan penyelenggaran jurnal agar bisa berjalan lancer dan best practice. Langganan DOI, turnitin, ithenticate, Grammarly dan sebagainya juga termasuk biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh pengelola jurnal ini.
Kesimpulannya baik kapal perang maupun kapal dagang semua itu pilihan dan terserah author memilih yang mana sebagai tujuan publikasi ilmihnya. Yang penting tidak terjerumus ke predatory atau Questionble Journal and publishers.

Buku Penelitian Tindakan Kelas


Referensi buku untuk mahasiswa yang akan/sedang menulis TA dan Skripsi. 

Buku Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

Buku Statistik

Buku Metode Penelitian

32 list of valuable references link to open access journals and e-books


32 Daftar Referensi link jurnal dan buku


1. Perpusnas :

2. Portal Garuda :

3. Moraref :

4. Google Scholar :

5. Doaj :

6. Library Genesis :

7. Many Books :

8. Libri vox :

9. Scribd :

10. International digital children's library :

11. Academia :

12. Wiley Online Library :

13. Science direct :

14. Gutenberg :

15. Open Library :

16. Neliti :

17. Questia Public Library :

18. Wikibooks:

19. Slide share :

20. Free computer books :

21. Online computer books : htps://

22. Book yards :

23. Bookboon :

24. Read print :

25. Academic microsoft :

26. Eureka Pendidikan :

27. Research gate :

28. OAPEN :

29. JSTOR : htps://

30. Sci hub :

31. IEEE :

32. EmeraldInsight :



Assalamu alaikum wr.wb

Dear students 

These are important resources for your UAS assignment

1. the UAS Explanation:

2. Cara Mudah mensitasi referensi dari website and jurnal:

3. 32 Daftar Referensi link jurnal dan buku:

4. The deadline for the submission/due date is Friday, December 30, 11.59 PM/midnight.

5. This is the link URL For the UAS submission

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3. plagiarism checker .com 




Types of Perception


Types of Perception

According to Lee et al. (2016:228), there are two types of perception, and they are negative and positive perception; both are explained in the following description:

1). Positive perception

Positive perception is the perception that describes all information knowledge (known or unknown) positively. In addition, positive perception is the positive interpretation that involves humans evaluating something around them. In this case, someone with a positive perception will accept and support the perceived object.

2). Negative perception

The negative perception is the perception that describes information (known or unknown) negatively or not suitable for the perceived object. In other words, negative perception is the negative interpretation that involves humans evaluating something around them.

Positive and Negative Perceptions

According to Robbins (2002: 14), positive perception is an assessment individual of an object or information with a positive view or as expected from the object perceived or from existing rules.

Meanwhile, negative perceptions are individual perceptions of certain objects or information with opposing views, contrary to what is expected from the object that is perceived or from existing rules. The cause of emergence of a negative perception can arise because of individual dissatisfaction with the object being the source of perception, individual ignorance, and the absence of individual experience of the object being perceived. Vice versa, the cause of the emergence of a person's positive perception because of satisfaction is individuals to objects that are the source of their perceptions, the existence of individual knowledge, and the existence of individual experiences of objects that are perceived.

Rahmat (2005) states that perception is divided into positive and negative forms. Suppose the perceived object follows appreciation and can be accepted rationally and emotionally. In that case, humans will perceive positively or tend to like and respond according to the perceived object. If it is not following appreciation, the perception is negative or tends to reject and react in the opposite direction to the object of perception.

Robbins (2002) adds that positive perception is an individual's assessment of an object or information with a positive view or following what is expected from the object perceived or from the existing rules. Meanwhile, negative perceptions are individual perceptions of particular objects or information with negative views, contrary to what is expected from the object perceived or from existing rules.

The emergence of a person's negative perception can arise because of individual dissatisfaction with the object that is the source of their perception, the existence of ignorance of the individual, and the absence of individual experience of the object being perceived and vice versa. The cause of the emergence of positive perceptions of a person because of the individual satisfaction with the object that is the source of perception, the existence of individual knowledge, and the existence of individual experiences of perceived objects.

According to Walgito (2004), individuals tend to look at things they think will satisfy their needs and ignore harmful or disturbing things. The psychological state becomes very important in interpreting the stimulus, so an individual's perception may be different from others, even though the object or motivation is the same. Thomas (2007) adds that the personal characteristics of perceptual actors, including attitudes, motives, needs, interests, past experiences, and expectations, strongly influence interpretation. The process of perception involves understanding resulting in the perception between one person and another being different (individualistic).

Based on the definition described above, the researcher can conclude that positive perception is a positive way of looking at individuals in the stimulus in the environment through processes of cognition and affective processes that are influenced by various things such as prior knowledge, needs, educational moods, and other factors to give positive meaning towards the object that it perceives. At the same time, negative perceptions are the way of looking at or evaluating an individual against an entity with considerations that are not in individual accordance, expected, or different from their desires.

Definiton of Perception

 1. According to Wagner and Hollenbeck (1995)

There is an opinion from Wagner and Hollenbeck. Namely, humans have five senses through which we experience the world: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. According to him, every human being is endowed with five senses through which you can experience the world around you. Starting from sight, hearing, smell, taste, and flavor. According to Wagner and Hollenbeck, the definition of perception is a process in which a person can select, manage, store, and interpret information collected through the five senses. (Also read: Types of Schizophrenia)

2. According to Robbins (2003)

Robbins states that perception is an individual process to organize and interpret impressions from their senses to give meaning to the surrounding environment. Many factors can influence perception, starting from the perpetrator of perception, the perceived object, and the existing situation.

The average personal characteristics of the perceiver are mostly attitudes, motives, interests, interests, expectations, and past experiences that are more relevant to influencing a perception. The object can be an object, person, or event. While the nature of an object can affect the perception of the person who sees it. The situation is the object's context, which includes things in the surrounding environment and time. (Also read: How to Get Rid of Boredom)

3. According to Young in Adrian (2010)

Perception is sensing, integrating, and assessing physical or social objects. This sensing usually depends on the physical and social stimuli in the environment. Sensory from this environment will be processed with other things learned, such as expectations, values, memories, and attitudes. (Also read: How to Eliminate Fear)

4. According to Gibson (1999)

In his book Organization and Behavior Management, Gibson explains that the structure of perception is a cognitive process that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around him against an object. Gibson also demonstrated that individuals carry out the process of giving meaning to the environment. Therefore, each person will provide a different definition for each other even though the object is the same. How individuals see a situation will be more critical than the situation itself. (Also read: ADHD Symptoms in Infants)

5. According to Kotler (2000)

Perception is how a person selects, organizes, and interprets incoming information to create a picture of a meaningful whole. (Also read: Humanistic Learning Theory)

Translated with (free version)

Source: 10 Pengertian Persepsi Menurut Para Ahli -

JOPR & REGISTER JOURNAL Migration from OJS 2 to OJS 3

 Dear Readers, Authors, Editors, and Peer Reviewers of REGISTER JOURNAL & Journal of Pragmatics Research

1. Starting from the Edition of Volume 16 Number 1, June 2023 onwards, the REGISTER JOURNAL has moved its web page from OJS 2 Register Journal to the new one OJS 3 Register Journal

2. Starting from the Edition of Volume 5 Number 1, April 2023 onwards, the Journal of Pragmatics Research has moved its web page from OJS 2 Journal of Pragmatics Research  to the new one OJS 3 Journal of Pragmatics Research

Thanks for your attention





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Metodologi Pengabdian Masyarakat


Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam

Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, Kementerian Agama RI


Alhamdulillah, Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam dapat menghadirkan Buku Metodologi Pengabdian Masyarakat (MPM) atau yang sekarang populer disebut Kemitraan Universitas-Masyarakat (KUM) bagi Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam (PTKI). Buku ini sangat penting untuk dipedomani oleh para pimpinan perguruan tinggi terutama dalam melaksanakan program pengabdian atau kemitraan. Hadirnya buku ini menunjukkan bahwa kemitraan universitas-masyarakat kini mendapat perhatian lebih serius dari semua komponen agar perguruan tinggi dapat lebih terlibat (engaged) dalam masyarakat. Paling tidak ada 4 metodologi yang diperkenalkan dalam buku ini, yaitu metode Participatory Action Research (PAR), Community Based Research (CBR), Service Learning (SL), dan ABCD (Asset Based Community Development). Apabila dipelajari secara seksama dan diikuti langkah-langkah praktisnya, pembaca akan mendapatkan cara yang tepat dalam melaksanakan program kemitraan atau pengabdian. Oleh karena itu, penting sekali mempelajari buku seri pengabdian ini. Beberapa contoh yang diberikan dalam buku ini merupakan pengalaman lapangan dari para penulisnya. Oleh karena itu kami menyampaikan apresiasi | iii iv | Metodologi Pengabdian Masyarakat setinggi-tingginya kepada para penulis buku ini yang berasal dari beberapa perguruan tinggi keagamaan Islam, yaitu: UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, UIN Alauddin Makassar, UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan IAIN Cirebon. Buku ini memiliki arti penting karena dapat memberikan alternatif metode dalam melaksanakan kemitraan atau pengabdian bagi civitas akademika PTKI dalam melaksanakan tugas tridharma perguruan tinggi, yaitu pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Khusus bagi dosen, pengabdian masyarakat merupakan tugas pokoknya sebagai ujung tombak pelaksana tridharma perguruan tinggi, karena itu, 4 metode pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat dijadikan pilihan metode. Kita berharap, kemitraan universitas-masyarakat dapat dijalankan dengan baik dengan metode yang jelas agar dapat menjadi distingsi atau keunggulan bagi perguruan tinggi keagamaan Islam di Indonesia. Pada saatnya, model pengabdian yang dijalankan dengan metode yang jelas akan dapat menghasilkan manfaat yang lebih luas dan kongkrit bagi masyarakat sehingga kepercayaan publik kepada perguruan tinggi keagamaan Islam semakin meningkat. Penyusunan buku ini tidak terlepas dari payung hukum di atasnya, Peraturan Menteri Agama Nomor 4 Tahun 2020 tentang Perubahan Nomor 55 Tahun 2014 tentang Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat pada Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan. Buku ini menggambarkan langkah-langkah praktis melakukan pengabdian dengan pendekatan Participatory Action Research (PAR), Service Learning (SL), Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), dan Community Based Research (CBR). Pelibatan para pihak dengan melalui beberapa forum seperti konsultasi, diskusi, wawancara, berbagi ide dan meminta masukan kepada para pemangku kepentingan menjadi ciri yang melekat pada buku ini. Participatory dan community driven menjadi ciri 4 pendekatan ini. Metodologi Pengabdian Masyarakat Selamat membaca dan mempraktikkan pendekatanpendekatan yang ditawarkan dalam buku ini secara fleksibel. Jika substansi buku ini dicermati dan diaplikasikan, pengabdian kepada masyarakat akan maju dengan arah dan meodologi yang jelas yang pada gilirannya dapat mengantarkan pencapaian visi menjadi perguruan tinggi keagamaan Islam yang terkemuka di masa yang akan datang. Buku ini masih perlu penyempurnaan. Oleh karena itu, masukan para pembaca dan pengguna akan sangat bermanfaat bagi penyempurnaan buku ini di masa yang akan datang.

Jakarta, 13 September 2022

Direktur Pendidikan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam, Kementerian Agama RI,

Amien Suyitno

Metodologi Pengadian Masyarakat | Pendis Press (

PDF view of the file admin_pendis, Buku Metodologi pengabdian masyarakat_fiks_compressed.pdf (



Assalamu alaikum wr.wb
Dear students of my academic writing class. this is the instruction and the explanation of the UAS academic writing assignment. 
This is the instruction:
1. please revise your UTS Academic writing assignment  by adding the locus or the planned/predicted participants/respondents or may be written or oral data as your primary source of research. 
2. there are two assignments: making PPT maximum 10 slides and a video presentation between 5-10 minutes.
3.  these are some points (7 points)  that should be available in your PPT and video presentation

a. Title of your research proposal
b. Problems: research gap & theoretical contribution at least there is “Keresahan akademik”
c.Locus: predicted respondents/Participants/source of data (written or oral texts)
d. Problem statements (at least two problem statements
e. Underlying theories
f. Methods
g. references

4. This is the link URL For the UAS submission
5. The deadline for the submission/due date is Friday, December 30, 11.59 PM/midnight.

7. This is explanation of the UAS assignment of academic writing : FOCUS YOUR LOCUS UAS ASSIGNMENT DEC 2022

The Copyright Wars: Three Centuries of Trans-Atlantic Battle

Today's copyright wars can seem unprecedented. Sparked by the digital revolution that has made copyright―and its violation―a part of everyday life, fights over intellectual property have pitted creators, Hollywood, and governments against consumers, pirates, Silicon Valley, and open-access advocates. But while the digital generation can be forgiven for thinking the dispute between, for example, the publishing industry and Google is completely new, the copyright wars stretch back three centuries―and their history is essential to understanding today's battles. The Copyright Wars―the first significant trans-Atlantic history of copyright from its origins to today―tells this important story.

Peter Baldwin explains why fundamental tension has always driven copyright wars. Should copyright assure authors and rights holders lasting claims, much like conventional property rights, as in Continental Europe? Or should copyright be primarily concerned with giving consumers affordable and easy access to a shared culture, as in Britain and America? The Copyright Wars describes how the Continental approach triumphed, dramatically increasing the claims of rights holders. The book also tells the widely forgotten story of how America went from being a leading copyright opponent and pirate in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to becoming the world's intellectual property policeman in the late twentieth. As it became a net cultural exporter and its content industries saw its advantage in the Continental ideology of strong authors' rights, the United States reversed its position on copyright, weakening its commitment to the ideal of universal enlightenment. This history reveals that today's open-access advocates are heirs of a venerable American tradition.

Terkadang orang yang paling hancur hidupnya adalah orang yang paling mau membantu orang lain

 “Ini Keanu Reeves yang naik kereta bawah tanah. Dia ditinggalkan oleh ayahnya pada usia 3 tahun dan tumbuh dengan 3 ayah tiri yang berbeda. Dia menderita disleksia dan mimpinya menjadi pemain hoki hancur karena kecelakaan serius. Putrinya meninggal saat lahir. Istrinya meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil, dan sahabatnya, River Phoenix, meninggal karena overdosis. Dia juga tinggal di sisi saudara perempuannya saat dia berjuang melawan leukemia.

Tidak ada pengawal, tidak ada rumah mewah. Keanu tinggal di apartemen biasa dan suka berkeliaran di sekitar kota dan sering terlihat naik kereta bawah tanah di NYC. Ketika dia sedang syuting film "The Lake House," dia mendengar percakapan dua asisten kostum, salah satunya menangis karena dia akan kehilangan rumahnya jika dia tidak membayar $20.000 - Pada hari yang sama, Keanu mendepositokan jumlah yang diperlukan di rekening banknya . Dalam karirnya, dia telah menyumbangkan sejumlah besar uang ke rumah sakit termasuk $75 juta dari penghasilannya dari "The Matrix" untuk amal. Pada tahun 1997 beberapa paparazzi menemukannya berjalan pada suatu pagi ditemani seorang tunawisma di Los Angeles, mendengarkan dia dan berbagi hidupnya selama beberapa jam.

Dalam hidup, terkadang orang yang paling hancur dari dalam adalah orang yang paling mau membantu orang lain. Pria ini bisa membeli segalanya, dan sebaliknya setiap hari dia bangun dan memilih satu hal yang tidak bisa dibeli.”

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