Showing posts with label IAIN Salatiga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IAIN Salatiga. Show all posts

Pedoman Penulisan Daftar Pustaka Di Skripsi IAIN Salatiga


Berikut adalah ketentuan dan contoh-contoh penulisan daftar pustaka dari berbagai macam bahan pustaka.

a. Bahan Pustaka Berupa Buku.
Bahan pustaka berupa buku, urutan penulisannya: nama penulis, tahun terbit, judul buku, kota terbit, dan penerbit. Untuk memisahkan bagian-bagian tersebut digunakan tanda titik (.), kecuali
antara kota dan penerbit digunakan tanda titik dua (:).

The Brand new Blog:

 Dear Netizens,

Blog adalah Kolaborasi mahasiswa Kreatif Progressif di Kota Salatiga dan sekitarnya. Sementara ini ada Sembilan mahasiswa yang telah tergabung di blog ini dan berkomitmen untuk belajar bersama Blog Writing dan sharing artikel yang bermanfaat. Blog ini diinisiasi oleh Pak Faizal yang ingin membuat Blog kolaborasi kepenulisan mahasiswa dan nama blog ini BLOG APA THO? adalah ide dari Mas Mauliyana Rachmat dari LPM DinamikA dan sekaligus Editor di Jurnal DinamikA, IAIN Salatiga. 

Pak Faizal has an idea of collecting all students' free writing articles in this blog: This Non-commercial project aims to encourage students to have an enjoyable writing experience by making "Tulisan Ringan" a maximum of 300 words. it can be sharing experiences and opinions about things you see and feel. It can be poems or a flash short story, or a "Short" cerpen. Creating free writing articles will help you enjoy the writing process and help to support your "Serious" Academic or Scientific writing in a formal context in class. If you have any article, please don't hesitate and send it to


Pak Faizal

Selamat membaca artikel-artikel di Blog ini dan semoga kita semua ter-inspirasi. Salam Literasi !!

For More Info, please email us at :


Introducing JihadisJurnal Youtube Channel


Dear Netizens,
Channel JihadisJurnal ini adalah Channel Faizal Risdianto, Dosen IAIN Salatiga, Pengelola REGISTER JOURNAL dan Journal of Pragmatics Research. Channel ini telah mendapatkan seribu Subscriber dan setelah meng-upload berbagai jenis konten yang sifatnya pendidikan dan hiburan sekarang ini difokuskan pada unggahan materi pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah dan materi kuliah ilmu linguistik dan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Semoga Channel ini bermanfaat.
Faizal Risdianto

Good News: Hardcopy Order

For Indonesian readers who want to order a hard copy of REGISTER JOURNAL, the fee is as follows:

1. Subscriptions (per year): IDR. 400,000,- (1 copy /edition, two issues within one volume/year). The record of all issues is avalable HERE.

 2. Purchase Unit: IDR. 150,000,- (per copy).

Deliver your request for REGISTER JOURNAL hardcopy by filling this request form

Contact Person: +6285642019501 (Faizal)

Mendeley as Our Personal Digital Library

Mendeley is one of the Reference Manager Software that is often recommended by Online journal managers and Editors, both domestically and abroad. This is why you often find the Mendeley logo in the sidebar to the right of the journal page (especially domestic/Indonesian journals). Besides being free, Mendeley actually has other features that are very useful for a researcher.

In the aim of introduce, deepen and maximize Mendeley's functions, it had been held the one day training of  "Mendeley as Our Personal Digital Library" organized by IAIN Salatiga Library on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at IAIN Salatiga Library, Campus III, Lingkar Salatiga Street, Pulutan, Sidorejo, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. The training material which had been discussed were:
- Mendeley account registration
- Installing Mendeley Desktop, Web Importer, and Microsoft Word Plugin
- Search references in the Mendeley database
- Import / add references (or PDF documents) to Mendeley Desktop and Mendeley Web
- Add references manually, create folders, tag reference sources
- Add annotations (important notes) and highlights (important highlights to the text) in references on Mendeley Desktop and Mendeley Web
- Automatically create quotes and bibliography
- Set the style and language of citation (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.)

Cara daftarkan jurnal kita ke ESCI WoS

Jika ingin masuk list ESCI WoS silakan baca persyaratan minimal dan isilah borang di
dan hasilnya akan berdatangan author, editor dan reviewer dari luar negeri apply ke jurnal kita
dan anehnya ada yang pengen beli jurnal kita meski nggak mungkinlah jurnal kesayangan dijual-jual


Dear My students
This is the UAS Assignment from me. It simple but Challenging, I think. Just fill THIS google form consist of submitting your Research title, background, objective and the list of previous research along with the direct link to find the file.
in the aim of giving a clear description of the assignment, please download THIS , as the sample of the assignment with the title  The use of Drama to Develop English Speaking Autonomous Learning

and these are useful tools and source to finish your assignment: 
2.   scientific academic phrase bank
4.  7 Free E-resources for Students

sertifikat sinta 2 register journal

REGISTER JOURNAL has been accredited PERINGKAT 2 or SINTA 2 at 24th October 2018 by Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education  (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia as an achievement for the peer-reviewed journal which has excellent quality in management and publication. The recognition published in Director Decree (SK No. 30/E/KPT/2018)  and effective until 2021. This journal also has become a CrossRef Member since year 2015. Therefore, all articles published by this journal will have unique DOI number.

The name of REGISTER JOURNAL was taken from the concept of REGISTER and it had clearly been described by Trudgill (1983:101) as follows:
Linguistic varieties that are linked ... to occupations, professions or topics have been termed registers. The register of law, for example, is different from the register of medicine, which in turn is different from the language of engineering---and so on. Registers are usually characterized solely by vocabulary differences; either by the use of particular words, or by the use of words in a particular sense. Registers are simply a rather special case of a particular kind of language being produced by the social situation.  Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens (1964) devote a long section to "REGISTER" in their 1964 work. They also refer to REGISTER as `distinguished by use.'

REGISTER JOURNAL is a forum of discussion that focuses on language (linguistics and literature) as well as language teaching studies. It aims at enhancing critical studies on the various actual phenomena from different prespectives. The word “REGISTER” in the name of “REGISTER JOURNAL” is derived from the lexicon “REGISTER” which is well-known for a linguistic variety regarded as appropriate to use in a particular speech situation.(Kortmann 2005: 255f). (Source: Register (sociolinguistics).
It was issued at the first time at june 2008 along with the name of REGISTER (p-ISSN : 1979-8903 at 24th January 2012) in a printed form and since 19th November 2015 as a milestone which marks a change from Not only a printed journal but at the same time to be Electronic or digital journal then it changed its name to be REGISTER JOURNAL for the E-ISSN Number:2503-040X (Online Media).

INFO UPDATE JUNE 2018: To improve the quality of REGISTER JOURNAL , the board of editors have decided to make some changes since June 2018.
1. Revising the article template.
2. Publishing ONLY six articles per issue.
3. Adding more reputable reviewers and editors.

REGISTER JOURNAL has the perspectives of languages and language teachings. This journal aims at presenting and discussing some outstanding issues dealing with language and language teachings. This journal encompasses original research articles, and short communications, including:
  • Phonology/Phonetics
  • Morphology
  • Syntax
  • Semantics
  • Pragmatics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Linguistics in Education
  • Linguistics in Literature
  • Semiotics in Language Use
  • Language Acquisitions
  • English Language Teaching (ELT)
  • English as Second Language (ESL)
  • English as Foreign Language (EFL)
  • English for Specific Purpose (ESP)
  • English Language Teaching in Indonesia (TEFLIN)
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)