The Impact of Quantum Learning

The Impact of Quantum Learning

by Bobbi DePorter

The perpetual question facing our education system is how to improve students' academic performance on standardized tests, enhance teachers' instructional techniques and increase student achievement overall. What's working and by what evidence?

A recent study, Quantum Learning's Impact on Achievement in Multiple Settings, was completed by William Benn. Benn, an External Evaluator for Program Improvement Schools, approved by the California Department of Education, studied the impact of the Quantum Learning model on 18 schools in four states.

The schools were chosen for their degree of commitment to Quantum Learning. All had implemented Quantum Learning over a number of years with a majority of their staff participating. High implementation and 'buy-in' from staff is a key component that correlates to the success of any method.

New Lexington Elementary School in the El Monte School District in California was one of the schools chosen for the study. New Lexington began conducting the Quantum Learning school wide reform model during the 2001-2002 school year and have continued through 2003. The results of the Academic Performance Index (API) scores from 2001 and 2002 indicate that New Lexington made statistically and educationally significant gains in academic achievement compared to 44 comparison schools. It also showed gains based on SAT-9 results. New Lexington Principal, Karen Smith commented, "Quantum Learning strategies played a key role in raising our students' literacy levels. In addition, I'm seeing a renewed sense of energy and purpose in my teachers' classrooms that truly helps to 'hook' students. When I see students get excited about learning, I get excited too."

In all 18 schools, Benn's study found that the Quantum Learning model demonstrated a consistent pattern of positive impact on student achievement. These outstanding results ranged from statistically and educationally significant gains in reading, mathematics, writing to more comprehensive measures of core academic achievement. Students whom attend schools that use the Quantum Learning model show a pattern of greater achievement than comparison sample students that have not been taught these strategies.

What is the Quantum Learning (QL) model?
Quantum Learning is a comprehensive model that covers both educational theory and immediate classroom implementation. It integrates research-based best practices in education into a unified whole, making content more meaningful and relevant to students' lives.

Quantum learning is about bringing joy to teaching and learning with ever-increasing 'Aha' moments of discovery. It helps teachers to present their content a way that engages and energizes students. This model also integrates learning and life skills, resulting in students who become effective lifelong learners – responsible for their own education.

The FADE model—Foundation, Atmosphere, Design, Environment—creates the context of Quantum Learning. We know when the context is strong, it 'fades' into the background and creates the structure for learning to occur.

Quantum Learning begins with a strong foundation built on the principles of the 8 Keys of Excellence. It holds the beliefs that: All people can learn, people learn differently, and learning is effective when it is joyful, engaging and challenging. The 8 Keys of Excellence include: Integrity, Commitment, Failure Leads to Success, Ownership, Speak with Good Purpose, Flexibility, This Is It!, and Balance. The 8 Keys of Excellence can be integrated into all subjects and grade levels. The 8 Keys are best implemented when parents and community leaders support and reinforce the Keys.

The Quantum Learning framework for student learning is expressed in 5 Tenets of Learning:
Everything Speaks: Everything, from surroundings and tone of voice to distribution of materials, conveys an important message about learning.
Everything is On Purpose: Everything we do has an intended purpose.
Experience Before Label: Students make meaning and transfer new content into long-term memory by connecting to existing schema. Learning is best facilitated when students experience the information in some aspect before they acquire labels for what is being learned.
Acknowledge Every Effort: Acknowledgment of each student's effort encourages learning and experimentation.
If It's Worth Learning, It's Worth Celebrating!: Celebration provides feedback regarding progress and increases positive emotional associations with the learning.

Quantum Learning creates an empowering atmosphere of trust, safety and a sense of belonging. Establishing engaging, focused traditions creates a sense of belonging and safety and is an effective strategy for classroom management, focusing attention and motivating students to increase participation in learning. Each school day begins with a morning routine and purposeful first statement. These routines are designed to immediately focus students and create resourceful learning states.

Quantum Learning Design Frame
The QL Design Frame that drives the presentation and facilitation of content was formulated from many years of research on effective delivery methods and is the structural frame upon which content is designed to ensure student mastery. The elements (that are aligned with Dr. Georgi Lozanov's learning cycle) are:

Enroll—Use teacher moves that capture the interest, curiosity and attention of the students.
Experience—Create or elicit a common experience, or tap into common knowledge to which all learners can relate. Experience before Label creates schema on which to build new content.
Learn & Label—Present, sequence and define the main content. Students learn labels, thinking skills and academic strategies. Students add new content to their existing schema.
Demonstrate—Give students an opportunity to demonstrate and apply their new learning.
Review and Reflect—Use a variety of effective, multi-sensory review strategies and empower students to process their new content through reflection.
Celebration—Acknowledge the learning. It cements the content and adds a sense of completion.

Quantum Learning creates a supportive physical environment that enhances and reinforces learning. Ideal learning environments include proper lighting, purposeful color, positive affirmation posters, plants, props and music. These elements are easy to include in one's classroom, and students enjoy learning more in a comfortable setting.

The key is to create empowering school environments that build engaging and dynamic communities of learning. The results are enhanced teacher capacity and increased student achievement.
the impact of Quantum learning

Pro Kontra Paket Pelajaran 7/7 2005 di Inggris

Departemen Bidang Anak-Anak, Sekolah dan Keluarga di Inggris menuai kecaman karena akan memberikan paket pelajaran 7/7 2005 pada siswa-siswi sekolah dengan dalih sebagai cara untuk melawan ekstrimisme di negara itu. 7/7 2005 mengacu pada insiden ledakan bom di kota London yang terjadi pada tanggal 7 Juli tahun 2005 lalu.

Paket pelajaran ini membuat berang banyak orang di Inggris, karena para siswa sekolah ditugaskan untuk membuat presentasi tentang insiden serangan bom yang menewaskan 52 orang tersebut. Mereka juga diminta untuk membuat ringkasan tentang motif para pelaku melakukan serangan bahkan dibolehkan untuk membuat perkiraan sendiri apa motif serangan bom itu.

Sejumlah pihak di Inggris mengecam pengajaran 7/7 2005. Jacqui Putnam, korban selamat dalam insiden ledakan bom tersebut mempertanyakan apa pentingnya mengajarkan anak-anak untuk menempatkan diri mereka di posisi para pelaku yang telah melakukan tindakan yang tidak manusiawi. “Pastinya masih ada cara lain yang lebih baik untuk mencapai tujuan mereka,” kata Putnam.

Kritik juga dilontarkan Patrick Mercer, ketua Commons Terrorism Sub-Committee. “Apa manfaatnya berpura-pura jadi seorang pelaku bom bunuh diri jika hal semacam itu justeru mengaburkan tujuan dari pengajaran untuk melawan ekstrimisme. Bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi jika kita meminta anak-anak berpura-pura berperan sebagai Hitler,” tukas Mercer.

Muslim Inggris yang juga anggota parlemen Khalid Mahmood mengatakan, pengajaran semacam itu hanya akan mendorong keyakinan orang pada sesuatu yang sebenarnya sedang dicegah oleh pemerintah Inggris. “Pemerintah seharusnya melihat peristiwa itu dari sisi para korban,” kata Mahmood.

Sail Suleman yang menyusun paket pengajaran 7/7 2005 membela diri bahwa paket pengajaran itu sama pentingnya dengan cara-cara lain yang dilakukan untuk mencegah ekstrimisme. “Kami melihat bagaimana orang bisa sangat ekstrim. Mengapa anak-anak muda melakukan apa yang dilakukan para pelaku bom bunuh diri itu? Apa tekanan yang mereka dapatkan dari teman-teman main mereka? Harapannya, kami mendorong para siswa untuk menghindar dari teman-teman semacam itu,” dalih Suleman.

“Paket pengajaran itu ingin menciptakan sebuah lingkungan, dimana akan ada diskusi tentang ekstrimisme sehingga orang akan mengerti apa yang harus dilakukannya untuk menjadi warga negara yang baik,” sambung Suleman.

Suleman mendapat dukungan dari Tahir Alam, jurubicara bidang pendidikan Muslim Council of Britain. Menurut Alam, dengan mengetahui motif para pelaku bom bunuh diri bisa membantu untuk mengetahui apa akar penyebab ekstrimisme.

Tapi, karena menuai kritik dan kecaman dari banyak pihak, pemerintah Inggris akhirnya membatalkan paket pengajaran itu dan meminta maaf pada para kerabat korban bom bunuh diri 7 Juli 2005. (ln/iol)

Mencoba memahami bahasa hacker

Entry post ini bukan mau mengajari bikin surat cinta tapiMencoba memahami bahasa hacker yang sedang falling in love dan terus bikin love letters..
saya baca bola-bali tapi koq susah ya memahaminya tetapi linguistically this is very interesting and unique to investigate....
baca ajah ya...

Judul: surat cinta seorang hacker

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system, maka aku akan scan kamu untuk
mengetahui port mana yang terbuka Sehingga tidak ada keraguan saat aku
c:\> nc -l -o -v -e ke hatimu,tapi aku hanya berani ping di belakang
anonymouse proxy, inikah rasanya jatuh cinta sehingga membuatku
seperti pecundang atau aku memang pecundang sejati whatever!

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system,
ingin rasanya aku manfaatkan vulnerabilitiesmu, pake PHP injection
Terus aku ls -la; find / -perm 777 -type d,sehingga aku tau kalo di
hatimu ada folder yang bisa ditulisi atau adakah free space buat aku?.
apa aku harus pasang backdor “Remote Connect-Back Shell”jadi aku
tinggal nunggu koneksi dari kamu saja, biar aku tidak merana seperti ini.

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system,
saat semua request-ku diterima aku akan nogkrong terus di bugtraq
untuk mengetahui bug terbarumu maka aku akan patch n pacth terus,aku
akan jaga service-mu jangan sampai crash n aku akan menjadi firewallmu
aku akan pasang portsentry, dan menyeting error pagemu ” The page
cannot be found Coz Has Been Owned by Someone get out!” aku janji gak
bakalan ada macelinious program atau service yang hidden, karena aku
sangat sayang dan mencintaimu.

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system,
jangan ada kata “You dont have permission to access it” untuk aku,
kalau ga mau di ping flood Atau DDos Attack jangan ah….! kamu harus
menjadi sang bidadari penyelamatku.

Seandainya hatimu adalah sebuah system, …?

Tapi sayang hatimu bukanlah sebuah system,
kamu adalah sang bidadari impianku, yang telah mengacaukan systemku!
Suatu saat nanti aku akan datang n mengatakan kalau di hatiku sudah
terinfeksi virus yang Menghanyutkan, Ga ada anti virus yang dapat
menangkalnya selain …kamu.

sumber : tidak diketahui