surat An-Nahl ayat 68-69: Perumpamaan seorang Mukmin itu seperti Lebah


Perumpamaan seorang mukmin sebagai lebah adalah sebuah perumpamaan yang sering diambil dari Al-Quran, dalam surat An-Nahl ayat 68-69:

"Dan Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada lebah: "Buatlah sarang di bukit-bukit, di pohon-pohon kayu, dan tempat-tempat yang dibuat manusia. Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu)." Dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan."

Dalam perumpamaan ini, lebah diibaratkan sebagai seorang mukmin yang setia dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya untuk mengumpulkan nektar dari bunga-bunga dan membuat madu. Lebah juga diibaratkan sebagai orang yang bertanggung jawab, selalu bekerja keras dan memanfaatkan segala sumber daya yang tersedia untuk mencapai tujuan mereka.

Lebah juga diibaratkan sebagai orang yang berkontribusi pada kehidupan manusia dengan memproduksi madu yang mengandung berbagai macam nutrisi dan obat-obatan alami. Begitu juga seorang mukmin, harus berkontribusi pada masyarakat dengan memberikan manfaat dan menjadi teladan yang baik bagi orang lain.

Dengan perumpamaan ini, Allah SWT mengajarkan kepada kita untuk selalu bekerja keras, bertanggung jawab, dan memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain.

Perumpamaan seorang mukmin sebagai lebah yang memakan yang baik, keluar darinya yang baik, dan tidak merusak lingkungan sekitarnya memang sangat tepat. Seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, lebah adalah makhluk yang selalu bekerja keras dan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang tersedia untuk mencapai tujuan mereka.

Dalam hal makanan, lebah hanya memilih nektar bunga yang berkualitas tinggi dan mengandung banyak nutrisi, sehingga madu yang dihasilkan memiliki kualitas yang baik dan bermanfaat bagi manusia. Begitu juga dengan seorang mukmin, ia harus memilih makanan yang baik dan halal, serta memperhatikan kualitas makanannya agar tubuhnya sehat dan kuat untuk beribadah.

Selain itu, lebah juga sangat teliti dalam membuat sarang dan memproduksi madu, sehingga madu yang dihasilkan tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi manusia, tetapi juga tidak merusak lingkungan sekitarnya. Seorang mukmin juga harus menjadi orang yang teliti dan bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan segala sesuatu, sehingga tidak merusak atau merugikan orang lain.

Dalam Islam, dijelaskan bahwa seorang mukmin harus selalu berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri dan lingkungannya, serta memberikan manfaat bagi sesama manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Dengan perumpamaan ini, Allah SWT mengajarkan kepada kita untuk menjadi orang yang baik dan bermanfaat bagi lingkungan sekitar, seperti lebah yang bekerja keras dan menghasilkan manfaat yang banyak bagi manusia.

erumpamaan ini berasal dari analogi yang ditemukan dalam Al-Quran, surat An-Nahl ayat 68-69, yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya.

Namun, terdapat hadits yang berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam perumpamaan tersebut. Sebagai contoh, hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim, dari Abdullah bin Umar ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

"Seorang muslim adalah saudara bagi muslim yang lain, dan tidaklah boleh ia menzalimi saudaranya, mengecewakannya, atau meninggalkannya dalam keadaan terdesak. Siapa yang membantu saudaranya dalam keadaan terdesak, maka Allah akan membantunya dalam keadaan terdesak. Siapa yang meringankan beban orang yang ditimpanya, maka Allah akan meringankan beban baginya pada hari kiamat. Siapa yang menutupi kekurangan seorang muslim, maka Allah akan menutupi kekurangannya di dunia dan akhirat." (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

Hadits ini menegaskan pentingnya saling membantu dan menolong di antara umat muslim, serta menjadi teladan yang baik bagi orang lain. Hal ini sejalan dengan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam perumpamaan seorang mukmin sebagai lebah yang selalu bekerja keras dan memberikan manfaat bagi lingkungan sekitarnya.

source: Mukmin seperti Lebah. (

THE COMPANION: Ka’b bin Zuhair - A Poet of Arab Jahiliyyah Embrac...

THE COMPANION: Ka’b bin Zuhair - A Poet of Arab Jahiliyyah Embrac...: Ka’b bin Zuhair bin Abi Sulma. Ka‘b ibn Zuhair (Arabic: كعب بن زهير‎) was an Arabian poet of the 7th century, and a contemporary of Rasu...



This article explores Pangudarasa’s editorial texts in the Panjebar Semangat magazine by using a systemic theory of functional linguistics particularly an appraisal analysis of texts. The objectives of this research are (1) to identify the appraisal tools in Pangudarasa’s editorial texts in a Javanese magazine called Panjebar Semangat, and (2) to describe the perceptions of Pangudarasa’s editorial text writers in the Panjebar Semangat magazine. This descriptive qualitative research used a qualitative method along with a content analysis platform. The data pertaining to words, phrases, clauses, and sentences coincided with appraisal tools. The data source was derived from the Panjebar Semangat magazine, which was published on December 21, 2019 entitled Kasus Garuda, Wanci Kang Pas Kanggo Ngresiki BUMN. The data analysis used a method of referential matching tools to determine a phenomenon beyond the language. The results of data analysis show that (1) appraisal tools in the editorial texts of Pangudarasa in the Panjebar Semangat magazine dominantly present appreciation (42.55%), judgment (36.17%) and affect (21.28%), and (2) the pattern of writers' perceptions to support the Minister Erick Thohir's decision in handling the Garuda Airlines case. This support is reinforced by the use of language functions to influence others by assessing a case directly and authors of editorial texts have a tendency to tell sensitive things or issues mainly concerned with events in the community.

logic of discourse in systemic functional linguistics

CHAT GPT, tell me logic of discourse in systemic functional linguistics

In systemic functional linguistics (SFL), discourse is defined as language above the sentence level, which includes text and context. SFL views discourse as a social practice, where language is used to achieve communicative purposes in particular social contexts.

The logic of discourse in SFL is based on the notion of genre and register. Genre refers to the structured patterns of language use that are associated with specific social activities, such as academic research articles, news reports, or personal letters. Register, on the other hand, refers to the linguistic choices that are made by speakers or writers to create a particular social identity and to achieve specific communicative purposes within a particular genre.

According to SFL, discourse is structured at three levels: text, discourse semantics, and social context.

At the text level, SFL describes how the linguistic choices made by speakers or writers create a coherent and cohesive text that can be understood by the reader or listener. The text level includes the analysis of grammatical structure, such as the use of verbs, nouns, and prepositions, and how they contribute to the meaning of the text.

At the discourse semantic level, SFL analyzes how the text relates to the broader social context in which it is produced. This includes the analysis of the relationships between different parts of the text, such as how one sentence or clause relates to another, and how they contribute to the overall meaning of the text.

At the social context level, SFL describes how the text is situated within a particular social context, such as the culture, ideology, and power relations that influence language use. This level includes the analysis of the social purpose of the text and the social roles of the participants in the discourse.

Overall, the logic of discourse in SFL emphasizes the social nature of language use and how linguistic choices are shaped by social context and communicative purposes.

tell me logic of discourse in systemic functional linguistics


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Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language that provides concrete methods for analyzing discourse. According to the SFL model, all languages have formed into three summed-up implications: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. The ideational function is concerned with the representation of experience, the interpersonal function is concerned with the negotiation of social relations, and the textual function is concerned with the organization of discourse. The SFL model emphasizes the importance of context in the analysis of discourse, and it provides a framework for analyzing the ways in which language is used to create meaning in social contexts

The logic of discourse in systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is based on the assumption that language is a social semiotic system that is organized by choices at different levels of abstraction. SFL proposes that discourse can be analyzed in terms of three metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. Each metafunction corresponds to a different aspect of meaning: the representation of experience, the expression of stance and attitude, and the organization of information. SFL also distinguishes between different strata of language: context, semantics, lexicogrammar, and phonology/graphology. Discourse analysis within SFL involves relating the choices made at the semantic stratum to the contextual features that motivate them, as well as to the lexicogrammatical and phonological/graphological resources that realize them.

There are various models of discourse analysis within SFL that focus on different semantic systems and their relations to context and text. Some of the most influential models are Hasan's register analysis, Gregory's phase analysis, Martin's discourse semantics, Mann, Thompson, and Matthiessen's rhetorical structure theory, and Matthiessen's appliable discourse analysis. These models differ in their scope, methodology, and theoretical assumptions, but they share a common interest in exploring how language users make meaning through choices in discourse. SFL also offers a framework for multimodal discourse analysis, which extends the systemic functional approach to other semiotic resources such as images, sounds, gestures, and actions.

SFL's logic of discourse is not without its challenges and criticisms. Some of the issues that have been raised include the complexity and diversity of the models, the lack of empirical validation and generalization, the textualist orientation and neglect of sociolinguistic factors, and the limited engagement with other approaches to discourse analysis. Despite these limitations, SFL remains a powerful and productive theory for understanding how language works as a social semiotic system in discourse.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Received message. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language that considers language as a social semiotic system that is used for meaning-making in social contexts. SFL has a particular focus on discourse analysis and provides a framework for analyzing social context as well as discourse. SFL proposes that language is organized into three main metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. The ideational metafunction refers to how language is used to represent experience and construct meanings about the world. The interpersonal metafunction refers to how language is used to enact social relationships and negotiate meaning between speakers. The textual metafunction refers to how language is used to create coherent texts that are appropriate for specific contexts. Discourse semantics in SFL refers to the study of how meaning is constructed through discourse, including how speakers use language to negotiate meaning and construct social relationships. Discourse semantics includes systems such as negotiation, appraisal, conjunction, ideation, identification, and periodicity. These systems are positioned within the overall architecture of SFL in terms of stratification and metafunction. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Promoting a World Englishes Perspective through Podcasts

Promoting a World Englishes Perspective through Podcasts | ELT Journal | Oxford Academic (
Promoting a World Englishes Perspective through Podcasts 
Hanung Triyoko, Tabitha Kidwell
ELT Journal, ccad002,
06 April 2023


As the most widely studied and spoken language worldwide, English is a medium of communication between speakers of varied language backgrounds. Global English users need not converge on any one variety; rather, they need adaptive, flexible skills that support communication with speakers of diverse World English (WE) varieties (Kirkpartick 2007). Nevertheless, many English learners and teachers around the world continue to adhere to ‘native speaker’1 models that prioritize language varieties from English-dominant nations, such as the United States or the United Kingdom (Tseng 2019). We have encountered this perspective first-hand in our work in Indonesia.

Hanung has taught English and trained teachers at an Islamic University in Central Java for over twenty years. Tabitha has nearly twenty years of experience in ELT, including three years as a visiting instructor at Hanung’s institution. Among the students and teachers we have worked with in Central Java, the dominant language learning model is the ‘native English speaker’. For instance, on a survey given to our first-year English-major students, 81 percent reported wanting to ‘sound like a native speaker’. To challenge this tendency, Simanjuntak and Lien (2021) encourage the use of materials from global and local language communities. Using diverse listening materials can help students understand a wide variety of language varieties and accents and adapt to dialects they have never encountered before. We found podcasts, free audio recordings which are automatically delivered to users’ devices, to be a particularly rich and convenient source of listening materials featuring WE speakers. In the sections below, we describe our teaching context and use of podcasts. We close by discussing how our approach could transfer to other contexts where students and teachers continue to aspire to ‘native speaker’ models, and offer recommendations for teachers interested in shifting to a WE approach and exposing students to varied linguistic norms through podcasts.
Promoting a World Englishes Perspective through Podcasts | ELT Journal | Oxford Academic (

Issue Section: The View From Here


In SFL, language is viewed as a social semiotic system that functions to make meaning in context of situation3. It was devised by Michael Halliday, who took the notion of system from J. R. Firth, his teacher (Halliday, 1961). Firth proposed that systems refer to possibilities subordinated to structure; Halliday “liberated” choice from structure and made it a central concept.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Received message. Heterogloss is a term used in systemic functional linguistics (SFL) to describe the presence of multiple voices or perspectives in a text. Heteroglossic engagement is one of the two types of engagement in SFL, which comprises two sub-systems: dialogic contraction and dialogic expansion. Dialogic contraction is intended to suppress, replace, reject, or challenge the alternative position and voice. Meanwhile, dialogic expansion is intended to entertain or attribute. In SFL, language is viewed as a social semiotic system that functions to make meaning in context of situation. It was devised by Michael Halliday, who took the notion of system from J. R. Firth, his teacher (Halliday, 1961). Firth proposed that systems refer to possibilities subordinated to structure; Halliday "liberated" choice from structure and made it a central concept. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Heteroglossic engagement is a concept that refers to the way in which an author engages with and positions themselves in relation to other voices in a discourse
[1]. It is a term that is used in systemic functional linguistics (SFL) to describe the way in which language is used to create meaning and convey social relationships
[2]. SFL is a theory of language that focuses on the relationship between language and social context
[3]. It is based on the idea that language is a social semiotic system that is used to make meaning in different contexts
[3].The concept of heteroglossia is central to SFL. It refers to the idea that language is always made up of multiple voices or discourses
[3]. These voices can be from different social groups, different historical periods, or different genres of discourse
[3]. Heteroglossia is seen as a fundamental aspect of language use, and it is closely related to the concept of dialogism, which refers to the way in which language is used to create a dialogue between different voices
[3].In SFL, the concept of engagement is used to describe the way in which language is used to position the author in relation to other voices in a discourse
[4]. Engagement can be seen as a way of expressing the author's attitude towards the content of the discourse, as well as towards the audience and the context in which the discourse is taking place
[4]. The appraisal framework is used in SFL to analyze the way in which language is used to express attitudes and values
[4]. It is based on the idea that language is used to evaluate things in the world, and that these evaluations are expressed through different linguistic resources such as modality, polarity, and affect
[4].Overall, heteroglossic engagement is a concept that is central to SFL. It refers to the way in which language is used to create meaning and convey social relationships, and it is closely related to the concepts of heteroglossia, dialogism, and engagement. The appraisal framework is used in SFL to analyze the way in which language is used to express attitudes and values.


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what is the difference between heteroglossic engagement and monoglossic engagement

how is heteroglossic engagement used in legal writing

what is the appraisal framework from systemic functional linguistics



View Concise
Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics that considers language as a social semiotic system
[1]. SFL was devised by Michael Halliday, who took the notion of system from J.R. Firth, his teacher
[1]. Firth proposed that systems refer to possibilities subordinated to structure, while Halliday "liberated" choice from structure and made it the central organizing dimension of SFL
[1]. The functional aspect of SFL signifies that language evolved under the pressure of the functions that the language system must serve
[1]. Functions are taken to have left their mark on the structure and organization of language at all levels, which is achieved via metafunctions
[1]. Metafunction is uniquely defined as the use of language to make meaning in three different ways: ideational, interpersonal, and textual
[1].The engagement system is a part of the interpersonal metafunction of SFL
[2]. It refers to the ways in which speakers position themselves and others in relation to the discourse
[2]. The engagement system is divided into two categories: monogloss and heterogloss
[2]. Monogloss refers to the use of a single language variety, while heterogloss refers to the use of multiple language varieties
[2]. Heteroglossia is a concept that was introduced by the Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin
[3]. It refers to the coexistence of multiple voices or discourses within a single text or conversation
[3]. In SFL, heteroglossia is used to describe the use of multiple language varieties within a single text or conversation
[2].The use of heterogloss in discourse can have different effects depending on the context
[4]. In some cases, it can be used to provide examples for pure narratives, while in other cases, it can be used to highlight the validity of different positions
[4]. The engagement system is also used to analyze the text of the law
[5]. A study that employed the theory of SFL with the parameter of the category of Appraisal found that the pattern of the lexical means conveying positioning used in the text of UU ITE tended to be Engagement ∧ Heterogloss
[5]. Based on the design form or structure, the lexical means conveying Engagement in UU ITE was dominantly found in Chapter 1


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Heteroglossia, engagement, and systemic functional linguistics (SFL) are all important concepts in linguistics that are interconnected in a powerful way. In this explanation, we will explore each of these concepts and their relationship to SFL.

Heteroglossia is a term coined by Russian literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin to describe the coexistence of multiple language varieties or "voices" within a single linguistic community. Bakhtin argued that all utterances are necessarily embedded in a social and historical context and that language is inherently dialogic, meaning that speakers are always engaged in a conversation with the linguistic community around them. Heteroglossia recognizes the diversity of language use within a community and the importance of understanding how these different voices interact with each other.

Engagement is another important concept in linguistics that refers to the ways in which speakers position themselves in relation to their interlocutors and the wider social context. This includes both the content of the message being conveyed and the way in which it is conveyed. For example, a speaker may use a formal register to signal respect or deference to a listener, or they may use humor to create a sense of rapport or intimacy.

Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is a framework for analyzing language that emphasizes the functional nature of language and its relationship to social context. SFL posits that language is a social semiotic system that serves a variety of communicative purposes, such as informing, persuading, entertaining, or establishing social relationships. SFL emphasizes the importance of analyzing language at multiple levels, including phonology, grammar, lexis, and discourse, and seeks to understand how these different levels interact to create meaning.

In SFL, heteroglossia and engagement are seen as fundamental aspects of language use that can help to explain how meaning is created and negotiated in different contexts. Heteroglossia is important because it recognizes the diversity of voices within a community and how these different voices interact with each other. Engagement is important because it helps to explain how speakers position themselves in relation to their interlocutors and the wider social context.

Together, these concepts provide a powerful framework for understanding how language functions in social contexts. By analyzing the various voices and registers that are present within a community, and the ways in which speakers use these voices to engage with their interlocutors, we can gain a deeper understanding of how meaning is created and negotiated in different social contexts.

Geoffrey N. Leech’s speech mood context theory


Geoffrey N. Leech’s speech mood context theory is a theory of pragmatics that was developed by J.L. Austin and further developed by John Searle1According to this theory, the context of the mood of speech can be divided into five aspects: (1) greeter and greeting, (2) context of speech, (3) purpose of speech, (4) speech as speech act, (5) speech as a product of verbal action2.

Geoffrey N. Leech's speech mood context theory is a theory of pragmatics that studies linguistic communication in terms of communicative goals and principles of 'good communicative behaviour'. Leech argues for a rapprochement between linguistics and the traditional discipline of rhetoric. He takes a pragmatic approach to politeness, which is based on the controversial notion that politeness is communicative altruism. Leech's work on politeness introduced the widely-accepted distinction between pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic aspects of politeness. Leech's main academic interests were English grammar, corpus linguistics, stylistics, pragmatics, and semantics.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology in OpenAI ChatGPT application: A review of ChatGPT in writing English essay

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology in OpenAI ChatGPT application: A review of ChatGPT in writing English essay

Tira Nur Fitria
Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), chatbot, ChatGPT, OpenAI, technology


ChatGPT is a product of AI that is currently being widely discussed on Twitter. This research reviews how ChatGPT writes English essays. This research is descriptive qualitative. The analysis shows that we can access ChatGPT on or on the browser. If we do not have an account, we register via email, Google, or Microsoft account. After login, enter a question or statement in the conversation column provided. Send it and ChatGPT will respond and the answer appear quickly. The researcher tries ChatGPT “Can you help me in doing my English assignment?", and the ChatBot replies "Of course! I'd be happy to help you with your English assignment. What do you need help with? Do you have a specific question or task that you're working on, or is there a broader topic that you'd like help with? It would be helpful to have some more information so that I can better understand how I can assist you". Based on several tries, ChatGPT can answer all questions on various topics such as English essays including a descriptive text about Solo and My Family, recount text about personal experience and unforgettable moments, resolution in 2023, and future career. ChatGPT considers the event orders and writing order, including using main, explanatory sentences, and a conclusion. It uses two voices both active and passive voice. Besides, it considers tenses use related to the given topic essay. However, from examples of English essays produced by ChatGPT, it certainly requires further research to find out that the essay results are grammatically accurate.

Bagaimana cara menjadi orang yang cantik dan tampan tapi tetap tampil sederhana


Dari chatGPT ,

bagaimana cara menjadi orang yang cantik dan tampan supaya tetap sederhana 

Menjadi cantik atau tampan tidak selalu berkaitan dengan penampilan fisik yang sempurna. Sebaliknya, kecantikan dan kegantengan yang sejati berasal dari sikap dan kepribadian yang baik. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk menjadi cantik atau tampan tetapi tetap sederhana:

    Bersihkan dan rawat kulit: Kulit yang sehat dan bersih akan membuat Anda terlihat lebih segar dan menarik. Pastikan Anda membersihkan dan merawat kulit Anda secara teratur dengan produk yang sesuai dengan jenis kulit Anda.

    Lakukan olahraga secara teratur: Olahraga membantu meningkatkan kesehatan dan kebugaran, serta memberikan kepercayaan diri dan energi yang lebih positif pada diri Anda.

    Kenali style dan fashion yang sesuai: Cari tahu jenis pakaian dan gaya yang cocok untuk diri Anda. Jangan berusaha meniru gaya orang lain, tetapi temukan gaya Anda sendiri yang sesuai dengan kepribadian Anda.

Miliki kepribadian yang positif: Orang yang memiliki kepribadian yang baik dan positif cenderung terlihat lebih menarik dan cantik atau tampan. Cobalah untuk menjadi orang yang baik, sopan, dan rendah hati.

    Jaga keseimbangan hidup: Jangan fokus terlalu banyak pada penampilan fisik, tetapi pastikan Anda juga menjaga keseimbangan hidup. Berfokus pada hal-hal yang memberikan kebahagiaan dan kepuasan, seperti membangun hubungan yang sehat dan bermanfaat, serta mengejar hobi dan minat Anda.

    Terus belajar dan berkembang: Selalu terus belajar dan berkembang, baik itu dalam bidang pekerjaan, keterampilan, atau hobi. Hal ini akan membantu meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan daya tarik Anda, serta membuat Anda terlihat lebih menarik dan cantik atau tampan secara alami.

Terakhir, selalu ingat bahwa kecantikan dan kegantengan yang sejati berasal dari dalam, bukan dari luar. Cobalah untuk menjadi orang yang baik, sopan, dan rendah hati, dan tetaplah menjadi diri sendiri tanpa harus memaksakan diri untuk menjadi seperti orang lain.

Ternyata Nggak Enak jadi orang Terlalu cantik atau terlalu tampan

1. Kisah Guru TK di China yang terancam mau dipecah karena bikin Para Bapak rajin banget antar jemput anak TK hanya karena ingin jumpa gurunya. Gegara Terlalu Cantik Guru Ini Terancam Dipecat, Kok Bisa? (

2. Kisah mantan model Romania yang sangat bangga bekerja tanpa honor di sebuah rumah sakit Rumania. Di-bully netizen dia diterima karena cantik bukan karena expertise. demi kenyamanan bersama dia diminta mundur dari pekerjaaanya. Dipecat karena Terlalu Cantik, Ini 4 Fakta Claudia Ardelean |

3. Kisah jadul di Inggris tentang Pete Best mantan Drummer band legendaris the beatles yang dipecat karena terlalu tampan. Karena terlalu tampan ketiga personil The Beatles lainnya menyadari bahwa Pete Best ternyata yang menjadi pusat perhatian penonton dan penggemar saat mereka tampil di panggung. Konon Paul McCartney merasa tidak nyaman dengan situasi tersebut dan ternyata hal yang sama juga dirasakan oleh John Lennon dan George Harrison. mestinya fokus penonton ke vokalis dan gitaris tapi malah ke drummer-nya. iStore - Wajahnya Terlalu Tampan, Drummer ini Akhirnya Dipecat dari Band Terkenal Ini (

4. Seorang pria di China menjadi terkenal karena ketampanannya ini merupakan salah seorang teknisi di bandara di Xiamen. Sayangnya, pria tersebut harus rela gajinya dipotong karena dianggap 'terlalu tampan'. 2 Pria Tampan Bernasib Sial, Gaji Dipotong hingga Hampir Diculik (

Attitudinal Analysis of Kompas Online & Republika Concerning The Relocation of Indonesia's Capital City News

Attitudinal Analysis of Kompas Online & Republika Concerning The Relocation of Indonesia's Capital City News

Faizal Risdianto, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Tri Wiratno, Djatmika Djatmika

This study aims to describe the language used by Kompas Online and Republika regarding the relocation of the Indonesian capital city. This study focuses on the identification includes three aspects of the attitudinal lexis of the appraisal system: affect, judgment, and appreciation. The data collection was in form of online texts made by reporters. The qualitative descriptive method was used in this study. The instrument of this research is observation. The collected data were analyzed using the theories of Martin & Rose and Miles & Huberman. The research showed that the number of positive attitude lexis was more than the negative attitude lexis. Among 150 Data, 59.3% (89 data out of a total of 150 Data) were positive, and 40.7% were negative (61 data out of 150 data). If the data is calculated in detail, the percentage of the affect was 38% Affect, 8% Judgment, and 54% appreciation. The low difference in the number of positive and negative assessment data indicates that there are crucial and controversial problems faced by the Government, community leaders, and the general public regarding the idea of the relocation of Indonesia's capital city.

Appraisal Analysis; Attitudinal lexis; Indonesian national newspaper; relocation of Indonesia’s capital city; Systemic Functional Linguistics

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JoPR CALL FOR PAPER 2023 (For October 2023 Publication)


JoPR CALL FOR PAPER 2023 (For October 2023 Publication)

Journal of Pragmatics Research, English Education Department, UIN Salatiga,

E-ISSN: 2656-8020

Indexed in: Sinta 4, DOAJ, Copernicus

CALL FOR PAPERS VOL 5 NO.2 October 2023

SCOPE: Pragmatics, Interlanguage pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse analysis and Socio-pragmatics.



Submission> Author Guidelines

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