Examples of Appraisal analysis on English text


Example 1.1: excerpt from Text1:

1The concept of "task" has a rich history here[Appreciation: valuation]. 2Not only is there a common-sense meaning of task as the job to be done,[Appreciation: valuation] but it is a technical term in Bion's group psychology. [Appreciation: valuation: evoked via reference to valued discourse] 3I have been one to see the task as an analogy – getting back to its roots in "tax" or a burdensome tribute to be paid[Appreciation: reaction: negative] [via contrast with next clause?]. 4In Bion, it has more positive [Appreciation: valuation: positive]connotations, and being a workgroup in the achievement of a task is not only healthy [Appreciation: valuation: positive] but morally good[judgement: propriety: positive]. 5It is hard to arrange and weave all this.[Appreciation: composition: complexity: positive][judgement: capacity: negative?] 6I set out to work at the warehouse this morning. 7I will have a task, I suppose, [modalization: probability]or various ones. 8I must [modulation: obligation] unload some trucks. 

Appraising the two texts

 Appraising the two texts

In the excerpt which follows (Ex.1.1), sentences 1:1 to 1:12 of text1 are reproduced, and values of Attitude have been tagged. These sentences realise the first orthographically-signalled paragraph in the text. The use of colour to highlight different types of Attitude enables any regularities, or clustering of evaluative positioning to be observed. The framework itself will be presented in detail in section 3 below, but some idea of the nature of the text and its use of evaluative positioning in a type of meta-evaluative field can be gained by the first paragraph reproduced here.




KINDS OF RESEARCH Quatitative Research (Experimental Studies, Correlation Studies) Qualitative Research (Descriptive Studies, Research and Development (harus Field Research)) Classroom Action Research/ PTK.


Open possibility for research exploration for English Dept. Students: English Teaching Hot Topics: Autonomous learning, Learning Management, Classroom Management, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Translation, Language Skill Learning, Integrated Skill Learning Assessing Student, Method of Language Teaching, Strategies of Language Teaching,

Authentic Materials, Project-based Learning, Problem-based Learning Pair and Group work, Interactive games, Teaching young learners Android, Use of software /application


English Linguistics:

English Linguistic (idealnya Field Research) Syntactical Studies, Morphological Studies, Phonetic Studies, Semantic Studies, Pragmatic Studies, Discourse Studies, Sociolinguistic Studies, Psycholinguistic Studies.




3 Main approach in skripsi Sastra Inggris

A. psikologi Sastra/Freud, Jung, Adler et al.

B. Sosiologi Sastra-Lucien Goldmann’s Sociology of Literature.

C. Philosophical Approach-Moral values, Religiosity




#SastraInggris, #PendidikanBahasaInggris, #InspirasiJudulSkripsiSastraInggris, #InspirasiJudulSkripsiPendidikanBahasaInggris,


Hikmah Peristiwa Isra dan Mi'raj


Silahkan download isi tulisannya di link berikut:

Hikmah Peristiwa Isra dan Mi'raj


Atau bisa juga sambil mendengarkan QS Al Isra di link berikut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI-WU...




Arti Novia Tiara Kristy, Noor Malihah, Faizal Risdianto, Supardi Supardi


This research aims to analyze the problems and challenges encountered by Digital Natives and to find out how they overcome them in English learning. The Digital Natives were students of the English Department, IAIN Salatiga, in Academic Year 2017/2018. The methodology of this research was descriptive qualitative. This research used questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire was used to find out the problem, challenge, and solution of Digital Natives in learning English. The interview section was to collect the information from participants about their experience, the problems and challenges, and how to solve them. This research, it was conducted data analysis by data reduction by simplifying, classifying, and removing unnecessary or irrelevant data to achieve the best finding of the research. The results showed that bad internet signal and connection, the negative effect of the technology and language learning problem. The challenge they frequently have is coping with the problem of lack of English vocabulary and they are being unsociable to the environment. The research showed that technology can be used as an effective digital tool to learn English. It can be seen by the participants’ learning experience. The digital tool assists English learner by overcoming their problems and challenges, what are the participants get more in using the digital tool is how fun the digital tool make easier for English learners... To overcome those problems, they should be wise with their dependence on the gadget and the internet. Then after a long time getting difficult vocabulary, they looked up some online dictionaries and asked to their friends.

Penyebab pengeboman hiroshima dan kata Mokusatsu

Terdapat bukti bahwa suatu kekeliruan dalam Menerjemahkan suatu pesan yang dikirimkan pemerintah Jepang menjelang akhir Perang Dunia II boleh jadi telah memicu pengeboman Hiroshima. Kata “Mokusatsu” yang digunakan Jepang dalam merespons ultimatum AS untuk menyerah diterjemahkan oleh Domei sebagai “Mengabaikan”, alih-alih maknanya yang benar, “Jangan memberi komentar sampai keputusan diambil”. Suatu versi lain mengatakan, Jenderal MacArthur memerintahkan stafnya untuk mencari makna kata itu. Semua kamus bahasa Jepang-Bahasa Inggris diperiksa yang memberi padanan kata “No Comment”. MacArthur kemudian melapor kepada Presiden Truman yang memutuskan untk menjatuhkan bom atom. Padahal, makna kata “Mokusatsu” iatu adalah “Kami akna menaati Ultimatum Tuan tanpa Komentar” 

(Prof. Dedy Mulyana dalam buku “Ilmu Komunikasi: Suatu Pengantar”)

Cara Mendaftarkan Jurnal ke SCOPUS dan DOAJ


Cara Mendaftar ke SCOPUS, DOAJ, dan DOI

Cara Mendaftarkan Jurnal dan Terindeks di SCOPUS

Harus sudah memiliki ISSN (daftar ISSN via LIPI di sini) dan minimal sudah terbit secara berkala selama 2 tahun. Konten jurnal harus berupa peer reviewed content. Jurnal juga harus memiliki versi Bahasa Inggris minimal untuk judul dan abstrak dari setiap artikel. Harus memiliki publication ethics dan publication malpractice statement.

2 Alasan Kuat dan jadi penyemangat Kenapa Skripsi Mahasiswa S1 wajib diselesaikan


1. Jadiken SKRIPSI sarana berbagi kebaikan untuk ummat manusia. Jika anda orang beragama jadikan skripsi kamu sebagai sarana atau kendaraan untuk kesuksesanmu di masa mendatang. Disadari atau tidak masyarakat kita masih memperhitungkan sarjana sebagai orang pandai yang diharapkan bisa berbuat banyak untuk kebaikan dan kemajuan masyarakat. Entah material atau immaterial. Jika anda seorang Muslim kamu bisa menjadikan skripsimu sebagai ibarat kuda fi sabilillah yang akan menjadikanmu berguna untuk kemaslahatan ummat. Pernah ada seorang Sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW yang sibuk mengurus kuda yang disiapkan untuk perjuangan agama. Maka Nabi Muhammad SAW mengajarkan bahwa susah payah seorang Sahabat dalam mengurus kuda fi sabilillah setiap keringat, kotoran kuda dan tiap kesusahan dalam persiapan itu akan ditimbang sebagai pahala kelak di akherat. Jadi mengurus kuda fisabililllah itu bukan persoalan remeh-temeh.


1. Thesis/Research Title

When you are asked what your thesis title is, try to answer clearly with confidence, test in an alto voice if you know the title is good, but if you don't memorize it, you can read it in your handbook during the trial.

2. Why are you interested in and researching the thesis title?

To answer this question, you must answer scientifically, not based on unfounded opinions, to convince the examiners that you are serious about working on the thesis.

3. Where did you find the problem in this research?

Don't stay in a place where no one sees your value

A father said to his daughter
"You just graduated, this is a car I bought a while ago... It is a few years old. But before I give it, take it to a car dealer in the city and sell it, see how much they offer.”
The girl came back to her father and said: "They offered 1000 euros because it looks very old"
The father said: Hold it and take it to the 2nd hand car dealer.
The girl returns to her father and says: "The pawnshop offered 100 euros because it is a very old car and lots of investments are needed to drive it again"
The father asked his daughter to join a passionate car club with experts and show them the car.
The girl drove the car to the passionate car club, turned, and said to her father: “Some people in the club offered me 100,000 euros because it is a rare car that is in good condition, with great capabilities and super difficult to find.”
Then the father said, "I wanted to let you know that you are not worth anything if you are not in the right place." If you are not appreciated, do not be angry, that means you are in the wrong place. "Don't stay in a place where no one sees your value
Post from Sarah Makwela

Inspirasi judul skripsi Pasca Pandemi: ELT, linguistik, Sastra Inggris, Komunikasi massa, & Studi Islam

Inspirasi judul skripsi Pasca Pandemi: ELT, linguistik, Sastra Inggris, Komunikasi massa & Studi Islam


ELT, EFL, TEFLIN research

 1. Blended learning: mix antara offline dan online. Students' and teacher perception, the effectivity, the advantage n disadvantage

2.  the use of Android apps for teaching and learning: ELSA speaks, tophonetics, cleverbot etc

3.  Instagram English video and autonomous learning: kampung English LC Ig


Linguistics and ELT

List 218 Tenaga Pendidik di IAIN Salatiga

List 218 Tenaga Pendidik di IAIN Salatiga



NO                NAMA         NIP/NIDT                      PANGKAT                       GOL              JABATAN FUNGSIONAL              KETERANGAN

1                     Prof. Dr. Budihardjo, M.Ag            19541002 198403 1 001               Pembina Utama            IV/e              Guru Besar                  

2                     Prof. Dr. Muh. Zuhri, MA.                19530326 197803 1 001               Pembina Utama            IV/e              Guru Besar                     

3                     Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag.                    19680613 199403 1 004               Pembina Utama            IV/e              Guru Besar                     

4                     Prof. Dr. Muh. Saerozi, M.Ag.        19660215 199103 1 001               Pembina Utama Madya                    IV/d             Guru Besar                      

5                     Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin, M.Ag.           19720521 200501 1 003               Pembina Utama Madya                    IV/d             Guru Besar                      

6                     Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag.                 19580827 198303 1 002               Pembina Utama Muda                      IV/c              Lektor Kepala                

7                     Dr. Sa`adi, M. Ag.           19630420 199203 1 003               Pembina Utama Muda                      IV/c              Lektor Kepala                

8                     Dr. Agus Waluyo, M.Ag.                   19750211 200003 1 001               Pembina Utama Muda                      IV/c              Lektor Kepala                

9                     Prof. Dr. Winarno, S.Si., M.Pd.       19730526 199903 1 004               Pembina Tk.I                  IV/b             Guru Besar                      

10                  Prof. Dr. Phil Widiyanto., MA.      19751122 200003 1 001               Pembina Tk.I                  IV/b             Guru Besar     

EFL Classes Must Go Online! Teaching Activities and Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Authors: Arief Eko Priyo Atmojo, Arif Nugroho
Publication date: 2020/5/28, Journal: Register JournalVolume: 13, Issue: 1, Pages: 49-76

EFL Classes Must Go Online! Teaching Activities and Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Arief Eko Priyo Atmojo, Arif Nugroho

In view of the COVID-19 pandemic and government policy to carry out online learning, the present research is aimed at investigating how EFL teachers carry out online EFL learning and its challenges. 16 EFL teachers volunteered to participate in this research through invitation. The EFL teachers were requested to make written reflections regarding their practices in carrying out online EFL learning and the challenges they encounter. Five of them were involved in a follow-up interview individually. The semi-structured interview was administered. Data coding was done and appropriate extracts were informed in the results section. To validate the data, data coding was done independently by both researchers, continued by several cycles of discussion. As result, the EFL teachers have carried out online learning through a series of activities ranging from checking the students’ attendance to giving scores on the students’ works synchronously or asynchronously depending on each school policy. Various applications and platforms ranging from learning management systems to additional resources are employed. However, many problems emerge from the students, the teachers, and the students’ parents along with valid reasons. Therefore, online learning does not run well since it lacks preparation and planning. Implications for better online learning are discussed. Future prospective researches are directed and encouraged.

 Keywords: COVID-19, EFL teachers, online EFL learning, technology-enhanced language learning, technology in language learning.

Cited by 256202020212022, Scholar articles