teaching moral values by the use of literary works

Description of Moral Values According to Sternberg, morality refers to concern with is good or right in peoples relationship with each other. It is to be specific about definitions of good (or bad) and right (or wrong), since the terms can be used in several different ways. Social relationship can be judged by standards such as efficiency or showing careful when makes judgements and decisions (Sternberg, 1994: 938). Henry Hazlitt asserts that morality is an art to maximize happiness because by considering this matter it is will be useful for our self and the other people (Hazlitt, 2003: 109). William James Earle states that in contemporary English, the words moral and ethical derive from the Greek ethos meaning usage, character, personal disposition or tendency. Morality and moral derive from the Latin mores, meaning customs, manner, and character (Earle, 1992: 178). As stated by Oxford Advances Learner’s Dictionary, moral relates to the standard or principles of good behavior (Hornby, 2010: 959). the theories of moral values seen on literary works CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD : MORAL EDUCATION THROUGH LITERATURE The-Reflection-of-Moral-values-in-literary-works-by-Ahmad-Hadil-Amin[1] Copy the theories of moral values seen on literary works 2 MORAL-EDUCATION-THROUGH-LITERATURE[11] Copy

Pengaduan Keluarga dan Anggota Polda Kalsel tentang Program I’tikaf Kapolda

Pengaduan Keluarga dan Anggota Polda Kalsel tentang Program I’tikaf Kapolda 

February 19, 2009

Posted by Liliek in Karguzari.

Dengan I’tikaf, Suami Berubah
February 17th, 2009 – 05 : 44

Pak Kapolda yang baik. Saya adalah anggota Bhayangkari…

Bulan dan Lentera Bersinar Seperti Dulu

oleh Casofa Fachmy

pada 25 Oktober 2010 pukul 3:46 ·

Semalam, sungai kesukaan kita airnya mengalir tenang; 
begitu juga angin Dengan genap lingkarannya, tak nampak bayangannya terbelah-belah Hingga berlalu beberapa waktu kemudian, tiba-tiba sehelai daun jatuh pelan Lalu bayangan bulan tersentuh pelan, dan sedikit berhamburan; 
manis sekali Aku ingat, di beberapa waktu sebelumnya, saat engkau menggamit tanganku mesra Di tengah cahaya bulan yang gemilang dan bintang yang jarang Diiringi siulku sepanjang jalan; 
dan engkau mengira aku terlalu girang Kita bercerita bukan tentang masa lalu yang sama-sama membuat pipi berbasahan Tapi kita bercerita tentang masa di jalan berpualam di taman langit, yang sering dilewat peri-peri.

Dunia yang kosong spiritualitas

Dunia yang Hampa Spiritualitas

Masyarakat Amerika baru saja diguncangkan oleh pembunuhan massal dan brutal yang dilakukan oleh Adam Lanza pemuda berusia 20 tahun. Hal ini secara keji dikerjakan di Sekolah Dasar Sandy Hook, Kota Newtown, Negara Bagian Connecticut, sebuah kota kecil yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai kota yang aman. Saat itu Adam segera secara membabi buta mengeksekusi 26 orang yang diantaranya 20 anak berumur antara lima hingga 10 tahun, dan enam orang dewasa. Kejadian ini merupakan aksi pembunuhan yang paling sadis dalam sejarah  kehidupan orang Amerika.
Aksi ini bukanlah yang pertama. Sebelumnya, terdapat beberapa aksi yang menimbulkan trauma. Pada tahun 1999, terdapat aksi penembakan di sebuah sekolah menengah di Littleton, yang berjarak 27 kilometer dari Aurora. Aksi ini menewaskan 12 siswa dan seorang guru. Tahun 2007, terjadi pula penembakan membabibuta di Blacksburg, Virginia. Sebanyak 32 orang mahasiswa yang tewas secara mengenaskan. Juga terjadi tahun ini kasus penembakan di bioskop Colorado pada bulan Juli saat pemutaran perdana film Batman: The Dark Night Rises yang menewaskan 12 orang dan 59 orang luka-luka.

Common British Slang Words and Terminology

Ace - If something is ace it is awesome. I used to hear it a lot in Liverpool. Kids thought all cool stuff was ace, or brill.
Aggro - Short for aggravation, it's the sort of thing you might expect at a football match. In other words - trouble! There is sometimes aggro in the cities after the pubs shut!
All right? - This is used a lot around London and the south to mean, "Hello, how are you"? You would say it to a complete stranger or someone you knew. The normal response would be for them to say "All right"? back to you. It is said as a question. Sometimes it might get expanded to "all right mate"? Mostly used by blue collar workers but also common among younger people.
Anti-clockwise - The first time I said that something had gone anti-clockwise to someone in Texas I got this very funny look. It simply means counter-clockwise but must sound really strange to you chaps! I think he thought I had something against clocks!
Any road - Up north (where they talk funny!!) instead of saying anyway, they say "any road"! Weird huh?
Arse - This is a word that doesn't seem to exist in America. It basically means the same as ass, but is much ruder. It is used in phrases like "pain in the arse" (a nuisance) or I "can't be arsed" (I can't be bothered) or you might hear something was "a half arsed attempt" meaning that it was not done properly.
Arse about face - This means you are doing something back to front.

Chotta Beem (Bima Sakti).mp3

Free download mp3: chotta beem (bima sakti) mp3

Lyrics of Chota Bheem Title Song - Hindi (written in English)

Bheem ki shakthi, dhoom machaye
Saamne koi Tiknapaaye. ChoTa Bheem ChoTa Bheem ChoTa Bheem ChoTa Bheem
Bheem Bheem Bheem  ChoTa  Bheem  ChoTa  Bheem
Dil ka yeh rangeen, khane ki masheen
LaDDoo ka shaukeen.Bheem Bheem Bheem  ChoTa  Bheem  ChoTa  Bheem
Yaaro ka hai yaar, sabka madatgaar
Ha ha ha
Sabko baaTe hi pyaar.Bheem Bheem Bheem  ChoTa  Bheem  ChoTa  Bheem
Dushman bachke na jaaye Bheem
Shakthi Aisi dikhaaye
Bheem ki shakthi, dhoom machaye
Saamne koi Tiknapaaye.ChoTa Bheem ChoTa Bheem ChoTa Bheem ChoTa Bheem
Bheem Bheem Bheem  ChoTa  Bheem  ChoTa  Bheem.

a very touching sad real story:My mom only had one eye

a very touching sad real story:My mom only had one eye

My mom only had one eye. I hated her… She was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family.
There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to say hello to me. I was so embarrassed.
How could she do this to me? I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school one of my classmates said, ‘EEEE, your mom only has one eye!’
I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my mom to just disappear. I confronted her that day and said, ‘ If you’re only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don’t you just die?’
My mom did not respond… I didn’t even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because I was full of anger. I was oblivious to her feelings.
I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her. So I studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study.
Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. I had kids of my own. I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts. Then one day, my Mother came to visit me. She hadn’t seen me in years and she didn’t even meet her grandchildren.
When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I yelled at her for coming over uninvited. I screamed at her, ‘How dare you come to my house and scare my children!’ GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!’


Agus Subiyanto and Astri Adriani Allien
Brown and Levinson’s (1978) discussion on linguistic politeness has been used by some scholars (cf. Adegbija, 1989 , Rhodes, 1989) as a basis of their analysis on politeness strategies in some languages such as in Ogori, Yoruba, and Ojibwa. Two main types of politeness have been proposed by Brown and Levinson, which are, positive and negative politeness. Positive politeness is the one which is used to satisfy the speaker’s needs of approvaland belonging, whereas, negative politeness is the one which has the main goal of minimising of a face-threatening act (Brown and Levinson, 1978:134).


ini dia 17 halaman pdf free download buat yang sedang galau mbikin skripsi tentang brown and levinson politeness principle. click here for download abiez:) : Brown_and_Levinson_Politeness PDF free donlotzzzzzz


 BASIC COMPETENCIES It is hoped that students will understand the  conception and  application of language usage dealing with its cultural aspects and its objectives. INDICATORS OF COMPETENCY: It is hoped that students will be able to:
1 Understand the  scope of sociolinguistics
2 Know and understand the concept and the instances of  Language variation
3 Understand about  the  Regional and social dialect
4 Understand  about the  concept and the form of Speech acts
5 Understand about the  Language and culture
6 Understand about Language class and social class
7 Understand about language in the perspective of  Sex and politeness
8 Understand the  concept and examples of Code switching and code mixing; borrowing
9 Understand the  concept of  Bilingualism and diglosia
10 Understand the  concept of  Language change, along with the concept of  Pidgin and creole
11 Understand  and make analysis of the concept of National languages and languange planning
12 make a Sociolinguistic analysis


1 Slang Bahasa Jerman: Variasi Linguistik, Fungsi, Dan Pemakainya (sebuah Kajian sosiolinguistik Variasionis Dengan Metode Kualitatif)
Deddy Kurniawan; Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, S.U., M.A. S2 Linguistik UGM [Yogyakarta]: Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2011 Deskripsi Fisik: xvi, 163 p., bibl., ills., 29 cm. No Inventaris:
Keywords: variasi linguistik; slang; bahasa jerman detail
2 Pemakaian Bahasa Melayu Ternate Di Ternate :: Kajian sosiolinguistik
PATTY, Sarjan; Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo S2 Linguistik UGM [Yogyakarta]: Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2010 Deskripsi Fisik: xvii, 225 p., bibl., ills., 29 cm No Inventaris:
Keywords: Bahasa Melayu Ternate; Ternate; Kajian Sosiolinguistik detail

SILABI Matakuliah Sociolinguistics Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Matakuliah : Sociolinguistics
Jurusan : Tarbiyah
Program Studi: Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Program : Strata 1 (S1)
Bobot : 2 SKS

Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan menguasai konsep tentang penggunaan bahasa dalam masyarakat serta tujuannya.
Indikator Kompetensi
Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
1. Memahami scope of sociolinguistics
2. Mengenal dan memahami konsep serta contoh Language variation
3. Memahami Regional and social dialect
4. Memahami konsep dan bentuk Speech acts

contoh-contoh judul skripsi & thesis yang sosiolinguistik banget



Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah di atas, agar penelitian ini jelas dan lebih terarah maka dapat dirumuskan masalah penelitian sebagai berikut :

1. Bagaimanakah wujud pemakaian bahasa Alay dalam pergaulan?

2. Hal-hal apa sajakah yang melatarbelakangi pemakaian bahasa Alay? 

Istilah-Istilah penting di ranah studi sosiolinguistik

  • Pengertian sosiolinguistik
Sosiolinguistik adalah kajian interdisipliner yang mempelajari pengaruh budaya terhadap cara suatu bahasa digunakan. Dalam hal ini bahasa berhubungan erat dengan masyarakat suatu wilayah sebagai subyek atau pelaku berbahasa sebagai alat komunikasi dan interaksi antara kelompok yang satu dengan yang lain.
  • definisi jargon
Jargon adalah istilah khusus yang dipergunakan di bidang kehidupan (lingkungan) tertentu. Jargon biasanya tidak dipahami oleh orang dari bidang kehidupan yang lain. Misalkan "jargon komputer" berarti istilah-istilah yang berhubungan dengan komputer secara khusus dan hanya dipahami oleh orang-orang yang berhubungan dengan bidang komputer.
contoh ada jargon politik "Cintailah produk dalam negeri". omongan yang secara latah selalu diucapkan hampir tiap partai dalam kampanye tapi kenyataanya banyak WNI yang malas membeli produk dalam negeri entah karena gengsi atau alasan menghindari bahaya kesehatan misalnya banyak bakso yang pake  boraks, tahu berformalin, gorengan yang dicampur plastik saat menggoreng biar awet dan renyah dan banyak racun-racun lain yang dimasukkan hanya untuk mencari keuntungan dunia sedikit tapi merugikan orang lain.

fakta mencengangkan tentang otak dan pikiran manusia

Fakta Tentang Otak dan Pikiran Manusia - Sampai sekarang manusia hanya bisa menduga-duga sebenanrnya otak dan kerja otak bagaimana.

Beberapa FAKTA ilmiah tentang ajaib dan menakjubkannya otak dan fikiran seorang manusia, yang anda perlu tahu

Otak manusia terdiri dari 30 milliar neuron atau syaraf otak yang bekerja dengan dahsyat melebihi kemampuan super computer apapun di dunia ini. Neuron inilah yang bekerja dengan dahsyat menciptakan keajaiban dalam hidup anda

Memory otak manusia memilki kapasitas 30-70 triliun giga melebihi memory super komputer apapun di dunia