Showing posts with label Blogdrive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogdrive. Show all posts

Three reasons of my Blogging Activities

Dear Netizens,

The world of Blogging is fascinating to me for three reasons:

First, it's a matter of scrutinizing HTML codes because before I work as a lecturer, I dream of becoming a webmaster. I used to buy a book about HTML and Windows FrontPage, which is now somewhere, but I was dizzy to see how complicated HTML is like a worm language from <head> <body> </body> and closed with </head>, and there is still a lot of coding syntax which must be arranged. The first time I learned about HTML code was the knowledge from Jonru Ginting, namely the basics of HTML, which I saved on google drive on this file and was even more impressed with the unique blog ARS PERSONAL WEBLOG [V4.0] | Download (