All about Perception



Definition of Perception


Perception is a system in which human beings can make the system of watching something; this is complicated in responding to something, and the statistics round through the usage of our five senses so that we're capable of knowing, recognizing, and comprehending something. Perception is a phase that pursues gathering and system the concept data (Démuth, 2013: 23). 


According to Mulyana (2000:168), Perception is the essential part of communication, and interpretation is the most critical part of Perception. In the communication process, this is the same as back-encoding. Subsequent opinion, Mulyana expresses that Perception determines the selection of a message and ignores other messages.


Grace (2005) revealed that Perception is the experience of things, events, or relationships that comes from summarizing information and figuring out what it means. Perception gives meaning to sensory stimuli. 


Sugihartono(2007) expresses that Perception is the ability or process of the senses to translate stimuli that enter the sensory organs of humans. People have different ways of perceiving whether something is good or bad. Both positive and negative perceptions can affect how people act, whether visible or not. Budiman & Apriani (2019) states that the term perception could be a preparation of a person's exercises in providing impressions, judgments, conclusions, feelings, and elucidations of something based on information shown from other sources.


Aspects of Perception

According to Woodworth and Marquis in Walgito (2003), Perception is divided into three aspects:


a. Cognitive Aspects

The cognitive aspect is the attitude part, which has a belief that varies from person to person. This person thinks that way because of what they have seen and learned. But the cognitive aspect is made up of things like knowledge, views, expectations, ways of thinking or getting information, past experiences, and everything a person learns from how they see things.


 b. Affective Aspects

The affective aspect is more about how the stimulus makes the person feel, which means that the stimulus can be concerned or realized. Also, the affective element is part of a person's state that has to do with how they feel about something, and an inadequate evaluation is always based on how someone feels.


c. Conative Aspects

The conative aspect is how a person's view of a situation affects his motivation, attitude, behavior, or actions. It was further explained that a person's beliefs and feelings largely influence that person's attitude or behavior.

Based on the above statement, several aspects usually occur based on individual attitudes, impressions, and motivational activities or behaviors that typically happen in learning activities.

Types of Perception

Irwanto (2002) states that there are two sorts of perceptions. They are positive and negative perceptions, and both of those recognition will be clarified in the taking after description:


a. Positive Perception

Positive discernment is discernment that expresses all of the data positively. In addition, positive Perception is a good translation that implicates humans judging something around them. In this case, if somebody has positive recognition, they will acknowledge and back the observed question.


b. Negative Perception

The negative Perception is discernment that express data adversely or are not satisfied with the question that's watched. Moreover, negative Perception is negative elucidations that ensnare humans to judge something around them. In this case, in case somebody has a negative perception, they will refuse and deny each exertion that's watched.


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