11 English tips from Kaskus English Forum

1.English Tips #1: START
If you don't start, you'll never finish.
The longer you put it off, the more likely you are to give up. So start. Now.
Find an English class.
Find some English learning software or books.
Join an English learning forum.
Begin learning the English alphabet (ABC) and numbers (123).
Learn the vocabulary for your hobbies or interests.
Do something. Do anything.
Once you've started - don't stop.
2: English Tips #2;Practice Makes Perfect
3: English Tips #3;Take Responsibility
4. English Tips #4:The Most Commonly Used Words in Written English
5.English Tips #5:Talk to Yourself
Talking to yourself is no longer the first sign of madness - it's the first sign of excellence.
"Self-talk" can help you to become more fluent. And the great thing is - you can do it anywhere: in the bath, in the car, while you're taking the dog for a walk.
Try to put a regular time aside every day when you can talk to yourself in English. Talk about what you did yesterday, what you are doing, about interesting things which have happened to you and the things you're planning to do in the future.
6.English Tips #6:Reflect on What You Are Learning
7.English Tips #7:Learn Words in Context
Research shows that the vast majority of words are learned from context. To improve your vocabulary pay close attention to how words are used. Doing a search on a word using Google or DejaNews (for searching newsgroups) will give you many examples of how that word is used in context.
8.English Tips #8:Learn From Your Mistakes
9. English Tips #9:Learn to Learn
10.English Tips #10:Being Understood
If you're struggling to get someone to understand you, try the tips below:
* Speak more slowly (not louder!)
* Keep it simple. Use words that are most common. For example, if you want to say cat, don't use the word feline.
* Keep it simple. Use basic sentence structures (subject/verb/object).
* Don't worry about pronouns, instead use the names of people you are talking about.
* Use a lot of hand gestures. "Do you mean up?" Raise up your hands to help the person understand the word.
* Use sound effects. You may feel silly, but if you are trying to tell someone that something exploded, using the sound "Ka Boom!" will get your point across!
11.English Tips #11;Learning Vocabulary 2
:: Tips To Improve Your English ::

Naruto Quotes & Naruto Shippuden Quotes

Uzumaki Naruto
"Dattebayo!" (Original Japanese version)
"Believe It!" (English dub)
"I won't run away anymore... I won't go back on my word... that is my ninja way!"
"To become Hokage is my dream!"
*When talking to Sai about saving Sasuke from Orochimaru*
"I don't care who I have to fight!
If he rips my arms out, I'll kick him to death!
If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death!
If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death!
And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him from the grave!
Even If i'm torn to shreds, I'm taking Sasuke back from Orochimaru!"
"The pain of being alone...is not an easy one to bear..why is it...that I can understand your pain? But...I already have many people who are important to me now...and I can't let you hurt any of them...even if I have to kill you!"
"Hey, you stupid fox! You're in my body and you owe me rent! So for payment, I'll take your chakra! You got that?!"
Uchiha Sasuke
"I have long since closed my eyes... My only goal is in the darkness."
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone."
"I understand now. Even if I must take the devil's fruit, I must gain power. I am an avenger."



Purpose of the Study:
            The Students are intended to know the definition, nature, history of Pragmatics and able to make pragmatic analysis on linguistic phenomenon..

Topics of Discussion
The scope of Pragmatics: What is pragmatics Why do we need to study pragmatics? The difference between semantics and pragmatics.
Sentence meaning vs utterance meaning
Deictic words
Speech Act theory
Austin theory of locution, illocution and perlocution
Convensational vs conversational implicature
Presupposition and entailments
Levinson’s principle of politeness and interaction
The Gricean maxims
Pragmatics analysis on mass media

Suggested Reading :
Mey, Jacob L. 1993. Introduction to Pragmatics. Oxford. Blackwell Publishers.
Leech, Geoffrey. 1983. Principle of Pragmatics. Essex. England. Longman Group Ltd.
Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatics. Oxford. Oxford University Press.



Purpose of the Study:
            The Students are intended to understand literary theories and have the competence of making the analysis towards the elements and values of literary works of arts.

Topics of Discussion
The scope of Literary Appreciation: What is literature? Why do we need to study Literature? Kinds of literary genres: prose, poetry and drama.
Introduction to Prose
Elements of prose
Prose analysis
Introduction to poetry
The use of figurative language in poetry
Elements of poetry : imagery
Poetry analysis
Introduction to drama
Elements of drama
Drama analysis
Mosf famous British and American man of letters
The use of various approach in literary analysis (psychological, sociological, philosopical approach)

Suggested Reading :
Stanton ,Robert.1965. An Introduction to Fiction. New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,Inc.
Little, Graham. 1970. Approach to Literature. Sydney.Science Press.
Siswantoro.2002.Apresiasi Puisi-puisi Sastra Inggris. Surakarta. UMS Press.



This research paper investigates how inferiority feeling of Oliver
Twist as the major character is reflected in Roman Polanski’s Oliver Twist.
Therefore, the study analyzes the movie in terms of its structural elements and
based on the individual psychological analysis.
The writer uses qualitative study, in which the primary data is the
movie of Oliver Twist, and secondary data is the other data related to the research
such as some books of individual psychological theory by Alfred Adler, movie
script, commentaries, internet, and other relevant information. The method of data
collection is library research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive
The result of the analysis is as follows. Firstly, the structural element
of the movie presents a solid unity. Secondly, the individual psychological
analysis shows that the inferiority feeling of Oliver Twist influences his
personality in facing social life. He feels there is no one who loves and cares him
because he is an orphan and poor boy. Those problems produce weak feeling that
affects his personality. His weakness in social sphere drives him to overcome his
inferiority. He compensates his weaknesses by striving to get his goal of life.
Finally, he can live happily and peacefully with the new family.

American Slang

Selain belajar tata bahasa, kita juga harus mempelajari bagaimana bahasa itu digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Ada beberapa contoh kalimat dalam bahasa inggris yang sering digunakan sehari-hari, tapi kalimat-kalimat ini termasuk bahasa slang atau bahasa pasaran. Tujuan saya menulis kalimat-kalimat tersebut bukan saya maksudkan untuk dipraktekkan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, tapi supaya kita lebih mengenal expresi tersebut, sehingga tidak akan terjadi misunderstanding. Jangan sampai kita mendengar orang mengatakan hal yang sebenarnya artinya kotor atau jorok, tapi kita malah mengucapkan thank you.

Salah satu cara untuk belajar bahasa inggris adalah dengan menonton film yang berbahasa inggris. Nah, kalimat-kalimat ini sering sekali dipakai dalam percakapan di film.beberapa ekspressi yang sering dipakai:

What the hell are you doing? (The hell tidak ada artinya). Sisipan the hell ini digunakan untuk menekankan kalimat what are you doing? Kalimat ini bisa diucapkan karena marah, atau diucapkan pada kawan yang sudah sangat akrab. Hal itu tergantung intonasinya.
You’re bubbling! Shut up! (Tutup mulut)
Bloody : Arti sebenarnya adalah berdarah, tapi kata ini sering dipakai untuk menunjukkan kekesalan atau penekanan pada kata yang mengikutinya, seperti bloody hell.
I’m not fussy : Saya tidak peduli.
I’m stuck on her : Saya tergila-gila padanya.
He looks like shit ; Dia kelihatan kusut banget.
Son of a bitch : keparat.
I need to piss : Aku kebelet kencing.
Don’t give me that shit : Jangan ngoceh.

Language learning is like falling in love

This evening I have to give a short talk in Japanese to about 30 members of the Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce. I am a Director of this Chamber, which consists mostly of recent Japanese immigrants to Canada who are involved in their own businesses here. Here is what I intend to say in Japanese.
Language learning is like falling in love. In fact you have to be in love to learn a language well. I mean in love with the language. You have to have a love affair with the language. You do not have to marry the language. You can have an affair and then move on to another language after a period of time. But while you are learning the language you have to be in love with it. And you will learn faster if you are faithful to the language while you are studying it.
Just as when you are in love, you want to and need to spend as much time as possible with the object of your love. You want to hear its voice and read its thoughts. You want to learn more about it, the many words and phrases that it uses to express itself. You think of the language wherever you are. You start to observe the object of your love closely. You notice all the little things it does, you become familiar with its peculiar behaviour patterns. You breathe it. You hear its voice. You feel it. You get to know it better and better, naturally.

terjemah lucu film dan lagu barat ke dalam bahasa jawa

1 Enemy at the gates -- Musuhe Wis Tekan Gapuro
2 Batman Forever -- Ngembat Saklawase
3 Remember the Titans -- Kelingan Titan-titan
4 The Italian Job -- Gaweane Wong Ngerum
5a Die Hard -- Matine Angel
5b Die Hard II -- Matine Angel Tenan
5c Die Hard III With A Vengeance -- Kowe Kok Ra Mati2To?
6 Bad Boys -- Bocah-bocah Uelek
7 Sleepless in Seattle -- Klesikan neng Seattle
8 Lost in Space -- Ilang Neng Awang-awang
9 X-Men -- Wong Lanang Saru
9a X-Men 2 -- Wong Lanang Saru Banget
9b X-Men 3 (Belum dirilis) -- banci terminal....
10 Cheaper by Dozen -- Tumbas Selusin Langkung Mirah
11 The Cooler -- Selot Adem
12 Paycheck -- Kasbon
13 Independence Day -- Pitulasan
14 The Day After Tomorrow -- Sesuke
15 Die Another Day -- Modare Ojo Saiki
16 There is Something About Marry -- Meri Ono Apa-apane
17 Silence of the Lamb -- Wedhuse Mutung
18 All The Pretty Horses -- Jarane Ayu2 (seka Legenda Pasar Kewan Mbahrowo)
19 Planet of the Apes -- Planete Wong Apes
20 Gone in Sixty Second -- Minggat Sak cepete
21 Original Sin -- Dosa Tenanan
22 Mummy Returns -- Mami-mami podo Mudik
23 The Abyss -- Entek-entekan
24 Copycat -- Kopi Kucing (nggo konco Sego Kucing)
25 Seabiscuit -- Klethikan Neng Laut
26 Freddy vs Jason -- Kerah
27 Terminator -- Terminal Montor
29 How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days -- Piye Carane Megat Lanangan mung 10 dino
30 Lord Of The Ring -- juragan akik
31 Deep Impact -- Ngantem Njero
32 Million Dollar Baby -- Genjik Regone Sayuto
33 Blackhawk Down -- Manuk ireng kenek bedhil
34 Saving Private Ryan -- Ngelesi privat mas rian (pancene goblok tenan opo yo?)
35 Dumb and Dumber -- Wong Goblok lan guoooblok tenan

15 fakta unik dalam bahasa-bahasa dunia

1. Kata berita atau “News” dalam bahasa Inggris sebenarnya adalah singkatan keempat mata angin North (utara,) East (Timur,) West (Barat,) dan South (Selatan.)
2. Dewa berhala “Beelzebub” adalah bahasa Yunani untuk “Raja Lalat.”
3. Nama “Canada” berasal dari bahasa Indian yg berarti “Desa yang Besar.”

4. Dibandingkan Amerika Serikat, jumlah warga yang bisa berbahasa Inggris di Cina (RRC) lebih banyak.

5. Merk krayon “Crayola” dalam bahasa Prancis berarti “Kapur Berminyak.”

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Istilah di Forum KASKUS buat newbie

Seperti saya yg sering bingung dengan istilah di kaskus yg cukup memusingkan untuk newbie seperti saya,
Admin - Administrator = orang yang bertugas untuk mengurusi hal-hal administrasi
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
Agan = istilah lain juragan (bahasa Sunda), panggilan kepada sesama member Kaskus
Aktivis Kaskus = pangkat setingkat di atas Kaskuser, dengan jumlah post 500 – 749
Alay = Anak Layangan, norak atau kampungan
AMH = Anime Manga Haven
ASAP = As Soon As Posible
Avatar = gambar identitas member
Aq = aku, saya
Banned ID = ID yang dilarang masuk, karena suatu kesalahan/pelanggaran tertentu
Bata - Bata Merah = reputasi jelek, ditandai dengan kotak kecil berwarna merah di bawah ID user
Blog = tulisan di halaman web, salah satu fitur di Kaskus
BNIB = Brand New In Box (FJB)
BNWOT = Brand New Without Tag, barang baru tapi tidak ada tag harga & merknya (FJB)
BNWT = Brand New With Tag
Boneng = bener
Bot = suatu program untuk menjalankan perintah otomatis
BRB = Be Right Back
Bro – Brotha = Brother
BRP = Bad Reputation Point
BSH = Barisan Sakit Hati
BTW = By The Way
Cendol = reputasi bagus, ditandai dengan kotak kecil berwarna hijau di bawah ID user






Eriza Mutaqin. NIM : A 310 040 075, “Implikatur Percakapan Pada Bahasa Iklan Produk (Studi Kasus di Radio GSM FM)”, Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2008. 50 Halaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi bentuk tuturan yang mengandung implikatur percakapan pada bahasa iklan produk di radio GSM FM, mendeskripsikan implikatur yang terjadi pada bahasa iklan produk di radio GSM FM, dan mengetahui faktor yang mengakibatkan adanya pemakaian implikatur percakapan yang terdapat pada bahasa iklan produk di radio GSM FM. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober-November 2007 dengan merekam iklan produk di radio GSM FM. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik rekam dan teknik catat. Teknik rekam dilakukan dengan menggunakan tape recorder sebagai alatnya untuk merekam iklan produk berbahasa Indonesia di radio GSM FM. Teknik catat dilakukan untuk mengklasifikasikan data yang telah terkumpul. Tuturan yang mengandung implikatur percakapan dalam iklan produk di radio GSM FM terdiri dari dua bentuk tuturan yaitu berbentuk direktif sejumlah 8 tuturan dan tuturan berbentuk deklaratif sejumlah 5 tuturan. Implikasi yang muncul pada percakapan iklan produk di radio GSM FM pada umumnya mengarah pada kesepahaman dan keterusterangan antara penutur dan mitra tutur. Faktor yang menyebabkan adanya pemakaian implikatur dalam iklan produk di radio GSM FM adalah faktor ekonomi, faktor kebutuhan masyarakat, dan faktor efektivitas produk.


In this thesis the writer uses a drama by Oscar Wilde, a controversial man of letters of England. This thesis focuses on the influence of the main characters’ toward plot in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. This thesis also applies psychological aspect to analyze the main characters’ characteristics.
In writing this thesis, the writer conducts library research method to collect the data and information by using some books and internet which are related to the problem. The writer employs one method of approach namely semiotic approach. The semiotic approach is applied to analyze the character, especially the main character, plot in the drama. The writer also uses psychological approach to analyze the intrinsic aspect such as character and plot.

The Idea of American materialsm and taoism through the study of the main characters in Eugene O'Neill's marco millions

This study is about the idea of American Materialism and Taoism in
Eugene O'Neill's Marco Millions which are discussed through the literary
approach of characterization. The Writer thinks that the topic is very factual
nowadays as man's vision of life turns to be materialistic in which people tend to
neglect the spiritual and moral values and put much stresses on the physical
achievement as a measuring rod to judge one's personal worth. O'Neill writes
Marco Millions to satirize the American Materialism as well as to convey his
eagerness toward the spiritual world of Taoism.The Idea of American
Materialism pays attention to the fulfilment of self comfort and worldly
satisfaction which is in contrast with the Taoism that emphasizes on the
immortality : spiritual awareness and wisdom. Marco Polo who represents the
character of American Materialism finally becomes spiritually impotent and
insensitive because of his fleshy and superficial attitude of only pursuing for the
satisfaction of worldly needs, whereas Kublai Kaan who represents the character
of Taoism becomes spiritually mature as he accepts the destiny and surrenders to
the Omnipotent. In conclusion, there is no improvement in the qualities of Marco
who sinks into the shallowness of worldly satisfaction while Kublai Kaan finally
finds the enlightenment about the secret of life.

Skripsi:An Analysis Of Moral Values Found In Robert Frost’s Selected Poems

Title: An Analysis Of Moral Values Found In Robert Frost’s Selected Poems
Authors: Sari, Reni Indah Permata
Advisors: Lubis, Swesana Mardia
Rangkuti, Rahmadsyah
Issue Date: 25-Apr-2011
Abstract: Skripsi ini berjudul “An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems”. Skripsi ini ditulis untuk menganalisis tentang nilai–nilai moral yang ditemukan di beberapa puisi terpilih dari Robert Frost yaitu; Fire and Ice, Neither Out Far Nor in Deep, Out,Out, Provide,Provide, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, dan The Road Not Taken.. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah research library dan didukung informasi melalui internet. Nilai moral adalah standard baik dan buruk yang ada pada manusia. Nilai moral yang ditemukan penulis dalam puisi-puisi Robert frost antara lain mengenai pengendalian diri, hal ini digambarkan dalam puisi Fire and Ice. Fire “api” disimbolkan sebagai desire “nafsu” dan Ice “es” disimbolkan sebagai hate “kebencian”. Dalam hubungan persahabatan, apabila seorang individu tidak dapat mengendalikan nafsu amarah dan kebencian yang ada pada dirinya, maka hubungan persahabatan yang sekian lama terbina, akan musnah.
Keywords: Nilai Moral
URI: http://repository.usu.ac.id/handle/123456789/23201