It means that “There is none worth of worship except Allah”
We remove or take out the greatness of makhluq/ Ghoirullah from our heart and put the strong yaqin  to  Allah  SWT  in our heart.
Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:
-Whenever a slave of Allah said LA ILAHA ILLALLAH and died  believe  in  it, he surely entered  jannah.
-He who bears witness to LA ILAHA ILLALLAH (There is none worthy of worship except Allah)  with  his  heart  verifying  his tongue  shall enter jannah  from any of its doors he wishes.
-In Hadits Qudsi Allah Ta’ala says: Indeed I am ALLAH, there is none of worthy worship except ME, he who acknowledges  my ONENESS  enters my fortress, and he who enters my fortress is safe from my punishment.

It  means : hadrat Muhammad SAW  is the Messenger of ALLAH.
There is no  other way to achieve true happiness and success except following the sunnah of rasulullah SAW.
Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:
-Anyone who bears witness that there  si none worthy of worship except Allah and that I am his messenger can never enter hell or be burnt by its fire.
-He who holds fast to my sunnah during the time of corruption in my ummah, for him is the reward of a syahid(martyr).
-He who enlives/revives my sunnah has indeed loves  me, and he who loves me will be with me in jannah.

Hati-hati dengan Kekerasan Hati dan Kekebalan Jiwa

Assalamualaikum warohmatullah
dear all muslim brothers and sisters
Berikut ini adalah apa yang telah saya pahami dari keterangan para ustadz/ulama tentang Qur’an surat Al-Anfaal ayat 24
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اسْتَجِيبُواْ لِلّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ إِذَا دَعَاكُم لِمَا يُحْيِيكُمْ وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ يَحُولُ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَقَلْبِهِ وَأَنَّهُ إِلَيْهِ تُحْشَرُونَ
8.24. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, penuhilah seruan Allah dan seruan Rasul apabila Rasul menyeru kamu kepada suatu yang memberi kehidupan kepada kamu , ketahuilah bahwa sesungguhnya Allah membatasi antara manusia dan hatinya dan sesungguhnya kepada-Nyalah kamu akan dikumpulkan.
Hati manusia mudah berbolak balik sebagaimana dalam riwayatkan Bukhari dari Salim, dari Abdullah bahwa ia berkata, “Nabi seringkali bersumpah dengan menggunakan kalimat, ‘Demi Allah yang membolak-balikan hati.’”
Artinya, demikian cepat Allah kuasa membalikkan dan mengubah berbagai perasaan hati, secepat angin yang bertiup kencang. Disebutkan dalam Al-Qur’an,
“Dan ketahuilah bahwa sesungguhnya Allah mendindingi (membuat dinding pembatas) antara manusia dan hati.” (QS. Al-Anfaal: 24)
artinya antara manusia dan hatinya ada dinding membatasi sehingga seringkali jiwa manusia menjadi keras dan kebal. semua itu dikarenakan ada manusia yang lebih mencintai kehidupan dunia daripada akherat sehingga sulit dan sangat berat baginya untuk memenuhi seruan Allah dan seruan Rasul. bentangan dan tawaran agama telah ada di depan mata tapi semua itu terasa berat seolah-olah kaki terbenam dalam bumi.

English Listening Materials (Download: audio & script)

February 21, 2010 — har    :by har [ ]

Reviews: (1) Background; the teaching and learning of English listening skill in Indonesia, (2) Theoretical basis of listening, (3) Free download; English listening materials (audio and script).
(1) Background; the teaching and learning of English listening skill in Indonesia
Of all the English skills taught at school, listening is the most difficult skill faced by the Indonesian students in mastering English. Listening has been relegated to a secondary position in the English language teaching classroom. Compared with speaking, reading and writing skills, there has been a lack of research interest into listening. It has not received wider attention although listening is actually the language skill most often used in everyday life. More than forty percent (40%) of our daily communication time is spent on listening, thirty-five percent (35%) on speaking, sixteen percent (16%) on reading, and only nine percent (9%) on writing (Burely-Allen 1995).

The acronyms of ELT,ESL,EFL etc.

ELT: English Language Training: refers to English as a second or foreign language training and is widely used in the UK.

ESL: English as a Second Language: Someone whose mother tongue is not English learns English as a second language if they study English in an English speaking country. For example: A Korean in Canada learns ESL.

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Tampilan desain LINK English Bulletin



At first, we should thank to Allah who has given us the ni’mah of iman and islam and the ni’mah of joining this works of Dakwah. Pertama2, kita harus bersyukur pada Allah yang telah memberi kita nikmat iman dan islam dan nikmat ikut dalam usaha dakwah ini.
My dear brothers and elders, Saudaraku dan orangtuaku yang saya cintai.
Allah SWT has put the success of human  living in this world until hereafter only in perfect deen. Allah SWT telah meletakkan kesuksesan manusia di dunia ini sampai akherat hanya dalam agama yang sempurna.
What’s perfect deen? .Apa itu agama yang sempurna?
Obeying  all of the orders  of Allah and following the sunnah of prophet Muhammad SAW.  Mentaati semua perintah Allah dan mengikuti sunnah Nabi  Muhammad SAW.
My dear brothers and elders, Saudara dan orangtuaku yang saya cintai.
We know that everyone  who lives in this world wants to have a successful and happy life.  Kita tahu bahwa setiap orang yang hidup di dunia ini ingin mendapatkan kehidupan yang sukses dan bahagia.
If we ask everyone about this, they will give different answers about how to achieve hapiness and success. .Jika kita bertanya pada setiap orang tentang hal ini, mereka akan memberikan jawaban yang berbeda mengenai cara mendapatkan kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan.
Some will say that the success of human being lies in the strength of the body like Qoum ‘Aad.  Sebagian akan mengatakan bahwa kesuksesan manusia terletak pada kekuatan tubuh seperti Qoum ‘Aad.



The first shiffat: the yaqin towards kalimah La ilaha Illallah.
It means there is none worth of worship except Allah
Its maqsod:
We remove or take out the greatness of makhluq/ ghoirullah from our heart and put the strong yaqin towards Allah SWT in our heart.
The fadaeles:
Hadrat Muhammad SAW said:
-Whenever a slave of Allah said La ilaha illallah and died believing in it, he surely entered jannah.
-he who bears witness to La ilaha illallah (there is none worthy of worship except Allah, with his heart verifying his tongue shall enter paradise from any fo its doors he wishes.
-in hadits Qudsi Allah ta’ala says: Indeed I am Allah, there is none worthy worship except Me, he who acknowledges my Oneness enters my fortress, and he who enters my fortress is safe from my punishment.
Muhammadur rasulullah:
It means : hadrat Muhammad PBUH is the messenger of Allah


Ketika dibandara Polonia Medan tahun 2009 sambil menunggu keberangkatan pesawat. Saya berjumpa dengan seorang pemuda. Saya sudah lupa namanya

Saya : Mau kemana ?

Dia : KL (Kuala Lumpur), kalau abang mau kemana ?

Saya : Jakarta, Muslimkan ?

Dia : Ibu saya islam, ayah saya kristen kalau saya gak punya agama (Atheis)

Saya : Bukankah agama itu bagus dan indah

Dia : Sama saja bang, malah orang yang ada agama lebih buruk kelakuannya

Saya : Kita makan setiap pagi, siang dan malam kalau kita tidak teratur dalam mengatur jadwal makan maka kemungkinan besar akan kena penyakit maag. Bekerja pun begitu dari jam 8 sampai jam 4 terkadang lembur sampai malam. Makan ada aturannya, bekerja ada aturannya. Agama itu sebenarnya aturan. Kalau kita ada agama maka akan teraturlah hidup kita.

[IMPORTANT] KASKUS English Forum Rules & FAQ

I've been deleting many useless posts and I thought I might as well emphasize the Rules again. The rules have been refined for clarity.

English Forum Rules:
The key importance is to try to do it in English first doesn't matter how bad it is, when that is no longer sufficient then you can utilize Bahasa Indonesia to clarify it but keep in mind that that we're not here to do homework or assignments, assistance will be given but only after initial work have been done. Last but not least, always strive to use proper English. Do not use corny spelling/words (baidewai, gan, etc) , it is not funny nor is it useful.

Please remember to search in the forum first if that question have been asked and answered or check for the appropriate thread to post it, both in the main and sub forum. Most of the stickied threads are there to ask questions and assistance.

To market, to market

From being the privileged language of the white-collared elite, English, as the preferred mode of communication, has now trickled down to the lowest common denominator — it is these days a vital factor in deciding your employability quotient
When Lord Macaulay, through his famous 'Minute on Education', imposed English on Indians way back in 1835, he had little clue how deeply entrenched its roots would become in a country that prided itself on Sanskrit, the language of the gods. The Queen's language has come a long way in India.
Today, in this nation of a billion plus people — with a literate population of 66 per cent as of 2007 — knowledge of English guarantees a job across sectors. Be it a chauffeur, a hairdresser, a bell boy or a waiter, salutations and courtesies in English are considered so essential that often a minimum skill in the language is non-negotiable with recruiters.
A majority of F&B (food and beverage) outlets, a sector that employ large numbers of young people, insist that employees speak to customers in fluent and correct English. Manpreet Gulri, development agent for Subway, a popular fast food chain, says, "If an employee speaks good English he/she can communicate far better with our customers. We are an international brand, and our customers come from cross-sections of society. Communicating in English becomes necessary."
Karishma Dhawan, human resource manager, Oxford Bookstore, agrees with Gulri. She says that it is important for the staff to be well-versed in English because that's the language of the books they stock. "The staff should understand the buyer's needs and should be familiar with the content of the books," she says. "We get a huge number of applications and many of them are rejected because candidates are unable to speak in English. Certain job profiles like that of sales executives, store managers and public relations executives require candidates to talk confidently to customers in English. It is a musthave skill."

Grand tour around arizona


It is really an awesome experience when I was in Arizona State University, USA. It’s started from 18 March till 14 May when I was gathering, living and studying with students from all over Indonesia and the world which then left many impressive memories in my deepest heart. It is still clear how beautiful Grand Canyon is, how fresh the air is, how heat the weather is, how beautiful the yellow blossom is, how the clean everywhere is, how the beautiful my last night looking at the moon is, how respectful everybody is, how obedient they are and many others how... .

Looking around in the musical instrument museum gives me another experience. There, I could find many musical instruments almost from each country in the globe. From the story, that museum was established personally by musical instruments fan. He collected all of them in order to realize his interest and keep the cultural heritage. Now, it opens to public even though it’s just annual exhibition. At that time, I was so lucky since I can get a chance to see and try some bizarre instruments. We, Indonesian students, even tried to play gamelan, which is provided completely, with ridiculous rhythm which we own selves didn’t know what song it was. Luckily, the others visitors and the staff of the museum were so excited hearing our game. It’s funny story, moreover it’s embarrassing story if the real gamelan players listen our song. Anyways, we’re really proud of showing to the visitors as the junior Indonesia ambassador.