EFL classes must go online! Teaching activities and challenges during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia

Atmojo, A. E. P., Nugroho, A.Register Journal, 13(1), pp. 49–76 (2020)

116 Scopus Citedness

Lecturers’ attitudes towards online teaching in the learning process

Mardiana, H.Register Journal, 13(1), pp. 77–98 (2020)

8 Scopus Citedness

Persuasive power concerning COVID-19 employed by Premier Imran Khan: A socio-political discourse analysis

Iqbal, Z., Aslam, M. Z., Aslam, T., ...Kashif, M., Nasir, H. Register Journal, 13(1), pp. 208–230 (2020)

8 Scopus Citedness

A study of language learning strategy use among Indonesian EFL university students

Rianto, A. Register Journal, 13(2), pp. 231–256  (2020)

6 Scopus Citedness

Toward Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL): Reaping Mobile Phone Benefits in Classroom Activities

Yudhiantara, R. A., Nasir, I. A. Register Journal, 10(1), pp. 12–28 (2017)

5 Scopus Citedness

Investigating Reading Challenges Faced by EFL Learners at Elementary Level

Khan, R. M. I., Shahbaz, M., Kumar, T., Khan, I. Register Journal, 13(2), pp. 277–292 (2020)

5 Scopus Citedness

Examining gender representation in an Indonesian EFL textbook

Agni, Z. A., Setyaningsih, E., Sarosa, T.Register Journal, 13(1), pp. 183–207  (2020)

4  Scopus Citedness

Exploring the potential of online English websites in teaching English to non-linguistic major students: BreakingNewsEnglish as example 

Abramova, V. S., Boulahnane, S.  Register Journal, 12(1), pp. 1–12 (2019)

4 Scopus Citedness

Utilization of Edmodo as an online tool in EFL writing class to increase students' writing ability

Miftah, M. Z., Raya, I. P. Register Journal, 11(1), pp. 37–58 (2018)

4 Scopus Citedness

Problem-Based Learning to Improve Students' Grammar Competence

Zuhriyah, M. Register Journal, 10(1), pp. 48–61  (2017)

4 Scopus Citedness

Workshop Pemantapan Penulisan dan submission di Journal Terindeks

Alhamdulillah sudah selesai menyampaikan materi tentang "Pemantapan Penulisan dan submission di Journal Terindeks" di UM Kota Malang hari Rabu, 31 Mei 2023. Kapasitas saya bukan pengalaman sebagai author tapi versi Editor Jurnal  ketika screening manuscript dan How to attract Editor's attention. Sempat juga share Aplikasi dan untuk mencari research gap. Terimakasih kepada panitia special for ibu Nunung Suryati, M.Ed, Ph.D   dan semua peserta dalam acara tersebut.

Exploring the topic of World Englishes through podcasts

 Exploring the topic of World Englishes through podcasts is an excellent way to delve into the diverse and evolving nature of the English language around the world. World Englishes refers to the various forms and varieties of English spoken in different parts of the world, influenced by local languages, cultures, and sociopolitical factors. Here's how you can approach a World Englishes perspective through podcasts:

  1. "The World of English" by BBC Learning English: This podcast series focuses on different aspects of the English language and its use worldwide. They often touch upon World Englishes and discuss how English varies in different countries and regions.

  2. "The History of English Podcast" by Kevin Stroud: While not solely dedicated to World Englishes, this podcast provides a comprehensive journey through the history of the English language. By understanding its historical development and the influences it encountered, you can gain insights into the formation of various World Englishes.

  3. "The Vocal Fries" by Carrie Gillon and Megan Figueroa: This podcast explores linguistic discrimination and the experiences of marginalized English speakers. They often discuss issues related to World Englishes, including language variation, accents, and the power dynamics associated with language use.

  4. "The World in Words" by PRI: This podcast examines various aspects of languages and their role in society. While not exclusively focused on English, they frequently touch upon topics related to World Englishes, language politics, and multilingualism around the world.

  5. "Accentricity" by Kavita Pillay: This podcast investigates the relationship between language, identity, and culture. It explores the linguistic diversity within English and features discussions on World Englishes, language rights, and the experiences of non-native English speakers.

  6. "The Lexicon Valley" by John McWhorter: While not centered on World Englishes, this podcast explores language-related topics with a focus on English. McWhorter, a renowned linguist, often discusses language evolution, creoles, and the global spread of English.

When listening to these podcasts, pay attention to the speakers' perspectives and the examples they provide. Consider the social, historical, and cultural factors that influence the development and usage of English in different regions. Reflecting on the diverse voices and experiences shared in these podcasts will deepen your understanding of World Englishes and the role of English as a global language.

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Feedback literacy


Feedback literacy refers to the ability to understand, analyze, and effectively use feedback received from others. It involves the skills and knowledge needed to interpret feedback, identify its value, and apply it to improve one's performance or work. Feedback can come from various sources, such as teachers, peers, supervisors, or even customers.

Being feedback literate means being able to approach feedback in a constructive and growth-oriented manner. It involves understanding that feedback is not a personal attack but rather an opportunity for learning and improvement. Feedback literacy entails the following key elements:

  1. Openness: Being open to receiving feedback and recognizing its importance in personal and professional development. It involves setting aside defensiveness or personal biases that may hinder the ability to accept feedback.

  2. Active listening: Actively listening to feedback, understanding its content, and asking clarifying questions if needed. It involves paying attention to both the verbal and non-verbal cues provided during the feedback process.

  3. Reflection: Taking the time to reflect on the feedback received and considering its relevance and applicability. It involves considering different perspectives and critically evaluating the feedback before deciding how to incorporate it into one's work or behavior.

  4. Discernment: Developing the ability to assess the quality and credibility of feedback. Not all feedback is equally valuable or accurate, and being feedback literate means being able to identify and prioritize feedback that is meaningful and constructive.

  5. Action-oriented approach: Using feedback as a catalyst for growth and improvement. Feedback literacy involves actively seeking opportunities to apply the feedback received, making changes, and monitoring progress over time.

  6. Emotional intelligence: Managing emotional reactions to feedback effectively. It involves recognizing and regulating emotions that may arise from feedback, such as defensiveness or frustration, and channeling them constructively to enhance learning and development.

Improving feedback literacy requires practice and a willingness to engage in a continuous learning process. By developing these skills, individuals can make the most of the feedback they receive, enhancing their performance, and achieving their goals.

Corder's theory of error analysis

The theory of error analysis you are referring to is associated with Stephen Pit Corder. Corder was a prominent linguist and educator who developed the theory of error analysis in the field of second language acquisition. According to Corder's theory, errors made by second language learners can be attributed to four main factors:

Over-generalization: Learners tend to apply rules or patterns from their native language to the target language without considering specific linguistic constraints or exceptions. This can lead to errors when the rules or patterns do not align with the target language's structure.

Ignorance of rule restrictions: Learners may be unaware of certain rules or restrictions that exist in the target language, leading to errors in their language production. This lack of knowledge about specific grammatical or lexical features can result in inaccurate language usage.

Incomplete application of rules: Learners may have knowledge of certain rules in the target language but may not apply them consistently or correctly. This can result in errors due to incomplete or inaccurate application of the rules.

Hypothesized false concepts: Learners may develop incorrect hypotheses or assumptions about the target language based on their limited exposure or understanding. These false concepts can lead to errors in language production as learners attempt to apply their misconceptions to the target language.

Corder's theory of error analysis has been influential in understanding the nature of second language acquisition and has contributed to the development of effective language teaching methodologies.
The theory of error analysis you are referring to is associated with Stephen Pit Corder. Corder was a prominent linguist and educator who developed the theory of error analysis in the field of second language acquisition. According to Corder's theory, errors made by second language learners can be attributed to four main factors:over-generalization, ignorance of rules restrictions, incomplete application of rules, and hypothesized false concepts.


Stephen Pit Corder was a prominent linguist and educator who developed the theory of error analysis in the field of second language acquisition
1. According to Corder's theory, errors made by second language learners can be attributed to four main factors:
Ignorance of rules restrictions
Incomplete application of rules
Hypothesized false concepts

Corder introduced the idea that the learning of a second or foreign language is developmental and can be studied by analyzing the errors that learners make
1. These errors should be viewed as signs of positive language development rather than deficiencies. Corder believed that errors signify three things: first to the teacher, in that the learner tells the teacher, if they have undertaken a systematic analysis, how far towards that goal the learner has progressed and, consequently, what remains for them to learn; second, they provide the errors can be regarded as a device the learner uses in order to learn
2.Error analysis in SLA was established in the 1960s by Corder and colleagues as an alternative to contrastive analysis, an approach influenced by behaviorism through which applied linguists sought to use the formal distinctions
3. Error analysts distinguish between errors, which are systematic, and mistakes, which are not. They often seek to develop a typology of errors. Error can be classified according to basic type: omissive, additive, substitutive or related to word order. They can be classified by how apparent they are

International Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication (IJOLCC)

International Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication (

CITED BYYEARCultural and Communication Approaches in the Design of Visual Communication Design Works
SHY Yudhanto, F Risdianto, AT Artanto
International Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (1), 79-90 2023
Politeness in Roasting: When Humour Meets Power
Y Al Arief
International Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (1), 67-78 2023
Speech Acts in Learning Indonesian Language
MN Hidayat
International Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (1), 44-66 2023
AA Study of Abrar-ul-Haq's Punjabi Bhangra Songs in Pragmatics
MA Shahid, A Mahmood, SI Shabbir, HU Habib
International Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (1), 26-43 2023
Subtitling Strategies Used in Translating Cultural Words in The Subtitle of Disney Animation Movie: Coco
MR Subrata, J Jumanto
International Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (1), 1-25 2023

Rahasia Besar Menjadi Jurnal Terindeks Scopus Q1 di Indonesia

Wawancara Eksklusif dengan Prof. Dr. Zakiyudin Bhaidawy, M.Ag Rektor IAIN Salatiga 2019-2023 dengan Prof. Dr. M. Noor Harisudin, M.Fil.I pada Jurnal IJIMS di Hotel Aston Jember, pada tanggal 26 Juni 2019. Jurnal IJIMS (Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Muslim Indonesia) adalah jurnal di Program Pascasarjana IAIN Salatiga. IJIMS telah terindeks Scopus Q1, Crossref, Copernicus Index, Islamicus Index, dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu, IJIMS telah mendapatkan akreditasi nasional (A) dari Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi. Berikut wawancara kami dengan Basuki Kurniawan dari Media Center Fakultas Syari'ah bersama Rektor IAIN Salatiga Prof. Dr. Zakiyudin Bhaidawy, M.Ag bersama Dekan Fakultas Syariah IAIN Jember Prof. Dr. M. Noor Harisudin, M.Fil. SAYA.

Bagaimana Anda memulai Jurnal IJIMS?

Junal IJIMS lahir pada tahun 2011, sedangkan saya diberi amanah sebagai asisten direktur program Pascasarjana Pascasarjana karena pada tahun 2011 kami memulai program Pascasarjana. Sedangkan Ketua pendirian saya, dan berdasarkan surat keputusan diberi mandat sebagai asisten direktur. Saya memiliki ide besar karena IAIN Salatiga memiliki visi besar yaitu IAIN Salatiga sebagai Pusat Referensi Kajian Islam Indonesia. Jika kita ingin menjadi referensi, maka kita harus memiliki menara akademik. Selain kajian, menara akademik juga harus memiliki jurnal ilmiah yang memuat gagasan-gagasan Islam Indonesia. Kedua, karena kami memiliki aspirasi internasional, jurnal ini tidak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Awalnya, jurnal ini menggunakan bahasa dwibahasa, yaitu bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab. Hanya kami sebagai pengurus yang mengalami kesulitan dengan artikel berbahasa Arab, seperti mencari penulis berbahasa Arab dan mengelola jurnal berbahasa Arab lebih sulit daripada mengelola artikel berbahasa Inggris atau Indonesia. Dan IJIMS telah menerbitkan jurnal tersebut tiga kali dalam bilingualisme, namun pada edisi keempat, kami fokus pada bahasa Inggris.

 Apa yang membedakan Jurnal IJIMS dengan jurnal lain di Indonesia?

Di Indonesia banyak kajian Islam, namun nama jurnalnya berbeda. Saya cenderung menyoroti masyarakat Muslim. Maka kajian-kajian yang tidak murni tekstual, tetapi warna Islam sebagai praktik, sosiologis, antropologis, ilmuan sosial manusia lebih menonjol yaitu pluralitas Islam itu sendiri.

Bangunan kajian tekstual dan sosio-historis tidak berdiri sendiri. Yang kedua membangun kesenjangan antara ortodoksi dan heterodoksi; realitas Islam adalah tradisi besar dan banyak tradisi lokal. Studi primer disebut ortodoksi, dan studi minor disebut heterodoksi. Studi kami mendukung pendekatan inter dan transdisipliner. Jadi itu melibatkan studi Islam dan lebih dekat dengan studi ilmu sosial. Mengapa kata masyarakat muslim yang dipilih? Oleh karena itu oleh pembaca barat lebih disukai. Kami membaca kecenderungan studi di luar itu; Islam bukan sebagai dogma/doktrin tetapi sebagai masyarakat yang dipraktikkan. Jika melihat agama di Eropa, Islam adalah masyarakat atau komunitas, bukan dogma. Kemudian kami mengambil istilah itu sebagai jurnal.

Sejak kapan  terindeks Scopus Q1 ?

Secara historis, kami didirikan pada tahun 2011 setelah tiga tahun; pada tahun 2014, kami langsung terakreditasi A dari Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (dulu Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan). Dari situ, kita harus punya roadmap yang jelas; untuk tiga tahun ke depan, visinya tidak hanya jurnal yang diakui secara nasional tetapi internasional. Dari sana, jurnal tersebut ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana dalam 3 tahun membuat roadmap agar terindeks Scopus. Untuk itu, banyak hal yang kami perbaiki di April 2016, submit ke Scopus. Kemudian diterima, dan 13 Agustus 2017 terindeks Scopus diterima (accepted). Artinya, mulai 13 Agustus 2017 sudah terindeks Scopus. Setelah Scopus muncul untuk masuk di, butuh waktu satu tahun lagi. Terakhir, mereka berjanji akhir Mei atau awal Juni nama kami akan muncul di Alhamdulillah 1 Juni 2019 tepat, jadi kita diterima seperti Lailatul Qadar. adalah salah satu lembaga yang mengeluarkan pemeringkatan jurnal di seluruh dunia; awalnya kami tidak menyangka Scopus Q1, kami memprediksi Q3, tapi ternyata jumlah sitasinya melebihi. Kami mendapatkan Scopus Q1 dengan indeks 0,161 meskipun setidaknya 0,15. Kita bersyukur satu-satunya lembaga yang lolos Q1, tidak ada lembaga Q1 di Indonesia.

Apa tips dan rahasia menjadi jurnal terindeks Scopus Q1?

Ya, saya pikir kami memiliki jurnal akses terbuka, sistem jurnal terbuka; artikel yang kami upload disebarluaskan seluas-luasnya. Semakin banyak terindeks di lembaga terindeks internasional, semakin tinggi peluang keterbacaannya. Semakin tinggi keterbacaannya, semakin tinggi peluang untuk dikutip oleh para sarjana dunia.

Biasanya ketika publikasi baru telah diterbitkan, kami mengirimkan tautan ke artikel tersebut, yang tersebar di mana-mana, membuka peluang untuk membaca yang tinggi; kami akan membaginya dengan siapa pun yang memiliki jaringan untuk menyebarkannya. Peluang keterbacaan tinggi berarti kepekaan tinggi — siapa pun yang masuk jaringan. Dai situ kemudian dapat meningkatkan kutipan. Karena Q1, Q2 Q3 adalah rumus sitasi dibandingkan dengan jumlah artikel (dokumen). Hasil 0,161 merupakan hasil jumlah sitasi dengan jumlah artikel. Semua artikel yang telah dikutip dan diterbitkan. Saya mencoba mencari tahu bagaimana Scopus dapat mengindeks artikel 2011. Dan itu diterima.

Yang terpenting adalah menjaga stamina dalam mengelola jurnal, konsistensi, cita-cita penulis harus internasional, dan setiap terbit ada dua penulis dari luar negeri (Internasional). Dari total artikel yang diterbitkan, hanya enam artikel per edisi. Saya yakin semua PTKIN bisa melakukannya, tergantung istiqomah dan kemauan menerbitkan artikel. Jurnal berusaha untuk memiliki penulis internasional, meskipun hanya ada satu penulis internasional di setiap publikasi.

Bagaimana kisah Prof. Zakiyudin Baidhawy bisa menjuarai jurnal terindeks Scopus Q1 lainnya di Indonesia?

Peluang kita sama, baik PTKIN maupun Non PTKIN. Setiap universitas, baik negeri maupun swasta, memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk menjadi besar; masalahnya adalah apakah atau tidak untuk mengambil kesempatan itu. Indeks Scopus 5 PTKIN, PTKIN fokus pada sosial humaniora dan tidak dimiliki oleh Ristekdikti, Ristekdikti hanya jurnal wacana yang bersifat sosial humaniora. Kemudian terakhir IAIN Kudus terindeks Scopus. Artinya dalam bidang sosial humaniora, PTKIN telah menjadi kiblat di Indonesia. Mereka yang masuk dalam kategori sosial humaniora lebih unggul dari PTU. Oleh karena itu harus dibaca sebagai peluang. PTKIN berpeluang masuk ke bidang sosial dan humaniora. Studi kami memiliki sub-kategori Studi Agama yang sangat kurang. Jadi, peluang kita untuk terindeks Scopus cukup besar; nanti masuk humaniora seni di bawah payung kajian agama dan sub kategori kajian agama. Ketika kita submit jurnal kita di kajian agama, kemungkinannya cukup besar. Itu bagian dari strategi (penyerahan), jangan sampai salah kamar.

Apakah jurnal Anda mendapatkan penghargaan setelah status Q1?

Hehe (senyum) Dapat apresiasi dari Kemenag dan selamat dari mana-mana. Namun Menristekdikti yang akan memberikan penghargaan tersebut. Dan Kemenag juga akan memberikan penghargaan.

Dengan mendapatkan Q1, apa yang dilakukan jurnal IJIMS selanjutnya? Apalagi sebagai Rektor IAIN Salatiga Prof Zakiyudin sendiri?

Sebarkan "virus positif" atau vibes ke jurnal-jurnal lain di lingkungan kita dan berbagai lingkungan di semua kementerian, semua perguruan tinggi. Saya masih menjadi editor IJIMS; Saya adalah redaktur IJIMS kedua yang menjadi Rektor IAIN Salatiga.

Apakah ada pengaruh kebijakan kepemimpinan terhadap pengelola IJIMS?

Kami berharap terus meningkat, menciptakan peluang yang lebih baik, dan mendukung secara moral, infrastruktur, dan peningkatan diri dari SINTA 2 ke SINTA 1. Target kami adalah memiliki dua Scopus lagi di IAIN Salatiga.

Apa saran Prof. Zakiyudin agar dosen bisa menulis di jurnal internasional terindeks Scopus Q1?

Anda harus rajin berlatih; kalau tidak berlatih, tidak mudah karena menulis di jurnal internasional, apalagi yang terakreditasi, tidak bisa instan; Anda harus terbiasa ditolak. Kami rata-rata 30 artikel setiap bulan, dan dalam 6 bulan, hanya enam artikel yang diterbitkan. Kami satu bulan hanya mengambil satu artikel. Dari 30 kami mengambil satu artikel setiap bulan.

Apa saja saran bagi pengelola jurnal untuk mengikuti jejak IJIMS?

Mengelola jurnal tidak dibutuhkan banyak orang, hanya dua maksimal empat orang, tetapi harus dibangun sebagai tim yang berkesinambungan. Kita (IAIN Salatiga) hanya empat orang “core of core”, jadi kita harus konsisten dan terjaga.

  (Basuki/Pusat Media)

Zakiyuddin Baidhawy: Tips IJIMS IAIN Salatiga Menjadi Jurnal Terindeks Scopus Q1 di SJR - IBTimes.ID


The Future of VR-Based Video Games in Indonesia

The Future of VR-Based Video Games in Indonesia

CJAD V7N1 2023/Latest Articles

VR devices are now part of the world’s gaming industry. VR is here to make the gaming experience more immersive. The potential for these VR devices to play video games is huge, but it is very rarely found and used by gamers in Indonesia. VR devices are more often used found in campus computer laboratories for experimentation, or as a learning process, and the gamers in Indonesia also don’t see VR devices as a new medium to get new experiences in playing games. This paper raises several issues regarding the future of VR in Indonesia.

Sigied Himawan Yudhanto1, Faizal Risdianto2

1Departement of Visual Communication Design Associate’s degree Programme, Vocational School Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia. ORCID: 0000-0002-2827-0067. Email:

2English Education Department, UIN Salatiga, Email:

Volume 7, Number 1, 2023 I Full-Text PDF



VR devices are now part of the world’s gaming industry. VR is here to make the gaming experience more immersive. The potential for these VR devices to play video games is huge, but it is very rarely found and used by gamers in Indonesia. VR devices are more often used found in campus computer laboratories for experimentation, or as a learning process, and the gamers in Indonesia also don’t see VR devices as a new medium to get new experiences in playing games. This paper raises several issues regarding the future of VR in Indonesia.

Keywords: Gamers, Indonesia, Video games, VR

social esteem vs social sanction in SFL-Appraisal

In the SFL appraisal framework, social esteem and social sanction are two dimensions used to analyze the judgments or evaluative language employed in texts.

Social Esteem: Social esteem refers to the evaluation or judgment that reflects positive social values, attitudes, or beliefs. It involves expressing approval, admiration, or praise for someone or something. Social esteem judgments highlight qualities, behaviors, or achievements that are valued or respected within a particular social context. For example, a statement like "The community praised her for her philanthropic efforts" conveys social esteem by acknowledging the positive recognition and admiration received for the individual's charitable actions.

Social Sanction: Social sanction, on the other hand, refers to the evaluation or judgment that reflects negative social values, attitudes, or beliefs. It involves expressing disapproval, criticism, or condemnation for someone or something. Social sanction judgments highlight behaviors, actions, or qualities that are deemed inappropriate, unacceptable, or going against social norms. For instance, a statement like "He faced public backlash for his offensive comments" indicates social sanction by highlighting the negative reaction and criticism faced by the individual due to their offensive remarks.

In summary, social esteem involves positive evaluations that align with valued social beliefs or attitudes, while social sanction involves negative evaluations that reflect disapproval or condemnation based on social norms or values. These dimensions allow for the analysis of the evaluative language in texts, capturing both positive and negative judgments related to social perspectives and values.

what is the difference between MONOGLOSS and HETEROGLOSS in appraisal systemic functional linguistics?

In systemic functional linguistics (SFL), monogloss and heterogloss are terms used to describe different types of appraisal resources or evaluative language.

  1. Monogloss: Monogloss refers to the use of a single evaluative resource or a consistent evaluative stance throughout a text. It represents a unified and consistent perspective or attitude expressed by the speaker or writer. In monogloss, there is a coherent and focused evaluation that aligns with a particular position or viewpoint. It creates a sense of stability and uniformity in the evaluative language used. An example of monogloss would be a text that consistently expresses a positive evaluation of a product, such as a review that praises its features and benefits.

  2. Heterogloss: Heterogloss, on the other hand, refers to the presence of multiple evaluative resources or conflicting evaluative stances within a text. It reflects a diversity of perspectives, attitudes, or evaluations expressed by the speaker or writer. Heterogloss allows for different voices, opinions, or evaluations to coexist within a discourse. It often occurs in texts that involve contrasting viewpoints, debates, or conflicting evaluations. For instance, in an argumentative essay discussing the pros and cons of a particular topic, there may be heterogloss as different evaluations are presented and debated.

In summary, monogloss represents a single evaluative resource or a consistent evaluative stance, while heterogloss involves the presence of multiple evaluative resources or conflicting evaluative stances within a text. These concepts help to analyze and understand the complexity and diversity of evaluative language used in communication.

Here are examples of news texts illustrating monogloss and heterogloss in appraisal from the perspective of systemic functional linguistics (SFL):

  1. Monogloss: Headline: "New Study Shows Significant Decrease in Unemployment Rates" Text: The recently published study reveals a substantial decline in unemployment rates across the country. The findings indicate that the government's economic policies have been effective in generating job opportunities and stimulating economic growth. Experts are optimistic about the future prospects of the job market, considering this positive trend.

In this example, the news text consistently employs a positive evaluation of the study's findings and the government's economic policies. The monogloss reflects a unified and consistent evaluative stance throughout the text, emphasizing the positive impact on unemployment rates.

  1. Heterogloss: Headline: "Controversial Immigration Bill Sparks Heated Debate in Parliament" Text: The proposed immigration bill has triggered a contentious and polarizing discussion among lawmakers. Proponents argue that stricter immigration regulations are necessary to protect national security and preserve job opportunities for citizens. However, critics claim that the bill is discriminatory and undermines humanitarian values. The debate continues as both sides present contrasting evaluations and passionately defend their positions.

In this example, the news text exhibits heterogloss as it presents divergent evaluations and conflicting viewpoints regarding the immigration bill. The language used reflects a range of evaluations expressed by different stakeholders involved in the debate, highlighting the diversity of opinions and perspectives.

These examples illustrate how monogloss and heterogloss can be observed in news texts, with monogloss reflecting a consistent evaluative stance and heterogloss representing the presence of multiple evaluative resources and conflicting evaluations.