Ristek Dikti: Kontribusi Ilmuwan Indonesia terus Meningkat

Posisi Indonesia sangat strategis ditinjau dari SDM, potensi Sumber Daya Alam, sosial hingga budaya. Hal ini yang seharusnya bisa memberi ruang kreatif bagi para akademisi. Hal ini yang disampaikan oleh Sadjuga Direktur Pengelolaan Kekayaan Intelektual Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementrian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi.

“Saat ini kita berada dalam perkembangan industri 4.0,” tegasnya. Era 4.0 semua serba digital, dimana teknologi dan manusia harus bisa bekerja sama untuk bisa tetap bertahan dengan zaman yang terus berkembang. Hal ini disampaikan dalam forum Training of Trainers (TOT) yang digelar oleh Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI), Jumat (16/3).

Mr.Faizal CCU Final assignment

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Dear all my TBI students joining my CCU lecture. at present, I'd like to inform the CCU final assignment for this semester. Here is the steps of doing your challenging assignment:
  1. Choose one nation or ethnic group that you think interesting and you have info dealing with it.
  2. Please describe the interestingness/uniqueness of character, the habit, working ethics, life philosopy of particular nation or ethnic e.g: American, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Arabian, Javanese, Madurese, Sundanese etc and what are the lessons (moral, character building) for us after analyzing that particular nation or ethnic.
  3. find any books, websites and journals describing it and use those resources to explain your chosen nation or ethnic group.
  4. The assignment should be made in PowerPoint (PPT) and this is the example of the CCU analysis : THE UNIQUENESS OF SAMIN PEOPLE and https://www.slideshare.net/zatoichifay/the-bright-and-dark-side-of-india :
  5. and make sure that Your reference/Bibliography should be taken most of them (70%) from Journal, conference proceeding, E-books and only a few source of them (30%) from printed books. then CLICK THIS. (Fill in this Google form). CLICK TO SEE LIST OF SUBMITTED PAPERS