teaching moral values by the use of literary works

Description of Moral Values According to Sternberg, morality refers to concern with is good or right in peoples relationship with each other. It is to be specific about definitions of good (or bad) and right (or wrong), since the terms can be used in several different ways. Social relationship can be judged by standards such as efficiency or showing careful when makes judgements and decisions (Sternberg, 1994: 938). Henry Hazlitt asserts that morality is an art to maximize happiness because by considering this matter it is will be useful for our self and the other people (Hazlitt, 2003: 109). William James Earle states that in contemporary English, the words moral and ethical derive from the Greek ethos meaning usage, character, personal disposition or tendency. Morality and moral derive from the Latin mores, meaning customs, manner, and character (Earle, 1992: 178). As stated by Oxford Advances Learner’s Dictionary, moral relates to the standard or principles of good behavior (Hornby, 2010: 959). the theories of moral values seen on literary works CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD : MORAL EDUCATION THROUGH LITERATURE The-Reflection-of-Moral-values-in-literary-works-by-Ahmad-Hadil-Amin[1] Copy the theories of moral values seen on literary works 2 MORAL-EDUCATION-THROUGH-LITERATURE[11] Copy

Pengaduan Keluarga dan Anggota Polda Kalsel tentang Program I’tikaf Kapolda

Pengaduan Keluarga dan Anggota Polda Kalsel tentang Program I’tikaf Kapolda 

February 19, 2009

Posted by Liliek in Karguzari.

Dengan I’tikaf, Suami Berubah
February 17th, 2009 – 05 : 44

Pak Kapolda yang baik. Saya adalah anggota Bhayangkari…

Bulan dan Lentera Bersinar Seperti Dulu

oleh Casofa Fachmy

pada 25 Oktober 2010 pukul 3:46 ·

Semalam, sungai kesukaan kita airnya mengalir tenang; 
begitu juga angin Dengan genap lingkarannya, tak nampak bayangannya terbelah-belah Hingga berlalu beberapa waktu kemudian, tiba-tiba sehelai daun jatuh pelan Lalu bayangan bulan tersentuh pelan, dan sedikit berhamburan; 
manis sekali Aku ingat, di beberapa waktu sebelumnya, saat engkau menggamit tanganku mesra Di tengah cahaya bulan yang gemilang dan bintang yang jarang Diiringi siulku sepanjang jalan; 
dan engkau mengira aku terlalu girang Kita bercerita bukan tentang masa lalu yang sama-sama membuat pipi berbasahan Tapi kita bercerita tentang masa di jalan berpualam di taman langit, yang sering dilewat peri-peri.