Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah kumpulan judul skripsi mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UIN Alauddin Makassar Angk. 2003 s/d 2005. Semuanya didapatkan dari Buku Alumni Wisuda ke-53 Tahun Akademik 2007 – 2008 di UIN Alauddin Makassar..
Bagi teman-teman yang ingin melanjutkan penelitian atau berniat membahas materi ini, semoga Allah menunjukkan kemudahan dalam pelaksanaannya.
  1. The Application of Grammar Practice Activities in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method to Improve The Grammar Ability of The First Year Student at SMU Negeri 3 Makassar (Ulfiati Arsyad)
  2. The Influence of Peer Response in Writing Process to Improve Students Writing Ability : A Case Study at The Tenth Grade of United English Forum (UEF) Makassar (Marzuki)
  3. Using Parallel Writing Technique Through Song to Improve The Writing Ability of The Second Semester Student of English Language and Literature Department of Adab Faculty of Alauddin Makassar (Ibrahim Manda)
  4. The Application of Dictoyloss Teaching Strategy in Improving The Students English Achievement of The Second Year Students of SMA 3 Makassar (Mustakim)
  5. Improving the Reading Comprehension of The Second Semester Students of PIKIH Program of UIN Alauddin Makassar (Wahyuni Arif)
  6. The Application of Graphic Organizer Method in Improving Reading Comprehension of SMA Negeri 3 Makassar (Nirwana)
  7. The Use of First Language Acquesition Approach to Teach in Speaking in Improving The Students Proficiency of PIKIH Program UIN Makassar(Hasanuddin)

Janet Holmet -Sociolinguistics

WANNA DOWNLOAD THE FULL SUMMARY IF THIS NICE BOOK? CLICK IT HERE: full_summary_an_introduction_to_sociolinguistics

theory of 8 speech function in sociolinguistics by janet holmes

Functions of Speech
1- Referential function: to convey information and this is done through different forms of speech, such as declarative or interrogative statements.
- Declarative statements (After this semester, I'm going to visit London)
- Interrogative statements using Wh-questions (what is your name?)
- Interrogative statements using yes/no questions (do like London?)
- Alternative questions with answer choices (do like tea or coffee?)
2- Directive function: giving orders or making requests by using imperative statements. An imperative statements may express a strict demand such as saying (open the door) or it can seem less demanding by using the politeness strategy such as saying (open the door, please) or through using question tags in the case of informality between mother and son (Max the TV is still on!)
3- Expressive function: to express personal feelings, thoughts, ideas and opinions, with different choice words, intonation, etc. These expressions are submissive to social factors and to the nature of the expression as negative (I'm very gloomy tonight) or positive (I'm feeling very good today).