What's Wishful thinking?

Wishful thinking is when you really believe that your wishes or desires will become reality just because you desire them so much. It is the mistaken belief that what you wish for is actually true.


I wish to be rich and therefore I will be. It will just happen and I won't have to work for it.
The world owes me a living because I say so.
I will get all A's even if I don't study because I deserve them and I'm a good person.

Wishful thinking is the formation of beliefs and making decisions according to what might be pleasing to imagine instead of by appealing toevidencerationality or reality. Studies have consistently shown that holding all else equal, subjects will predict positive outcomes to be more likely than negative outcomes (see valence effect).
Donald Lambro described wishful thinking in terms of
“the fantasy cycle” ... a pattern that recurs in personal lives, in politics, in history – and in storytelling. When we embark on a course of action which is unconsciously driven by wishful thinking, all may seem to go well for a time, in what may be called the “dream stage”. But because this make-believe can never be reconciled with reality, it leads to a “frustration stage” as things start to go wrong, prompting a more determined effort to keep the fantasy in being. As reality presses in, it leads to a “nightmare stage” as everything goes wrong, culminating in an “explosion into reality”, when the fantasy finally falls apart.[1]

Ethos, Logos and Pathos

Ethos is the characteristic spirit of a culture,era,community,institution etc.,as manifested in its attitudes,aspirations,customs etc.;the character of an individual as represented by his or her values and beliefs;the prevalent tone of a literary work in this respect.
Pathos is a pathetic expression or utterance;a quality of speech,writing,events,persons etc.,which excites pity or sadness;the power of stirring tender or melancholy emotion;physical or mental suffering
logos is The Word of God,the second person of the Trinity;A pervading cosmic idea or spirit of creativity or rationality.

Yang Unik,Menarik dan Aneh pas Ane jalan-jalan ke INdia dan Bangladesh

Berikut ini adalah beberapa poin yang unik,menarik dan aneh pas saya bulan januari -feb 2011 di india dan Bangla.
1. sering orang bilang India negara yang miskin dan kumuh (kokehan nonton pilem :) tapi tiap hari orang sana makan roti dan daging sapi.daging sapi per kilo 100 rupee atau kira-kira Rp.20 ribu.orang miskin dan pengemis biasa makan roti, daging dan minum susu.
2. ga ada satupun tukang parkir kalo kita ke toko2 .
3. minum susu campur teh (chay) adalah kebiasaan umum.
4. makan sirih (jawa=nginang) adalah kebiasaan umum baik tua maupun muda. (blas ra gaul cah :)
5. orang india punya produk kebanggaan nasional yaitu mobil dan truk merek TATA. bentuknya mengerikan dan superjelek tapi mereka bangga bisa bikin kendaraan sendiri termasuk bemo dan bajaj.
6. di new delhi india, krambil atau buah kelapa yang sudah tua dijajakan di jalan2 ditawarkan ke pengemudi mobil-mobil mewah. kalo di tempat kita mungkin dianggap marai kreminen/cacingan?
7. Bangladesh mayoritas muslim makanya kalo cari kopiah yang modelnya unik2 carilah di bangladesh
8. anak SD/primary school dan SMP/secondary school udah pinter2 speaking in English. maklum mereka di sekolah diajar dengan bahasa pengantar bahasa Inggris.
9. setiap masjid ada hafidz Qur'an. sehingga setiap masjid adalah pesanten. saya pernah jumpa anak SD yang hafal 4 juz al Qur'an padahal dia tinggal di kota yang padat seperti Calcutta. yang begini biasa disana karena banyak yang hafidz Qur'an