Language learning is like falling in love

This evening I have to give a short talk in Japanese to about 30 members of the Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce. I am a Director of this Chamber, which consists mostly of recent Japanese immigrants to Canada who are involved in their own businesses here. Here is what I intend to say in Japanese.
Language learning is like falling in love. In fact you have to be in love to learn a language well. I mean in love with the language. You have to have a love affair with the language. You do not have to marry the language. You can have an affair and then move on to another language after a period of time. But while you are learning the language you have to be in love with it. And you will learn faster if you are faithful to the language while you are studying it.
Just as when you are in love, you want to and need to spend as much time as possible with the object of your love. You want to hear its voice and read its thoughts. You want to learn more about it, the many words and phrases that it uses to express itself. You think of the language wherever you are. You start to observe the object of your love closely. You notice all the little things it does, you become familiar with its peculiar behaviour patterns. You breathe it. You hear its voice. You feel it. You get to know it better and better, naturally.

terjemah lucu film dan lagu barat ke dalam bahasa jawa

1 Enemy at the gates -- Musuhe Wis Tekan Gapuro
2 Batman Forever -- Ngembat Saklawase
3 Remember the Titans -- Kelingan Titan-titan
4 The Italian Job -- Gaweane Wong Ngerum
5a Die Hard -- Matine Angel
5b Die Hard II -- Matine Angel Tenan
5c Die Hard III With A Vengeance -- Kowe Kok Ra Mati2To?
6 Bad Boys -- Bocah-bocah Uelek
7 Sleepless in Seattle -- Klesikan neng Seattle
8 Lost in Space -- Ilang Neng Awang-awang
9 X-Men -- Wong Lanang Saru
9a X-Men 2 -- Wong Lanang Saru Banget
9b X-Men 3 (Belum dirilis) -- banci terminal....
10 Cheaper by Dozen -- Tumbas Selusin Langkung Mirah
11 The Cooler -- Selot Adem
12 Paycheck -- Kasbon
13 Independence Day -- Pitulasan
14 The Day After Tomorrow -- Sesuke
15 Die Another Day -- Modare Ojo Saiki
16 There is Something About Marry -- Meri Ono Apa-apane
17 Silence of the Lamb -- Wedhuse Mutung
18 All The Pretty Horses -- Jarane Ayu2 (seka Legenda Pasar Kewan Mbahrowo)
19 Planet of the Apes -- Planete Wong Apes
20 Gone in Sixty Second -- Minggat Sak cepete
21 Original Sin -- Dosa Tenanan
22 Mummy Returns -- Mami-mami podo Mudik
23 The Abyss -- Entek-entekan
24 Copycat -- Kopi Kucing (nggo konco Sego Kucing)
25 Seabiscuit -- Klethikan Neng Laut
26 Freddy vs Jason -- Kerah
27 Terminator -- Terminal Montor
29 How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days -- Piye Carane Megat Lanangan mung 10 dino
30 Lord Of The Ring -- juragan akik
31 Deep Impact -- Ngantem Njero
32 Million Dollar Baby -- Genjik Regone Sayuto
33 Blackhawk Down -- Manuk ireng kenek bedhil
34 Saving Private Ryan -- Ngelesi privat mas rian (pancene goblok tenan opo yo?)
35 Dumb and Dumber -- Wong Goblok lan guoooblok tenan

15 fakta unik dalam bahasa-bahasa dunia

1. Kata berita atau “News” dalam bahasa Inggris sebenarnya adalah singkatan keempat mata angin North (utara,) East (Timur,) West (Barat,) dan South (Selatan.)
2. Dewa berhala “Beelzebub” adalah bahasa Yunani untuk “Raja Lalat.”
3. Nama “Canada” berasal dari bahasa Indian yg berarti “Desa yang Besar.”

4. Dibandingkan Amerika Serikat, jumlah warga yang bisa berbahasa Inggris di Cina (RRC) lebih banyak.

5. Merk krayon “Crayola” dalam bahasa Prancis berarti “Kapur Berminyak.”

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Istilah di Forum KASKUS buat newbie

Seperti saya yg sering bingung dengan istilah di kaskus yg cukup memusingkan untuk newbie seperti saya,
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