Mata Kuliah : Reading IV
Jurusan : Tarbiyah
Program Studi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Program : Strata (S-1)
Bobot : 2 SKS

Basic Competencies
It is hoped that Students will understand the variety of reading strategies, reading effectively and efficiently, the purpose of reading, the kinds of discourse, the formulation of textual and contextual meaning, and the use theories and strategies for effective and efficient reading.

Indicators of Competency
Students are expected to:
A. Scanning and Skimming :Explaining Reading Strategies
2. Scanning and Skimming :mentioning distinction Reading Strategies
3. Scanning and Skimming :Applying Reading Strategies
4. Explaining the Intensive Reading Strategy
5. Applying Intensive Reading Strategy
6. Explaining Extensive Reading Strategy
7. Applying Extensive Reading Strategy
8. Explaining the Theory of Efficient and Effective Reading
9. Applying Theory of Efficient and Effective Reading
10. Explaining Different Purposes of Reading
11. explaining Paragraph Organization and Discourse Construction
12. Identifying Narrative Discourse
13. Quoting or citing examples of Narrative Discourse
14. Identifying Descriptive Discourse
15. Showing examples of Descriptive Discourse
16. Identifying Expository Discourse
17. Showing an example of Expository Discourse
18. Identifying Discursive Discourse
19. Shows an example of Discursive Discourse
20. Identifying Cause and Effect Discourse
21. Showing an example of Cause and Effect Discourse
22. Mentioning the Types of Discourse
23. Analyzing the textual and contextual meaning of a discourse

The core topics
A. Scanning and Skimming Reading Strategies
2. Intensive Reading Strategy
3. Extensive Reading Strategy
4. Theory of Efficient and Effective Reading
5. Different Purposes of Reading
6. Paragraph Organization and Discourse Construction
7. Narrative Discourse
8. Descriptive Discourse
9. Expository Discourse
10. Discursive Discourse
11. Cause and Effect Discourse
12. The Types of Discourse and deducing the Textual and Contextual Meaning of the Discourse

1. Holm Strome and Blendening, 1987. Study Reading, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey.
2. Mudjiyanto Yant, 1968. Membaca Perjalanan Menuju Cendekiawan, UNS, Surakarta.
3. Sujoko, 1990. Improving Your Reading, UNS, Surakarta.

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