Grand tour around arizona


It is really an awesome experience when I was in Arizona State University, USA. It’s started from 18 March till 14 May when I was gathering, living and studying with students from all over Indonesia and the world which then left many impressive memories in my deepest heart. It is still clear how beautiful Grand Canyon is, how fresh the air is, how heat the weather is, how beautiful the yellow blossom is, how the clean everywhere is, how the beautiful my last night looking at the moon is, how respectful everybody is, how obedient they are and many others how... .

Looking around in the musical instrument museum gives me another experience. There, I could find many musical instruments almost from each country in the globe. From the story, that museum was established personally by musical instruments fan. He collected all of them in order to realize his interest and keep the cultural heritage. Now, it opens to public even though it’s just annual exhibition. At that time, I was so lucky since I can get a chance to see and try some bizarre instruments. We, Indonesian students, even tried to play gamelan, which is provided completely, with ridiculous rhythm which we own selves didn’t know what song it was. Luckily, the others visitors and the staff of the museum were so excited hearing our game. It’s funny story, moreover it’s embarrassing story if the real gamelan players listen our song. Anyways, we’re really proud of showing to the visitors as the junior Indonesia ambassador.

Having a less time, we’re in hurry to walk around the huge museum. There, the visitors even can listen to the music which is played the instruments when they’re closer to by using the headphone. It automatically plays without any hand touching or remote control. It’s very nice museum. Rather, the visitors can make their own musical instrument which is such kind of bracelet consisting of some small shells. It will produce sound after shaking your hand.
Well, beside of enjoying my holiday, this trip even reminds me to know more about our culture and be proud of being Indonesian. How do we respect and keep our heritage towards official legalizing from other countries describes that we love and appreciate our culture. Gamelan and many others musical instruments are our wealth which are valuable in the world. In short, this gorgeous journey inflames our pride as Indonesian. No matter what our country’s situations are, we are going to give our best in order to recover it then becoming better.

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Thanks for your comment...I am looking forward your next visit..