Dear  All University Students in Indonesia,

My name is Faizal Risdianto & Haryo Aji Nugroho,

Lecturers at UIN Salatiga. We will conduct research on the topic "Appraisal and Ideology in Indonesian Students' Argumentative Writing". For this purpose, we need original articles on argumentative writing. We offer an academic writing contest titled "The Problems and Solutions of English Language Learning in Indonesia/City. of .../village  pf......" 

The article should be written between 600-1000 words on A4 paper size (doc, docx, or RTF file) and SHOULD BE ORIGINAL, NOT AI-generated writing.

The priority is given to original writing, which specifically mentions the learning methods and the area where the student lives and studies and offers the best solution for the problems. The prizes we can offer are only for 4 (four) winners; each will receive IDR 300.000, -plus merchandise/gift from us.
This contest runs from March 25 to May 25, 2024.
If you are interested, please write and fill out this form:

 Best Regards, 

Faizal Risdianto & Haryo Aji Nugroho

Mari kita Perbaiki Hubungan dengan ALLAH SWT dan Manusia

Setelah memperbaiki hubungan dengan Allah SWT di bulan ramadhan perlu memperbaiki hubungan dengan manusia

Sebaik apapun hubungan dengan Allah SWT tapi rusak hubungan dengan manusia: suka ngrasani, memfitnah, mem-bully, berbuat aniaya dst akan bangkrut di akhirat jika masih ada salah pada manusia yang belum meng-ikhlas-kan kesalahan-kesalahan kita.

In Class at Indiana Univ. Pennsylvania: "Dude" through the lens of Linguistic Anthropology

 In Class at Indiana Univ. Pennsylvania: "Dude" through the lens of Linguistic Anthropology

The video script discusses the word "dude" from a linguistic anthropology perspective, exploring its layered meanings and implications for masculinity and indexicality. Students conducted surveys to observe how the word is used in different contexts, revealing shifts in language trends and social constructions of identity.