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Showing posts with label download gratis abstrak skripsi. Show all posts

The Idea of American materialsm and taoism through the study of the main characters in Eugene O'Neill's marco millions

This study is about the idea of American Materialism and Taoism in
Eugene O'Neill's Marco Millions which are discussed through the literary
approach of characterization. The Writer thinks that the topic is very factual
nowadays as man's vision of life turns to be materialistic in which people tend to
neglect the spiritual and moral values and put much stresses on the physical
achievement as a measuring rod to judge one's personal worth. O'Neill writes
Marco Millions to satirize the American Materialism as well as to convey his
eagerness toward the spiritual world of Taoism.The Idea of American
Materialism pays attention to the fulfilment of self comfort and worldly
satisfaction which is in contrast with the Taoism that emphasizes on the
immortality : spiritual awareness and wisdom. Marco Polo who represents the
character of American Materialism finally becomes spiritually impotent and
insensitive because of his fleshy and superficial attitude of only pursuing for the
satisfaction of worldly needs, whereas Kublai Kaan who represents the character
of Taoism becomes spiritually mature as he accepts the destiny and surrenders to
the Omnipotent. In conclusion, there is no improvement in the qualities of Marco
who sinks into the shallowness of worldly satisfaction while Kublai Kaan finally
finds the enlightenment about the secret of life.

Skripsi:An Analysis Of Moral Values Found In Robert Frost’s Selected Poems

Title: An Analysis Of Moral Values Found In Robert Frost’s Selected Poems
Authors: Sari, Reni Indah Permata
Advisors: Lubis, Swesana Mardia
Rangkuti, Rahmadsyah
Issue Date: 25-Apr-2011
Abstract: Skripsi ini berjudul “An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems”. Skripsi ini ditulis untuk menganalisis tentang nilai–nilai moral yang ditemukan di beberapa puisi terpilih dari Robert Frost yaitu; Fire and Ice, Neither Out Far Nor in Deep, Out,Out, Provide,Provide, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, dan The Road Not Taken.. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah research library dan didukung informasi melalui internet. Nilai moral adalah standard baik dan buruk yang ada pada manusia. Nilai moral yang ditemukan penulis dalam puisi-puisi Robert frost antara lain mengenai pengendalian diri, hal ini digambarkan dalam puisi Fire and Ice. Fire “api” disimbolkan sebagai desire “nafsu” dan Ice “es” disimbolkan sebagai hate “kebencian”. Dalam hubungan persahabatan, apabila seorang individu tidak dapat mengendalikan nafsu amarah dan kebencian yang ada pada dirinya, maka hubungan persahabatan yang sekian lama terbina, akan musnah.
Keywords: Nilai Moral