Department : English Dept

Purpose of The Study:
The Students are intended to understand theories, methods, and practices of reading in order to design a good writing result.

Topics and Reading Assignments:
1) Introduction to the course: Reading as a road to Writing.
2) The Importance of reading habit.
3). The relation between Reading and Writing.
4). Reading to understand and evaluate.
5). Critical thinking
6). Argumentation and reasoning
7). Inductive and Deductive reasoning
8). Discovering ideas
9). Defining topics and organizing ideas about them
10). Creating theses statements and outlines
11). Writing persuasively
12) Composing a first draft
13) Revising as rethinking

1. The Student must read any related literature to enrich certain abilities on Reading and Writing.
2. The Students are suggested to take part in class discussion actively to take broad understanding on the given lecture.
3. The Students must read any related journal to give broad understanding of the subject.
4. Please submit your assignment on time.

You will be graded from A through D map out as follows:
Class Works and Participation: 25%
Mid Term Exam : 25%
Final Exam : 25%
Asignment : 25%

Suggested Reading:
Beene, Lynn. 1992. The Riverside Handbook. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston
Reid, Joy M. 1982. The Process of Composition. Prenctice hall regents. Colorado.

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